What is Relativism?

in jesus •  7 years ago 

Some people will argue that there can be a God or there can be no God, it can be both. Relativism suggest that you can believe what you want to believe and someone else may believe what they want to believe and it's all true. But is it really? Watch this video and find out.

I suggest checking out this book by Beckwith & Koukl - Relativism, Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Hi there! Hope you enjoyed our short video. Just want to let you know that God loves you. You are special and created with a wonderful purpose for life.

God bless you!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

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Huh? Did I get this right: You argue that it is impossible for God to be and at the same time not be real and therefore relativism as a whole doesn't work in every day live? Christians believe that God can be three persons in one being which also doesn't work in our daily live for we're just simple human beings. I understand your critique of relativism but I believe your argument here is rather weak.

So if you're defending relativism, what you just said may make sense or may not make sense, correct? Because if everything is relative, then why think at all? Or why have facts? Thanks for watching. God bless you

Missing the entire point of relativism in my opinion. Of course god can't be real and unreal at the same time for the theist. For the theist it's real, only real. But relatively for the atheist (which is a whole separate, non-connected, instance of an opinion/believe) god isn't real. These possibilities live inside their own relative worlds for each individual.

But you know... your explanation of relativism is also true. Relatively speaking.

I'm not talking about personal relevance or opinion. I'm talking about the logic behind the philosophy behind relativism. By defending that there are no absolutes, then I could easily as defend that your answer is not absolute, since it's all relative anyway. We don't live in a world that is based out of relativism. Neither does the spiritual world and neither does God. Thanks for watching and your input! God bless

Everyone has the rights to believe in anything. Never judge, just observe. Every person has his own truth and he is right for himself.

So if one person says they are are 7 feet tall because it's their own truth and they're right because they believe it, we would just call that "not judging" or someone being "relative?" Like that boxer on youtube that thought he was the greatest boxer in the world? He was the "champion." In his relative thinking. No, we don't just observe and we don't call that "truth." We call it a disorder. Truth by the very meaning does not belong to a person or an opinion or relativism. Truth is objective. It is not relative. Thanks for watching and sharing your opinion. God bless you.

In my opinion, when someone talks nonsense or boost its Ego with a loud statements you do not have to judge him. If you disagree just show your arguments, express them in polite manner to be clear and understandable. There is no point of rudeness or judgement wether who is right. It would be more valueable for both sides if there is dialogue. And i believe there would be good for both sides. God bless you too !

Relativism at it's best