valami.JS: frontend now meetup - eapo's subjective notes

in javascript •  8 years ago  (edited)

Coding-University meetup: valami.JS:a_frontend_most

How to survive the Javascript apocalypse?

Póth Attila, Full-stack Developer
How did we get here?
Netscape nostalgie. Talking about basic info wiki:JavaScript

  • future: angular and others
  • best framework
  • complexity isn't good
  • JS on server side, desktop and mobile app

1. Haters gonna hate, new hype will come 2. Learn JavaScript / programming, not a framework 3. Try everything, write prototype 4. Which one to pick? I depends... 5. [ShinyNewFramerokName].js every month! 6. Master one 7. Keep yourself up to date Trends


  • don't choose the newest
  • read sources to keep yourself up
  • component development

I found tis whitepaper related to the topic
The Future of JavaScript: 2017 and Beyond
AngularJS vs. Backbone.js vs. Ember.js

JavaScript trends to keep an eye on 2017

Péter László, Full-stack Developer
Computer based VR sensors VR sensors building blocks for virtual reality on the web

A web framework for building virtual reality experiences
mentioned: Real Estate 3D walk

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