My Lord:
To ever be ready, waiting, watching, seeking, searching, exercising that which is good. Being that doer, true encouragement as written in the book of the Lord. Beautiful things that men are blind to, deaf to, yet is what I desire to hear and find, that absolute ability, to be able. To read if you do this, then you will have this. Never buying the lies of inability, they who say none can, reject their lies. They say encouragement is none can ever keep the Commandments, as if this is some enduring truth to be held tightly. That weakness to sin lie that makes them stronger in the Truth. Escape from them that offer such merchandise. Every look for the true riches of God, that wisdom, knowledge and understanding that grows one into the ability to do as written.
Say it out loud, the bride prepares.
It is not done for her, it is not pre done for her, the cost is not paid for her, Christ was not faithful so she does not have to be faithful. It is required that the bride be faithful. One can break this Truth down simply by defining the word faith, to dig deep as written and that shows the cost to be paid. There are many costs and all of them are worth paying. Digging deep is a cost, digging into the word "faith" is a cost, to study and show thyself approved is a cost, being peculiar is a cost, separation is a cost. Faith is faithful and that is a cost. Faith is loyal and that is a cost. Faith is obedience and that is a cost. One can define each and everything and find the cost. The cost to be loyal, faithful, monogamous, trusty, obedient, sincere and so on and so forth. The cost of studying, the cost of preparing yourself to be MEET/WORTHY of the Masters use, the cost of fidelity. To make straight the Way of the Lord bears cost, it denotes cost. The burden of the Lord is light compared to sin, but the word burden denotes cost. All of these point to things required of anyone who stands upon the Rock. Do not be deceived by them.
Revelation 19:7, " Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. "
To prepare in advance is a cost. To beg is a cost, to plead is a cost, to beseech is a cost, to put in remembrance is a cost, to tell them to forget not is a cost, to write over and over the same thing is a cost. It can be a great emotional cost or just a simple cost of time. It can be all the above. So many sounding boards, like a busy market street. Traffic, horns, people, voices, shouts, signs, flashing lights, all trying to buy you, to get your attention, trumpeting at you, to distract and sell you. Sometimes times the Truth but mostly lies, inventions, traditions, fables, commandments, imaginations, creation of men.
Do not be deceived. Many trumpet an uncertain sound. The word uncertain speaks loudly, for the none are able, must be uncertain of what is required of them. satan could not get a foothold otherwise. They must not have faith, if they do not trust in that which they say they believe, if they can not simply do what is written by what they believe. Many speak of many things that absolutely do what to them that hear them and believe what they are saying, selling? It keeps them from "PREPARING" themselves for the Masters return. It robs the works, when all you hear is "it is not of works". Yes work but its not of works, yes believe but it contains not the quality's of belief, yes have faith but that faith has no effect, yes hope but having no trust. The double mindedness of what they say, it is so uncertain, confused. The trumpet they play is uncertain to them that hear it and they do not come to the field of battle ready for war. Prepared, standing fast, holding fast to what they should have tightly in hand, the Truth. They are in derision of the Truth. Hearing it they mock it, ridicule it, turn from it.
1 Corinthians 14:8, " For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? "
Uncertain - not known beyond doubt, not having certain knowledge, not manifest, not full, not complete, lacking a certain quality or requirement.
Ever learning and never able to come to the full knowledge of the Truth. A dance always just outside of it. Speaking of it and never doing it. Speaking of it and doing the opposite of it. Saying I have faith but the actions do not dictate faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, trust, sincerity, monogamy, obedience to that which is said. I love but I am not faithful, nor can I be. Double minded, oxymorons, saying one thing and contradicting by the next. I have faith but I am unfaithful. It has to be a true delusional state to not hear it when one is doing it. To be able to live a life endlessly filled with such a state of being and speaking. One must truly have pleasure in unrighteousness to not see past it, recognize it and let it go, turn from it. To do as written, say and so do.
It looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon, the false prophet. The uncertain trumpet... The leaven, hypocrisy, do as I say and not as I do. Double standards, double mindedness, don't objectify, yet I objectify.
