Jim Jones and Jonestown Guyana.
His followers drank Kool-aide in a daily ritual. One day the stuff was poisoned and they all died. Hense the phrase "don't drink the Kool-aide."
Fast forward to vaccines using Mercury in their formulation. Excuse me? Poison. Many side effects.
Autism is one. Huge rise in autism since they started putting mercury in vaccines. Amazing that the vaccine companies did not stop using mercury but instead got laws passed that gave them legal and civil immunity. Our politicians work for who?
Add the fact that aluminum passes through the blood brain barrier too. When is the last time you drank a can of something? Imagine the two elements meeting up in your brain? Recall Bill Gates talking about population reduction thru vaccinations?
Now what else can they add?
Remember the folks who make vaccines have no legal liability. What possibly could go wrong with that?
Would they add stuff that kills all of the mammals in testing, Graphene oxide. The makers say no, but it is a main ingredient in the hydro-gel used. Lying through labeling.
Now add that the folks who designed the virus also invested in the cure. Or is it a cure? How is it that folks who are getting the booster shots are dropping like flies?
Why are many hospital workers refusing the vaccination? What are they seeing and experiencing?
This weekend you need to watch two movies.
"Gattaca" and "In Time."
You see, the folks in charge around here show allegiance to a darker vision and they feel the need to warn us beforehand.
And some would rather you not be warned.
Many placebos at 1st, then more kill jabs to end.