in jesus •  4 years ago 

Oh sweet darling dears, if only I could express to each of you personally that there is in deed and in fact

Please read:

I wish I could adequately convey the dire urgency of the matters at hand and the hour in which we live.
Please know that our SOULS are ETERNAL. ETERNAL. ETERNAL.

(Please know that the entire world has been deceived!!!!!!)

Please know that the time is drawing to VERY crucial and that no one makes it to the Kingdom of God but through His Son Jesus Christ.

If you do not know Jesus Christ; or if you doubt the existence of God, of Jesus Christ; or if you do not know about these critical issues of YOUR ETERNAL SOULS, please do not wait any longer. Please do not wait atall.

Please know that you are all PRECIOUS!!!

If you are seeking the Truth (and there IS Absolute Truth) then please look to Jesus Christ who is the ONLY one who can save any of us.

Pray to Jesus and BE HONEST--ASK HIM if He is real and ask Him humbly to show you the TRUTH.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father God but through Him, Jesus Christ.

I truly hope and pray that you all take this VERY seriously.

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