So I beg you to stop listening to them that sell provisions. I say it over and over, I write over and over. I tear it down daily, I pray you do like wise. To be free of them that are never able to cease from sin. For you to hear 2 Peter 2 and understand they who can not cease from sin are shinning a false light. They take in vain the Name of the Lord God Almighty, they have no need of the third Commandment of God, no respect or delight of the Law (which is the love of God) that is a light upon thy feet. To profess God and then go about being the same old man. No reverence, No newness of life, yet will tell you they are born again. Someone is lying, either the book of the Lord is wrong or the imaginations of man are askew in strong delusion.
Prepare for the battle is at hand.
What do we notice? "I" exercise "MYSELF", "I" put in the effort, for it is not done for me. I will exercise to have a conscience that will love the appearing of the Lord Jesus and not that filthy rag lie of being hidden in Jesus so God only sees the Son or me through the Son, magically hiding all the filthy deeds one just can not but do every single day, have to do, being born to do, being born to sin, born in sin. Rather the Truth is, Not to be that filthy rag, to be void of offense toward God. Who in their right mind, and I stress the "right mind" part, actually believes that in failure, in inability, in unable, they have no offense towards God? Why would God turn His face from the wicked if it did not offend Him? Who in their right mind truly thinks they have a license to sin, has liberty to do evil and have no offense towards God Almighty? Again, the question states "in their right mind"... Who will rejoice over the coming of the Lord, them who Go and Sin No More or them that can not cease from sin? Who really thinks they will stand before the Lord and say "but Lord I was making you needed by sinning every day"? But Lord I surely did not want to sin that awful sin of "doing it myself and making you of no use"? I did not want to exercise, prepare, that would of been a sin, You Lord exercised for me, already paying it all, doing it all, obeying it all? The trumpet I heard said it was just trust and I could live however I wanted. Just believe and I could continue as I pleased. Just have faith and I could be unfaithful. But Lord, it is written that none are righteous, no not even one.
Act 24:16, " And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men. "
I always find it strange how I always hear that "none are righteous, no not even one", yet I never hear them next eight verses that follow it. So again, I will point it out.
By what they proclaim there are none that are righteous, no not even one. Let us follow on through with the premise that is applied not to whom Romans 3 speaks of "those who have yet to receive the promise", and apply it to a born again saint of God.
There are none, no not even one!!!
There is none that understandeth.
There is none that seeketh after God.
They are all gone out of the way.
They are together become unprofitable.
There is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood.
Destruction and misery are in their ways.
And the way of peace have they not known.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
There is not one who understands? Really, not even one? There are no saints of God that seek after God? Really, not even one? There are none who are born again that do not go out of the way, all depart? Really, not even one? There are none that are profitable, not one born again saint of God has any profit whatsoever? Really, not even one? There is not one who does good, not one single born again saint of God, who has been given a new heart that does anything good? Really, not even one? Every born again saint of God has a throat that is like a tomb? Really, every single one? Every born again saint of God uses deceit? Really, every single one? Every born again saint of God has poison under their lips? Really, every single one? Every born again saint of God have mouths full of cursing and bitterness? Really, every single one? Every born again saint of God have feet swift to shed blood? Really, every single one? Every born again saint of God has nothing but destruction and misery in all their ways? Really, every single one? Every born again saint of God knows not the way of peace? Really, every single one? EVERY SINGLE BORN AGAIN SAINT OF GOD HAS NO FEAR OF GOD BEFORE THEIR EYES? REALLY, EVERY SINGLE ONE?
So why do you go to the large gatherings, buy the dvds and the books, why do you speak well of them, of anyone? If there are none, no not even one?
So we find the Truth, they make no distinction between what? The holy and the profane! I have heard this teaching over and over and over. How all are unrighteous, none do good ever. That no man, no not one single man can ever obey the Commandments, for that is the definition of good. And let us say it again just in case I have forgotten it. Love is the fulfillment of all the Law, and God is love. (He is other things as written but wrath, judgement and all consuming fire is not part of this premise). Love is walking in the Commandments, they who Love Him keep the Commandments. And this is the love of God, that we keep the Commandments. Then is simple proves again that the Law of God is His expression of His love towards us and it is our expression of love towards God that we keep His Commandments.
Ezekiel 22:26, " Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. "
1 John 5:2, " By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. "
This is the LOVE OF GOD!
Gods COMMANDMENTS ARE NOT GRIEVOUS, so then what do that say about them that are grieved by the COMMANDMENTS? What does this say about them that proclaim with must zeal and jot they are FREE from the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD? Who truly loves God and wants to be free of His love?
