What is the Process of Ovulation Stimulation in IVF?

in ivf •  4 years ago 


Ovulation stimulation is the process of ovarian follicular development. Normal ovulation usually takes place once every 28 days. There are two main stages of the ovulatory cycle: Follicular and Luteal. These are interrupted by ovulation and menstruation. But PCOS and irregular periods can cause ovulation disorders. It can reduce the chances of fertility since the availability of eggs become questionable. This is when drugs are used to produce multiple healthy and viable eggs. It is the second stage of the IVF procedure.

The process requires a thorough evaluation, accurate timing and good care. For example, it is not possible with underlying conditions like thyroid dysfunction. Besides the cost of IVF treatment in Hyderabad, it is a good idea to have a sound knowledge of the procedure for a well-informed choice.

How Does Ovulation Stimulation Work?

There are two to three stages of ovulation stimulation. These can maximize the chances of pregnancy by generating as many mature eggs as possible. The stimulation might need a little more time in case the follicles mature slower than usual.

Oral Medications

Clomiphene citrate, gonadotropins, insulin-sensitizing agents and aromatase inhibitors can regulate the reproductive hormones and boost ovulation. Certain medicines are administered to prevent an upsurge in luteinising hormones. This is done to make sure that the oocytes remain with the follicles. Otherwise, they might get released into the fallopian tubes.

Injectable Medications

The final stage of oocyte maturation is induced through an hCG injection. Large ‘trigger shots’ of gonadotropins, in particular, are used to stimulate egg development and require careful and constant monitoring. This would be done by ultrasound and blood tests. The injection is given at least 36 hours before the IUI is to be performed.

The follicles must be matured to 19-20mm in diameter. The drugs are as close to the natural hormones (FSH and LH) found in a woman’s body. There could be minor discomfort with injectable medications. These include irritations and bruising. They can be managed easily without any chances of severe complications.

How to Prepare for Ovulation Induction?

This is a simple process but requires frequent visits to the clinic. Have a look at a few things to expect before and in the course of ovulation stimulation.

  1. The fertility problem is assessed by the gynaecologist. You might be prescribed an ovulation test. It can detect a rise in the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine.
  2. Top clinics offer infertility counselling to couples. This can be followed by a perfect care plan according to your current fertility condition.
  3. The treatment processes are explained to the couple. The injections have to be pushed by self. So, you will be given instructions on how to proceed safely. It saves multiple trips to the clinic which is important amid a pandemic.

Mood swings and disruptions are quite common during ovulation induction. It is simply due to the hormonal changes going on in the body. Try to meditate, eat a balanced meal and sleep well to keep yourself positive through the procedure. Further, make sure to learn the cost of IVF treatment in Hyderabad in detail to plan your finances accordingly.

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This would be done by ultrasound and blood tests.