If You Do Not Work, You Will Not Eat... A Condition Placed...

in jesus •  4 years ago 

My Lord:

He that works the will of the Father.

Conditions placed at every turn.

Matthew 7:21, " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. "

He that hears the Lord and WORKS THE WORD HEARD. Always back to the "doing", the "works", the fact that it is placed solely upon you to do or not to do. The heathen rage indeed and always imagine a vain thing. Wanting it all done for them, as they live as they please. God has shown you how to spend ones Life, to refuse the evil and choose the good. To deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. It is not lived for you, Christ did not live it for you, He lived so you could follow.

Matthew 7:24, " Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: "

Anyone ever build a house? Anyone ever build a house and it not require of them? Anyone ever build anything and it require them not to work? I say to anyone who sayeth yes to this that they are a liar and have never worked it out. Faith will not build your house, for faith without works is dead, or better said, useless. For one who works not builds nothing and nothing built is nothing gained. Work without faith is dead, useless. Why would you build and have no faith in what you are building upon. One knows the foundation is sand, deep within the Truth pricks the conscience. A lie, who has faith it will stand in the storm? If you build upon a rock you will have faith in your work to stand in the day of the storm, the conscience clear, knowing you have not kicked against the pricks, have not hated instruction or correction. One who has does all that he can to stand in the day that is coming for each and every soul, no one is going to escape the judgment, it matters not what you believe, the Truth remains the Truth regardless.

Matthew 7:24, " Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: "

Speaking and writing, faith without works is dead, works without faith is dead. If you do not work you will not eat of the Bread of Life. Those who do dead works who have no actual belief, yet work, will say but Lord did I not do many wonderful works in Your Name? The Lord will say I never knew you, ye who worked iniquity. You who have not a FAITH WORKING BY LOVE, and shown no fruit of fidelity, of true love, who when called to work, did not work it out with fear and trembling. There is no proof, for it is proven by works, the very reason in the end all will be judged by their WORKS! Conditions placed upon thy faith and thy works. For there is no love that is unconditional, a condition is always placed, loss or gain.

2 Thessalonians 3:10, " For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. "

Doing thy own will, chasing after the world, burying the talent God hath given to you to increase Him. The lazy slothful servant is not loved, God does not love everyone, for that lazy servant who refuses to work, who buries the talent, is cast out into outer darkness. They go to hell, they are forever separated from the presence of the Lord and God does not do this to those He loves. He loves them that love Him and they that love Him obey Him, they keep the Commandments. He loved the world enough to find a way for all to have a chance to be saved, giving His Son for a sacrifice. This was never a statement of loving all just the way they were. Yet look what the heathen imagined, how they have turned it upside down to placate sin, inability, lack of desire, love of that which is evil and hate for that which is good and true. It is not all pleasant, or fluffy clouds, no, God is wrath, an all consuming fire and His face is against the wicked, and He is angry with them everyday. Gods eyes are on the RIGHTEOUS and these are the hearts He searches and refines in the furnace of affliction. The blessing are unto the righteous and not the wicked. Yet it still rains on the just and the unjust. Sinning everyday, failing everyday has nothing to do with the children of God, for the children of God do not sin. Not incapable of sinning, they choose not to sin, for one can not serve the Lord and sin. For they who sin are servants to sin, not Christ. They who truly love Christ choose to Go and Sin No More. The reason it is written to have temperance/self control, to bring your bodies into subjection. You rule over your flesh and not it ruling over you. You have the ability to refuse the evil and choose the good.

Proverbs 8:17, " I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. "

Psalms 1:6, " For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. "

Psalms 5:12, " For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield. "

