This Reggae Music

in jahm •  5 years ago 

Hello dear listeners wherever you are, on this occasion I will share one of the reggae songs with you, how are you all on this happy day, hopefully we are always healthy and can carry out activities as usual. Because whatever we do or do to keep our health healthy, and always awake, if we are sick then all activities will be reversed, maybe even the money is useless, so when you are healthy take care of your health. So on this sunny morning I will share with you all about This Reggae Music. But before I explain further, hopefully anyone who hears this song will be entertained.


Who does not know this singer, even almost the whole world knows his name Ras Muhamad And he is one of the very famous singers This is where the singer Rege and very famous are popular if we look at the songs they sing, and with the group named Ras Muhamad and the song title This Reggae Music, Who does not know men like this Ras Muhamad, and we believe that Ras Muhamad can be said to be a popular singer, and many songs she has sung, and also many people who like The Lion And Friends song, until now she is still fond of singing with his friends. The song sung today is Is This Collusion, hopefully you will all be entertained by these songs. and I also feel happy to hear songs like this.

This is the text of the song, hopefully I can help to sing the song:

This is reggae music from Jamaica
What I present to you guys
Everything from the old to the young
And now watch you know

If you like this music
Light a fire, light a fire
And you like this music

Light a fire, light a fire
And you rock with this music
As you wish, as you wish
You will not escape with this music

No eternal death
This is music from Jamaica
Which is justified by Bob Marley
Which is known by all nations

And also all musicians
We like to sway with the beat
The one called reggae
But it's not just Bob Marley

Serve reggae
Some are named siszla, antony-b
They sing from Bobo Shanti
And the legend of the creep kela mela

Genes brong geneses are all I like
From the dubble doubble droop Kenaga ...

Teks Indonesia

Ini adalah musik reggae dari jamaika
Yg kupersembahkan untuk kalian
Semua dari yg sudah tua sampai yg muda
And now watch you know

Jika kamu suka dengan musik ini
Nyalakan api, nyalakan api
Dan kamu doyan dengan musik ini

Nyalakan api, nyalakan api
Dan kamu bergoyang dengan musik ini
Sesuka hati, sesuka hati
Kau takkan lepas dengan musik ini

Tak kan mati yang abadi
Ini lah musik dari jamaika
Yang ditenarkan bob marley
Yang dikenal oleh semua bangsa

Dan juga semua musisi
Kita doyan bergoyang bersama irama
Yang dipanggil reggae
Tapi bukan hanya bob marley saja

Yang sajikan reggae
Ada yg bernama siszla, antony-b
Mereka bernyanyi dari bobo shanti
Dan sang legenda cekep kela mela

Genes brong geneses semua kusuka
Dari yg nge-dub doubble droop kenaga…


This is just a very easy way for me to remind all of us, hopefully it will be a benefit for me, and hopefully useful for all readers in general, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote my posts, and one more don't forget share this post for other friends.

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Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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