1 John 5:3, " For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. "
2 John 1:6, " And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. "
What is an absolute quality of love, and yes there are many? Correction, chastisement, chastening is the point desired to be made here. Open rebuke is better than silent love. Rather be told the Truth, then a silent lie. Correction is beautiful and the Law of the Lord is beautiful and a delight. To have ones feet lit by the Truth so one can see where they are going is a beautiful thing. Always needing that measure to measure with, where am I standing right now?
Keep yourselves in the Love of God...
Keep the Commandments of God and you will be keeping yourselves in His love.
Jude 1:21, " Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. "
Love sounds the true trumpet, shows the true Path. It does not sound like double mindedness or confusion. Let us not love in words or tongue, but in WORKS/DEEDS and in Truth. Do not say one thing and so another. True love never says do as I say and not as I do. How many have heard this from someone that is supposed to love you? The placations of a lie! Who teaches this double mindedness and then wonders why things are as they are? Why so much confusion exists. Loving in word and with lip service but in the real proof, actions and deeds, the proof is not found, seen, heard, shown, done. The doing is left off and then one wonders why all go out of the Way of Truth.
1 John 3:18, " My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. "
Yes, reject their fallacy's, refuse them, do not take them up, just because they say they love the Lord means nothing but they show forth the deeds. satan is a great lip service provider and so are those that do its work. Refuse the profane inventions that allow for the weakness to sin theology, ideology, inventions and traditions. Reject the commandments of man for it is better to obey God, then man, Amen? Yes, Amen! Exercise thyself unto godliness, for godliness is of great gain. That inability to keep or do anything is as useless as a dry well with no water to drink and them that offer you drink from it. Put in the work, do the works and do it as unto that certain ability that is able absolutely, BELIEVE. Truly encourage, yes I can obey, yes I can stand fast, yes I will stand fast, yes I will not be moved by anything. I will not have pleasure in unrighteousness. I will not call evil good and good evil. I understand that the true definition of insanity is to call evil good and good evil. It is insane to take of the many wears offered to have liberty as one serves corruption. When there is no liberty in sin, no peace, no safety, no rest.
1 Tim 4:7, " But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. "
One absolute fact, one Truth.
Sanctification of the Spirit UNTO OBEDIENCE.
If you love Me, then obey Me. If ye love Me, keep My Commandments. Call Me Lord, then say and so do. It is by the works all will be judged, it is written and so it is. I heard from the Lord and that is only to be able to tell all that Christ is the Way to the Truth to have Life. It makes me nothing and Him everything. I actually heard from Him, I can tell you to believe, to have faith, to trust, to seek, to strive, to fight, to dig deep and everything like unto these things. That it is worth it, and it will not be in vain to do so. You are not wasting your life in such an endeavor, it is not in vain. The opposite of what the world shows forth is a waste of life and time. You re not missing out on anything by obeying the Truth, you are however missing out on everything by disobeying the Truth. Sinning against your own bodies and souls, is nothing but great burden and pain. Having pleasure in unrighteousness is nothing but sorrow, guilt and shame which will bring nothing but misery.
Beg proudly for the Lord, obey the Truth. Proud of nothing but that which I found in Christ, the Truth. Proud to speak of it and write of it. I am not ashamed to say Go and Sin No More. I am not wasting my time writing or speaking. It is not a waste of time in this life to obey from the heart the doctrine received of God. It is not grievous to keep the Commandments. It is a delight to keep them, to have a light upon thy feet, to have that measure. To be able to see is a blessing, to have that guide is a treasure indeed. To know is I walk outside of it, it will be there instantly to correct, for that is what love does and the Law is absolutely pure love, for God is love Amen.
Again, looking for that thing that proves my love. Every time I search for it I find obedience. If you obey Me, you love Me. For they who love Me, keep My Commandments. Love is walking after the Commandments. Gods love expressed in Him giving us Commandments to light the Way. True love expressed, if you do this, you can have it all. If you do not what I have said you will have no Life, but death and it will be as you desired and chose. At every turn, obedience, every fork in the road, obedience, every pause, obedience. Laying on my couch mind meditating upon the Truth and all that I have heard and have been given. Every searching, digging, looking for that treasure, wanting more of the Truth. Grounded in the Truth, so when they come whoring, I do not do likewise.