He is not testing a sinner, He is not trying the wicked, He is not searching their hearts, for there is nothing to search but they Repent and turn back, fallow the ground, purge, wash, return. The sinner is not in Christ, in the body, in the church, there are no sinning saints sinning the sins unto death. Again, the heathen imagine a vain thing and do rage indeed, inventing foolishness and selling it to others. They promise Life when it is death, they make provisions for them that are unable, unwilling, who have no desire in them to obey the Commandments, to search them, to study, to fight, to dig deep. All are not going to heaven, all are not loved, all are not saved, repeating your a sinner does not save you, keeping some foolish tradition of man is not a way to salvation. Look here is sand, build is not wisdom. The wicked and them that love violence Gods very soul hates. Be ye not deceived by the fake image given by so many. It appeals to be good to the flesh because it calls to the flesh and not the Spirit. The lies are always attractive, to be good, pleasant and to be desired by the flesh. The very reason so many fall for them. The reason Eve fell for them and she did give to Adam to eat. Who will overcome you? Whom will ye serve, whom will ye yield? The flesh or the Spirit? The Truth or the lie? What appeals to you? That is what you will buy, that is what you eat, that is what you will produce. Many thinking they are in the service of God but are not and as they go about, they kill, steal and destroy. They appear like sheep but are wolves and they speak like dragons, truth mixed with lies, truth but not the whole of it.

Ezekiel 13:22, " Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life: "

2 Peter 2:19, " While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. "

Psalms 7:9, " Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. "

Psalms 11:5, " The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth. "

I know I have said all of this, I have quoted every one of these scriptures over and over, I know you have heard them, read them, but there is never a reason not to repeat them. To forget not, to always remember. If you ever hear or have already heard, then know, time will wear you down, the world will wear you out with distraction. I know you have heard them, if you have read anything I have written, you have heard them thousands of times, but I will not cease to always put you in remembrance but myself. The reason it states "my walk in Christ". Sharing what I heard and must not forget. The righteous Lord beholds the upright, not the wicked, not the chief of sinners, not the filthy forever rag wretch they love to put on sell for the many, that is the old man before coming to the knowledge. Do not fall for the lie, be ye not deceived.

His face is against the wicked, just because they appear nice, like good people, does not make it true. There are plenty of examples given in the world of this. Ted Bundy gave that appearance and so do many professing to be. God surely is not beholding the Ted's of the world. God is not loving them just they way they are. Surely one understands there is a standard God has and a standard love has for it to be considered love.

Psalms 11:7, " For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright. "

Them that are impure condemn the pure to be just as they and many fall for it. For certainly all have sinned, but this speaks of past tense, the old man, it DOES NOT refer to a born again saint who is now perfectly clean in the renewing that takes place with the new heart and new mind and new Spirit, who is now the seed of God that is not to sin any longer. This is the Rock they try to yank EVERYONE (that comes to know the Truth) down from. They do all they can to take the power out of the Truth by deceit, by error, by lies, through lust. Trying to cause you to doubt what you have been given. I testify of this fact, having lived it. One will then error and it will place doubt in them, it will vex the Spirit. It is a seed planted that will take time to sprout up. When it does it can cause one to fall down, realizing what you had been given and that you fell for the many lies, takes a great toll upon ones soul. It eats at you and evil surely knows this. Them who have never received the Truth but pretend, do not know this, they can't know what they never possessed. They truly do what they know not, and God forgive them for it Amen. Many do not truly understand the effects their lies being sold have on others. It truly is an act of violence, as I like to point out, every sin is a violent act, towards ones self and surely to others. It may not appear to be, but it has a great effect down the road. That drop of water in a pool of still water, the ripples travel throughout, disturbing the whole of the body. The sins of one is visited throughout, not that one bears an others sins, it is the effect caused that visits all. The effect of the ripple disturbs the peace of all.

Yes ye were a liar, but now you are no more that old man. Having escape the corruption that is in the world through lust, ye are FREE INDEED! But they being caged do not have faith, or belief, they are not faithful, for they fail everyday. They confess it with their own mouths, they are filthy rag wretches and all are the chief of sinners and this is something they BOAST of, they DO NOT EVEN BLUSH when speaking these things, they are adamant, stiff necked, foreheads of stone. The confession is not the newness of Life in Christ, the new heart received, the Power of the Spirit, the ability to obey, the desire to obey from the heart. No confession of receiving the Law that true faith establishes in them that find Him. The new covenant that writes the Law upon the heart. Out of the mouth the lazy slothful servant, God will judge, and you will be cast out and there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. It will be a terrible day and for all of you, each and every one of you who desire the Day of the Lord, what good will it be for you!!!???

