Jvstories: The Hazardous Task Force

in jerrybanfield •  7 years ago 

Chapter 3:The Truth


Let me introduce myself..
I'm SGT MAJOR James Thomas(United States Army )
I'm the Commander of the Special Forces unit known as the joint International company (The Hazardous Task Force)
We handle all the jobs that every government deem to be a Biohazard..


SSGT Markus Chang raised his hand

You may speak airman..

What do you mean sir ,that the world governments deem to be a Biohazard..

I will get to that later..
Do any of you know way your here?


The Pentagon sent me the best personal from each branch with no family or any ties to the States..

This is the most secret organization in the military in general..No one knows about our true nature..
They only know rumors..

SSGT Markus Chang raised he's hand.

Yes..SSGT Chang

But, way us sir,out of all the active military personnel way us?

Like I said because, none of you have no family or any ties to the States..
That mean no one will care if you vanished..
Let me tell all of you a story.
Have any of you heard of the great European meltdown of 09 ?

They all said in accordance..

No sir.

Because, no one has..
The government hide from the American people..

I'll tell you what happened..In the spring of 09.

The first Hazardous Task Force had been deployed into poland with Air Force nuclear engineers and Navy scientists right after strange virus began to spread,So we were sent in to investigate.. So what they told the people was that we were going to prevent an abandoned nuclear power plant form the cold war from melting down and they believed us... So when they got there they were wondering were the last of the people went.. So they reported it in to command and they told them to investigate..So they did and command told them to forget about the people and continue.. because they believed the Polish government evacuated the area..

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SSGT Douglas said, Sir what do you mean?

Are you saying what I think your saying sir.

Yes..SSGT Douglas

They started looking at each other

Because,the abandoned nuclear reactor was no ordinary reactor it was a biohazard facility ,the rector was actually a contaminate facility for H1N4Z1 virus (an hybrid from of the flu virus)...

They looked shocked..

The facility was created in 1982 for the development of the virus...

Before any of you say anything..

The virus was created for progression purposes..
In 1976 the world top scientist came out and said they found a break through in human ageing gene (they found away to cheat death)
When the world top governments got word of this,they pumped tons of money into the development of the virus..So they can expand the life of the human race.. Because they did want to tell the world that the human race was dieing out..
That's when European Polish powerplant was created... The second biggest contament powerplant in the world..

But, one day in 1991 two of the sciencist was doing some research on the virus because they were pushed to speed up the process of the virus but,they found out that there was a huge side effect..
They tried to warn us and we wouldn't listen..
Now we're suffering the consequences of that mistake..

So they went in to the facility to keep it from going into meltdown and contaminating over half the content of Europe.

Their eyes opened wide.

SSGT Markus Chang said

Sir what in the hell was all of you thinking.

Airman we were thinking about the human race..

Human race my ass!!!

SSGT Douglas said

Chang shut up and let him finish...

Yes sir..

So when the nuke engineers went about the process of shutting down and cooling the reactor..


The sciencist went about doing test on the virus contament. Everything was routine, and it was going as planned as they assumed..


But one of the sciencist reported in to command.

I know what happened to the people..


The soldiers ran over to investigate.

It turned out that the area surrounding the plant was packed with thousands of Polish civilians who were living off the powerplant’s electrical generation.

Because the Polish government was to afraid of the truth coming out about the facility,so they left the people there and cutoff all help from them..

The former leader of the task force: There is no way in Hell the Air Force had the airpower to lift out all these people..

SSGT Markus Chang sir how many were there?

A few thousand Airman..

Then the nuclear engineers reported in: There is no way we can reverse this nuclear reactor..
There is no way within a few hours, we can stop this... because there's not enough water?

Command said do what you can the world must not know about this.

The other sciencist reported in:
Sir the contament cell has been breeched .. Because the civilians ignorance of the facility sir..
Theres nothing we can do..

Command said: do whatever it takes, The world must not know about this facility..
Do you understand?

Yes sir..

The former leader of Hazardous Task Force reported in:
What are we going to do about these people..

Get them out and escort them to the safe zone..

Yes sir..

After a couple of hours.


The loud sirens went off..

The former leader of Hazardous Task Force and the commander: What's going on?

The engineers reported in:
The reactor is melting down Sir ,we have extend the meltdown process for 9 hours..

So command told the sciencist and engineers to stay and try to reverse it..

Yes sir..

But before they were able to try,they heard moaning in the distance..

When the enemy made into visional distance..It was a horde of dead corpus..


The side effect of the virus it turns the living into the walking dead...
Humans and Animals

POFC David Williams: really zombies,you got to be fucking kidding me ... HAHAHA!!!

Don't take my word for it,you'll experience it in do time seal...

SSGT Douglas: Let him finish.


The people began to scream and run back into the powerplant and saying:
Were domed!!!!!!! They found us!!!!!

They said to each other now we know what happened to the other civilians..


The former leader the Hazardous Task Force:That's way the Polish government cut off all communication with this area..
Commander we found out what happened to the other 8 thousand civilians..


The virus has already made it's way out into the streams,livestock and air..

The unit was ordered to abandon the civilians and the sciencist and engineers was told to abandon the reactor . The Task Force , Scientist and Engineers refused orders and stayed behind. There was no other choice but to stand and help those civilians and fight..

The former leader said:there is no way we can leave theses people sir..We swor that we will help those who need it, protect those who can't protect themselves and fight the Americans enemies foreign or demesic..
Supposedly the battle lasted for hours as the massive tide of dead besieged the walled community. Supposedly there were so many thousands, that the walls collapsed from the weight and survivors were forced to spread out into the surrounding area. By the end of it, the unit was down to using there pistols and knives. Only a couple hundred survivors made it through unscathed, mostly women and children. The men of the community were practically wiped out. The task force itself lost half its men, including the sciencists and engineers..

The task force leader reported in there is only one way to stop this we have to speed up the melting down sequence... because we are surrounded and the last of the civilians already agreed to our plan sir..

No!!!you can't

It's it an order sir

Yes soldier!

Well I have to disobey that order
Commander Thomas..

That was the last time I heard form my son....

So after the explosion we went in to find any survivors and there was none...Fukushima-power-plant-Japan.jpg

So to keep the world from finding out about this..the governments built a wall to protect the outside world from this virus..

But months later we found out the that virus had made it's way to asia.. so now they reformed the Hazardous Task Force to prevent this from happening again..
That's way all of you are here...

SSGT Douglas said.
Sir what do you mean about second biggest?

Because it's one more and its the biggest contament facility in Asia and the world but it's in China...
If it get compromised the whole Northern and southern Hemisphere is in danger..

It houses uranium 235 and plutonium 239. . Which covers 100 square miles and contain 100,000,000 megatons of virus cells...1200px-Reactor_Vessel_head.jpg It makes the Polish contament facility a playground.

There eyes opened..

It may be the end of the human race..

To Be Continued..

Story by Jeremy Carter

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