still have to update the "the demo" bit on the site
if you read this , its a frend64 site that will very likely only deal in stuff concerning c64 and mostly programming (apparently mostly 6502 machine language since it turns out to be only half-rocket science-with-a-twist)
so maybe its not for you
we have never been in the habit of doing what you want so we certainly wont feel offended
so far
if you click on the link in item it will download the .d64 file with the program on it (thats the source code ! its CATHUB !) but those are also under the /files section
its learning the ropes - a game would be nice too but seeing as the gfx required would already require a splitscreen by irq, unless we find how to run basic WHILE having splitscreen that would be asm too -
the 1st one is crammed into 1k (1024 bytes) the 2nd into 2k (2048 bytes) because it has a sid tune in it from the high voltage archive ( music "Fahrenheit 451 intro" by Gallean (Kristofer Cassel - 1988) )
and atm we're on a small program trying to move 1 (one) single rasterline acrosss both inner and outer to figure out the timing
it all sounds
(yea what does it sound like ?) , not really more complicated than it is ?
thing is the manual itself from back then talks about the cycles needed for exact instructions (this is really at machine level, but in essence your new iphone where apples is ALL ABOUT YOUR PRIVACY (so i hear ...) still works that way, and basically exactly that way , there's just more chips but read/write check branch (or as they say : statement / condition / iteration) seriously wont have changed you just get more codes at machine level, maybe even copying whole memory blocks this is the first time anyone here looks this deep into it
so in a sequence where the manual says
ldx $2 (load x register with the value in zero page 02 address - if thats latin or chinese thats fine, its only for interested hobbyists anyway)
- short : you have like "three variables" but its not really variables, its called registers, the rest you have to fix up yourself you have x, y and the accumulator (poetically reffered to as "a")
and thats that
but this is not a tutorial and it would be out of scope anyway , safe to say : three registers REALLY AINT MUCH TO WORK WITH
the manual says
ldx $2 is "2 cycles"
(a cycle refers to the speed a processing unit "pulses" ... 1mhz, 1ghz , i5 here at ? 4.0ghz ? dont know exactly) which in turn comes down to how many instructions per second (milli - nano - pico ... etc) can process)
"nop" is "2cycles" (nop is the equivalent of "do nothing" you would think its one, but its two)
and you do both in one routine and the first one gives an unstable scanline (thats what it was on analogue tvs) and the second one gives you the stable line
you end up with question marks
because 2 != 2 and you're suddenly like in david deutsch territory doing quantum numbers that "might be (somewhere) or not"
theres a trick to it, ive seen enough demos since the old atari 2600 broke down to know it is but it might be the emulator too
so that and looking for tools that could convert gfx like .png into c64-usable bitmaps or EVEN charset gfx b/c it doesnt really work like
this pixel is this colour, this is this
you get like "these 64pixels can have any out of 4 colours"
so you cant just transform a picture into the 16 colour palette b/c it very likely wont fit
BUT seeing as otherwise drawing it up in koala or something an actual demo might really turn out to be an eight month prod (which is not REALLY a problem)
it would be nice to have one instead of try writing one with AGK or something
and thus
this is what they call a hobby for poor kids who cant afford heroin
i mean a real c64
eyeballing the amiga ...
never had one
always wanted one but in the end we feel like "if you can put any colour from the palette in any pixel on screen" its a bit like a low-speed pc (??? dunno cuz never tried)
an atari st(e) on the other hand we had one and you still have to pick your choice from the available total palette there
also the blitter chip probably makes a lot of difference and htus
thats what they call a hobby for years to come as everything dries out and only the protectorate in the clouds still has rackspace and fresh milk
reading l33t folk on codebase write about "almost perfect" cycle timing
also has us wonder but hey
another 30 years of scene, ... (its only been like ... since what ? the 20th ?) and we'll take down brozai and fairl33t in one fell swoop
to be complete the first one (1st1(k) haha punny) should say "music by MrMalice" within our royal plural Janes OnderGround collective but i doubt he would want to call that music
since no one has a clue about sid chip instruments ... this is something poked together triggering at 1/25th
which comes down to 100bpm
well actually triggering at 25/50th with the lopas filter enabled and shifting around (as an experiment)
thats why theres "no credits" for the sound
eof then
i hear the world is doing great
so things must be getting better
ooh, i doubt post-pandemic (isnt that what they call this now corona is gone and everyones healthuy?) times everyone had enough time to make their own so the explanations arent needed but anyway
a steemit post can hold 64kb
there's is symmetry
the 1st one uses one irq call , on which the second one was built to do 255 lines different colored in sequence stable, which clearly didnt work out - it kept crashing and the secret to that seemed to be cutting up the routine into smaller bits , it must have taken too long so it must have interrupted the routine while the interrupt routine was running or something
its hard to say since its an emulator but we'll assume it was that since it works in shorter versions
the second one has six switches starting from the original irq declaration
most lines are ("almost") stable, acutally most of them are but if you look closely to the left side you sometimes see something glitching
thats why its dubbed the "how do i cut a nop in half"-edition
anyway ...
we now understand why its called beef ramen
it has a
small pack of powder to it that must contain grinded cow :)
this is really the first time eating ramen for a pack
there's a shop i hear in ratcity and i REALLY WANNA but going there just for that
thats just a bit too much
(just to show how this is not america)
or japan for that matter heheh
couldnt be better ....
carry on !