If we say we have not sinned, we deceive ourselves. If you do not read the Truth that upon TRULY receiving the Lord into your heart, forgiven, dying, being born again and raised in the newness of life that you are no longer guilty of sins PAST, you will be deceived by the very many who have no understanding and preach contention. It is not debatable, the Truth is a fact. Yes you once sinned, but if you heed the Lord and the book, you will understand that you can Go and Sin No More. This Truth is far lost in the world and many be there that offer it to be untrue, so you have the many that teach liberty in sin, for they being impure still, can not fathom truly being clean of sins past and not freed for a life of sin from the righteous requirements of the Law. They can see freedom in sin, they can not see freedom from it, they can have liberty in sin, but they can not cease from sin. They invent past and present and all future sins already forgiven, so they can bear the pricks upon their hearts, that searing of conscience. Woe to you when you find the Truth and allow wolves to teach you, guide you, if you join the many denominations, you will hear all of this in some fashion or another. One thing is certain you will be sold the inability to do anything, sin nature, original sin, moral depravity is rampant in the creations of mans hands.

1 John 1:8, " If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. "

Conditions are at every turn, abnegate, turn back, deny, renounce, refuse the evil and choose the good. Do not turn back from the Path, taking thine hand from the plough. But strive to enter in the Kingdom, continue in the goodness of God. Take not lightly the Rock of Salvation in which you are placed the very day you hear. I speak to them that have heard and that will come to hear. I warn, I give the testimony that was given to me to give. I do not want anyone to fall from the Truth, to have what the Lord gives in His testament to be taken from you by them who have either lost it already, or most likely never had it. Do not allow your white robs to be spotted by the lies they will sell. It will be upon every side, it will be at every turn. Many will try to guide you, lead you, teach you and you will even think it to be the natural course to be led of others, I did. You need no one to teach you when you find the Truth and the Holy Ghost baptizes you in the Spirit. Just hold on tight, fight to hear and keep what is heard and do not think that evil will not present an offer. Again I testify of something that never ceases to impress upon me. I was told I could be the best preacher or anything I wanted, all I had to do was deny the Lord. If I, then surely without question others have had this same offer, many, many others. Some surely denying to have what the flesh wants over the Spirit. There are many who may preach Christ but deny Him in the Truth. Many who surely look to be working in the garden for the Lord but are not, showing forth the false witness. The way that is not the Way. Keeping one from the conditions placed in the testament and will of the Lord.

Unconditional, is a thing they who refuse the conditions need to find to ease the conscience that surely is not upon the Way, the Path. No running for them, no striving for them, no need to dig deep for them, it is worked out for them and many, many buy these lies. Many take up the provisions offered so they can say one thing but do another. In that book of steel James wrote, " so speak ye and so do ". What is heard you will speak and so you do as you have heard and speak. If you love Him, obey Him, keep the Commandments. The Royal Law is hung upon the Commandments. The greatest of the Law is to love God with all your heart, mind, body, soul, might and the second is love thy neighbor as thy self. These are hung upon the Commandments, it is what holds these two great Commandments up. Like love having a law it is hung, certain things must be met for love to be love. What is holding these thing up, there is a foundation somewhere and the greatest of Commandments are hung upon. Looking deeper one sees what is holding these up, and it is the Commandments holding them to be what they are. Love can not be love if it is unfaithful, you can not love God with all your heart when you have another before Him, that is a foundation, a factual Truth, it can not be any other way. You can not love your neighbor as you love your self, if you murder them, steal from them, bear false witness against them. If one is told to love God, the first thing to figure out then is to love Him how?

Conditions. Works. Deeds. Fruits. Doeth. Do. What are these things, study, search and you will find. Will you keep what is found, do what is heard?

If you love Me, keep My Commandments. How are you to love Him, He has shown us, told us and left no doubt of it. The whole of the matter, fear God and keep his Commandments. Eat of the butter and the honey and KNOW to refuse the evil and to choose the good. Deny thyself, take up thine own cross and follow. Make no mistake, He has shown you what is good and what He REQUIRES of you. To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. Felix trembled, for it is Righteousness (obedience), Temperance (self control), and the absolute Truth of the Judgement to come. The weightier matters of the law, judgement, mercy and faith. Put in the work and define these things, look into them and find the foundation that holds them to be what they are. The quality's and then the obedience to them. Faithful obedience unto death. If you love Him that is. If you love another, then you will direct the works to another. Simply Truth, but the Truth.

