Coding-University meetup: valami.JS:a_frontend_most
How to survive the Javascript apocalypse?
Póth Attila, Full-stack Developer
How did we get here?
Netscape nostalgie. Talking about basic info wiki:JavaScript
- future: angular and others
- best framework
- complexity isn't good
- JS on server side, desktop and mobile app
- don't choose the newest
- read sources to keep yourself up
- component development
I found tis whitepaper related to the topic
JavaScript trends to keep an eye on 2017
Péter László, Full-stack Developer
mentioned: Real Estate 3D walk
Chat? Bot! - Deliága Ákos and Kalydi Gergely Ákos Talk-a-bot founders
We are developing useful chat-bots for money for business
API compatible, AI support, loging and data storing