No Jerry, i won't pay your debts because nobody will pay my own...

in jerrybanfield •  7 years ago 

You must know my story as well. I have a worse situation than yours. I have a lot of unpaid bitcoin debts from loans i should never requests because i haven't no plan B while making it. I have spend many coins in a lot of promises which resulted in fairy dusts. I got to pay for bots to promote my post and then collect some many to get out my situation

    This is a warn for you. You must get into my shoes before getting your reputation buried like i have since i have many loans unpaid on BitlendingClub, BTCJam, Bitbond and two IPOs in BTCPop. As also, a website consultant project with a unfunded ICO. I've read what people were talking about you after you announced your media token. I can see you are more succesful than me in many aspects. But, dude, there is many things you must control before your reputation goes to melt.

      I have tried to pay loan debts by requesting loans in other platforms like Wayniloans. Since i am overdebt in Bitbond -as BTCJam- i have received daily calls from them and their debt agency partners, requesting an ASAP from me to pay them. I decided to not notice them anymore because i have uderstood that the only want to be paid and not read more fairytales from me. I've tried to succeed by making a OnlineStore but by not paying attention to the banggood policy of droshipping, my PayPal account has been affected with a negative balance of $ 200 after not replying for a drone i've to buy and send...

        I have seen many people doing the same as you and always they revealed their glitch, their reputation begins to be ruined. The case of GAW miners and their scamcoin Paycoin, is one of the must awfull examples of scamming. I'm not telling that yours are Scam, but according all i have seen in the Steemit community against you, this will put you in a ugly situation

          So, this is the point. Nobody will pay the others debt. Nobody will pay my own failure; just me. Nobody will trust in you because you're a case of success and then -because you're a respactable winner- will purchase for a $810 one hour phone call to hear your skills and buy your tokens. All desperated things i did to get out my situation didn't work because the human capital shared to me by the people has been lost due my wrong and stupid actions. You must get well focused to show good valuable things as i have to do too. I had the same vices as you, but those vices took me to where I am now. You have more abilities to control them before they ruining you.

          It's my advice. I mean it...And i hope many friends i meet join this for your kind...

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          I'm not going to comment on the other guy, because I don't know him.
          But I do know you.
          And you owe me money.

          Here's my advice to you.
          Don't give people advice when you are a filthy hypocrite about that exact topic.

          Can you tell me where are you from, when you say i owe you -BTCJam, BTCPOP, Bitbond, BitlendingClub- to make this on count?

          Nevermind if you gave me and advice by telling i was hypocrite about blaming respectfuly other users. But i will find the way to pay all BTC to the people i owe in a decent way. I could be stupid -and a serial scammer- if i said i wouldn't pay a half of a satoshi of all because that would bury my reputation more than it was. No matter if you think i'm telling fairy tales...

          I'm gonna quote below to get you more known

          I have tried to pay loan debts by requesting loans in other platforms like Wayniloans. Since i am overdebt in Bitbond -as BTCJam- i have received daily calls from them and their debt agency partners, requesting an ASAP from me to pay them. I decided to not notice them anymore because i have uderstood that the only want to be paid and not read more fairytales from me. I've tried to succeed by making a OnlineStore but by not paying attention to the banggood policy of droshipping, my PayPal account has been affected with a negative balance of $ 200 after not replying for a drone i've to buy and send...

          An investor of yours from BTCPOP.

          Good to know that. You must know i'm working harder -not as you have seen from me, but i'm doing it with all my issues- to collect money to repay those late loans. So bad that BitLending Club and BTCJam where closed before i tried to repay. Not the same for BTCPop and BitBond. I didn't update frequently about my loans because my investors doesn't need fairy tales, just the Repay ASAP.

            I couldn't say you all must be patient because you had it enought. Once i collect the money, i will anounce through Faceebok to all investor a repayment plan. It's all i can say...Don't need to announce ICOs or IPO's -i did take a mistake with that once and i will collect all MGFS-B and MGFS-B2 necesary to claim for erasement for all of these-, I will do serious work and contribute for good...