That little gem missed, go over it and over till nothing is missed. Say, within faith is what, grace is what, hope is what, believe is what? Obedience. Till when? the end. Check every link in the chain that connects one thing to the next. Ever testing it; is the Path well defined and strong before me? Examine, affirm again and again, am I in the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds? This is the Lords day, the seventh day, am I resting? Speak not mine own words, but speaking His. Are you being faithful? Who truly loves and is not faithful to that which they love?
Faith, which is loyalty, fidelity, sincerity, faithfulness, which is effectual, which is operative, working, functional. Right here, right now. When is the time for salvation? Now! Not tomorrow, now! Now is the time for salvation, now is the time to PREPARE and be ready. Now is the time to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and now is the time to live Soberly, Righteously and Godly lives. It is now to live as one ought to live that loves the Truth. Do not buy their lies that get you to not prepare now. It is not after Christ comes it is now. This day obey, Go and Sin No More. This day I beg gladly, Go and Sin No More.
This day I put not just myself in remembrance but all. Forget not to obey from the heart, forget not all the things that are used to get you to fall down and sin. The temptation is nothing beyond what you can endure, God does not allow it to be greater than what He already knows you can bear. So bear it endure it, fight that good fight of true faith, be faithful, be obedient, faithfully obedient till the end.
Knowledge, which is to KNOW something, an absolute fact beyond what men call fact. For the real Truth that is Faith in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowledge of what faith really is, what grace really is, what godliness really is, what holiness really is and all like to these. To have an actual understanding that one exercises daily, daily works it out, daily contends, daily fights, daily runs the race set before every single man. Am I running, even right now? Am I prepared for the wedding supper?
Temperance, which is SELF CONTROL, to bring your body into subjection, obedience to God and all that He hath said. You can not have "faith" and be unable to control yourself. It can not work, for faith is a functioning thing, it works by love and is proven by deeds. Deeds in doing all that the Lord hath said, for this is an expression of love, "if ye love Me, keep My Commandments". It is proven by deeds, by the works of love that you really have faith in Jesus by being obedient to Him out of love. This obedience makes you submit thyself, which is submission, which is weakness, to lean upon Christ and no other, no not even one other, do all things as unto the Lord. In all things inquire of Him. This is self control, to say, I am going to do this, if Gods will is for it to be done, and asking of the Lord first in all things, at all times, this is faithfulness and those who exercise it have self control, temperance, and shows forth the fruit of it.
Again, not that silly t.v version of what men try and make it appear to be. You are distinct and there is nothing wrong with that. What they make the Truth look like is not it. Do not conform to any image of man, but be that already given by God. Actors a fake, they are not real, it is an illusion. Do not be an actor, be a real image of God. Simply be you that obeys from the heart the Commandments of God.
Patience, which is exercising ones faith in Christ, waiting patiently on Him. Showing that effectual, operative fact of being in a state of a thing, which is Christ in this case. In the body of Christ is the state of fact if ye are waiting on Him and endure it all for Him, without complaint and without murmur, no matter what it is, no matter what happens, to praise the Lord and count it all joy. No matter the state to be content, this is a great lesson to learn and to do.
Godliness, which is moral uprightness, moral absolute, moral fortitude, unmovable moral standard that ye have setup by the Grace of God. Stand fast, holding fast, you will not be called of the Rock to gossip, to complain, to mock, to scorn, showing forth the image of God and not the image of man. Moral fortitude found in Truth. It must be exercised always, like any muscle. Use it not and it will be lost. Be always preparing, working, studying, looking, seeking, searching, fighting, digging, affirming, examining, running, proving, contending, diligence, working it out for yourselves. The bride that is always preparing and waiting on the Husband, ready for the wedding. Always be prepared unto every good work, this is a fight worthy to fight.
2 Timothy 2:21, " If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. "
Do not take hold of the false witness, speak not well of them. Do not be taken by their sorceries.
Look at the world as it allows the very thing told not to do? taken by sorcery, and the word for that is "pharmakeia"... That should say it all, but in a world where an excuse is found for every evil under the sun. Let us dig deep, define that Path.
Greek - G5331
Word: φαρμακεία
Transliteration: pharmakeia
Phonetic: far-mak-i'-ah
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Definition: the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it, metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry...
