Pictures of confrontations in a small town of venezuela leaves 2 young people dead and many wreckage / ベネズエラの小さな町で対立の写真は2人の若い死者と多くの残骸を残し

in japanese •  8 years ago  (edited)

english version:

The peaceful village of Timotes of no more than ten thousand inhabitants in the Andean paramos, was moved by a demonstration that culminated as a field war between national guards, police and protesters, it is noteworthy that during the morning the population was quiet, some Traders opened, others remained closed, peddlers sold their vegetables as every day, but it was not until the military officers came to repress a group of boys who had locked at the entrance of the town placing some objects on the road.

japan version:

Two deaths left clashes between security forces and demonstrators during the 48-hour civic strike convened by the Venezuelan opposition to force President Nicolás Maduro to suspend the election of his Constituent Assembly.

The mayor of Mérida, Carlos Garcia, confirmed the afternoon of Wednesday July 26 the death of a second youth during protests in Timotes.

"With great pain we report the murder of another young man in Timotes, Municipio Miranda de Mérida in protests, cowardly regime, enough of deaths," he said in his Twitter account.

Earlier, he confirmed the death of a young man identified as Rafael Vergara, 30, who demonstrated at El Molino residences (lower) of Ejido.

The Public Prosecutor's Office appointed Prosecutor 13 of Mérida to investigate the case. There are a total of 104 dead in the protests against Maduro that began in April.

Nicolás Maduro's government faced increasing international pressure on Wednesday, in addition to the violent protests: the United States announced sanctions against 13 of its officials, under the warning that whoever joins the Constituent will be "exposed to potential sanctions."

Among those punished is the president of the National Electoral Council, Tibisay Lucena, and several candidates and proponents of the Constituent, accused by Washington of "breaking the democracy."

Four days after the vote, the convulsion on the streets was greater: Military and police threw pellets and tear-gas bombs at protesters, many hooded, who faced them with stones and Molotov cocktails Caracas and other cities of the country.


世界は何がベネズエラで起きていることを知っていますので、私はいくつかの言語で公開します / I publish in several languages so that the world will know what is happening in Venezuela

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amigo lo que esta pasando aquí es terrible, resides en Venezuela?. me parece bien que publiques en varios idiomas, para que la información llegue a mas personas. Feliz noche.

si soy venezolano y de eso se trata mi blog publicar en diferentes idiomas para que el mundo este al tanto de lo que sucede en mi pais, gracias por tu comentario

its terrible there :(