The presence of terrorists on migrant boats has become a “certainty,” Italian Interior Minister says, adding that his country’s ports will remain closed to those crossing the Mediterranean. It comes amid fresh clashes in Libya.
“Islamic terrorist infiltration is no longer a risk, it has become a certainty: it is therefore my duty to reiterate that no docking will be allowed on Italian shores,” Matteo Salvini said in a radio interview this Wednesday.
FILE PHOTO Migrants on a wooden boat are rescued by German NGO Jugend Rettet ship "Juventa" crew in the Mediterranean sea off Libya coast, June 18, 2017 © REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Given the recent failure of an attempted blitz on the Libyan capital by Libyan National Army officer Khalifa Haftar, Salvini believes the number of combatants infiltrating migrant ships is growing.
While drawing fire from pro-migrant groups for what they say is abandoning the refugees, Salvini says migrant rescue operations have to act in accordance with the law.
Though stopping short of prosecuting those attempting to bring in migrants without approval, Salvini’s government issued a directive last March regarding rescue regulations, threatening “sanctions” for those who violate international, European, and national laws.
Rome has also been resolute in refusing EU mandates on migration, accusing other European powers of trying to push the problem off on Italy. The conflict has come to a head several times since the beginning of the year, when ships carrying rescued migrants, primarily from Libya, were denied access to Italian ports.