SOR'CERY, noun Magic; enchantment; witchcraft; divination be the assistance of evil spirits, or the power of commanding evil spirits. Adder's wisdom I have learn'd to fence my ears against the sorceries....
The book of the Lord tells us that it is idol worship. Something that is before God is an idol. Taking drugs, being given drugs by them that use it to control a person. To become dependent not on the Truth but ones own lust and them that supply the drugs that fulfill that lust. I have learned through Christ to shut my eyes, shut my ears to the evil. I desire it not, I want it not, I never want to go back to the filth I crawled out of and the Good Lord washed me of by giving His Life. It is hard to bear the mistakes I made after coming to the Truth, working this out, knowing Christ suffered to free me, wash me and that I ignorantly bought, questioned, tried the things so many wrongly teach. I wanted things back that I rightly lost and saw I could have it but I would have to believe a lie to have it. I makes me mad that I heard all their many vile lies and thought maybe I was wrong. I could smoke dope, have what I lost back and still love the Truth. I have written of this many times now, so I will just say, do not do it. It was a lie and it hurts years later still. Nothing in this world is worth believing a lie, trusting in a lie. There is so many to choose from, so many trying to get you to chose theirs. Do not do it!
Pharmacy, pharmakeia and by thy sorceries were ALL nations deceived. Deceived to worship an idol, to commit an abomination before God.
Revelation 18:23, " And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. "
When caught by the snare, it becomes so easy to forget, to stop digging, yes you can still read out of the book of the Lord and speak of the it. But you will not find the treasures it contains, you will be blind to it and not to the evil that is in the world. You will be called of to go whoring with them that are whores with sin. You will find that liberty in sin and you will find pleasure in it. The strong delusion will be given to you to believe the lie and sadly many are caught in this. They have forgotten, their conscience seared, they pricks are not felt. Enchanted by sorceries, magic, entertainment, actors, broad way, t.v, cares, wants, lusts. Getting high makes it so easy to give up the fight, high on sin, on want, in lust, one simply forgets and goes back to that vomit of old. Easy to give the appearance, to glory outwardly, and forget about that which really matters within.
Just because they change the laws to make it legal, does not make it right. Just because they call it entertaining, does not make it worth watching or having. Just because they are actors does not make them wise. Just because you think highly of them, respect their person, does not make it right. Evil is evil and good is good, there is not any mixture of the two. You are either good or evil. It is what you say and do and not just what you say. Out of the heart the mouth truly speaks of the treasures found in your heart. So what say you? So what do you do?
Exhortation, to encourage by the Truth. Yes you can do all things through Christ, you can Go and Sin No More. Yes you can keep the Commandments if you truly love Him. Love does not fail, when it is truly love. Yes you can bring your bodies into subjection. Yes you can obey from the heart. Yes you can be righteous. Yes you can do good. Yes you can understand. Yes you can seek after God. Yes you can choose what is right. Yes you can be perfect. Yes you can be holy, Yes you can be godly. Yes you can strive daily, digging deep and fighting that good fight of true faith working by love and proven by deeds. Yes you can be upright. Yes you can stand fast. Yes you can hold fast. Yes you can be unmoved by all the lies. Yes you can endure till the end. Yes you deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. yes you can live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. Yes you can escape from them that live in error. Yes you can endure all temptation. Yes you can with God do anything.
Yes this is the Sabbath of God Almighty. This is the day of rest, the forth Commandment. Yes this is the day God rested from all His works. Yes this is the day God made for man and not man for it. Yes this is the seventh day, the last day of the week. Yes there is no other day like today. Yes there is no Commandment of man that changes this day to any other day. Yes you can if you truly want, strive to enter into His rest.
If you know, praise the Lord for it I do. If you do not know, then Repent and receive ye the Holy Ghost and hold on tightly for it is unlike anything you could ever imagine. God forgive me, I am slightly jealous of anyone who comes to be filled with the Holy Ghost. It can not be compared to anything this world has to offer. In fact I have and still do, gladly refuse all this world has to offer just to be filled with the Spirit of God. To shout it out loud, yes God is and everything they say is a lie!
Seek, Repent and Sin No More...
It is remission and not permission...
Say and So Do...
Define the Path by definition. Do the work!
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling...
Do not placate the lie, destroy it, utterly, totally. Spare none!
It is a perfect day to rest in the Truth and recharge.
I beg of you, prepare!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...