Ecclesiastes 12:13, " Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. "

Isaiah 7:15, " Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. "

Matthew 16:24, " Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. "

Micah 6:8, " He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? "

Acts 24:25, " And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. "

Matthew 23:23, " Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. "

Do not be fooled, nothing changed after Christ gave His Life on the cross. What He said, He said, it was not fulfilled for you, it was not obeyed for you, it was not all paid for you. What was nailed to the cross was nailed to it but it was not the Commandments of God, it was the sacrifice, the debt owed death for sin, the Law that required payment was fulfilled and then nailed to the cross. For "IF" you will enter into Life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS. Fight for it, strive ye to enter in by which FEW ARE ABLE. For so many take up the provisions, the lies and have no desire to be fervent, strive, yearn, reach out and take hold and let it not go, to look not back, digging deep, to maintain the requirements, to uphold the standard, to fly the banner, to meet the bar, to keep, to speak and so do. Yes you can easily find them that will tell you none of this is true. They can explain away the very words of Christ, if that is what you desire, you will eat of it.

He said it with perfect clarity, there is no doubt, no other way but the Way. It is faithful obedience unto death, the conditions must be met. The first thing preached was make straight the Way and Repent. God did and has Commanded all men everywhere to Repent. This is not already done for anyone, or paid, or obeyed. You have to Seek, Repent and Sin No More. For Christ who said "Keep the Commandments" also said "Go and Sin No More".

Matthew 19:17, " And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. "

Paul followed Christ and makes the same statement. He places conditions and before saying love thy neighbor as thy self, he quotes the Commandments by which the Royal Laws hang. It is Keep the Commandments.

Romans 13:9, " For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. "

Again the point is made. There is no power but that of God Almighty. Powers that be are by His will, like it or not, be faithful to the forward and the Good, give honor to honor is due. It matters not if you like, it matters if you obey. To do what is right, to continue in His goodness. Paul in 359 words (Romans 13) listed one condition after another and all of them is a perfect picture of "obedience".

Let us put in the effort.

Let every soul (that means all) be subject unto higher powers. For there is no power but of God (no other power, not doctors, lawyers, judges, what ever it may be, none have power but God lets). Pilate had no power to sentence Christ to death. Pilate sure thought he did, just as so many place the power at the feet of man.

Whosoever (anyone), that resist the power, resists the ordinances of God (Commandments, for everything Paul wrote are the Commandments of God). The that resist (disobedience) shall receive damnation. Not maybe, not might, but "shall" receive damnation. One time is known for damnation, and that is the resurrection of damnation. The resurrection that comes after the resurrection of Life. For the wrath of God is stored up for the children of "disobedience". It is nothing but condition placed after condition.

The people may mock, but the Truth stands regardless. There is nothing that can be put to it or taken from it. No matter how lies are sold, how many scoff and mock, reality is what it is. Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. That is the purpose to punish evil. Will one not fear the power, a power that only comes from God? Told out right, "do good" and you will have praise of the same. For certain thy who do evil will have the praise of evil, the same. The sword surely is not beared in vain.

Render to all what is due, owe no man, work no ill, know it is time to awake to righteousness and sin not, for salvation is near. Know that salvation is in the hand of no man but they hold it till the end. Many walk around proclaiming what none of them have but they endure till the end. Need to boast, boast of being in the race, contending for the faith, but a fool thinks they have before they truly have. For salvation is near, it is always near, the time is always at hand, for tomorrow is no mans. If God requires your soul today, where will you stand? Cast off evil and YOU put on the armor of light, walking honestly, not in riot and drunkenness (excess), not in sexual lust, wantonness, strife and envy. YOU put on the Lord for it is not put on for you, you are not clothed in nothing but you actually put it on. Making no provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof.

One condition after another. One perfect Way to go after another. One guide after another.

Peter makes conditions known.

Faith something must be added to it. As James makes perfectly clear, faith alone is death, it requires works, for without a working faith you have no faith at all. A faith working by love and proven by deeds. So then we hear Peter instruct, to faith "add" virtue, the effectual operation of your faith, proving the state of it by a fact. To virtue add knowledge and to knowledge add temperance, to temperance add patience and to patience add godliness, to godliness add brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness add charity, for without it is all for nothing, all of it vain, vanity. If you have truly escaped, YOU DO these things. Here are things that must be found, attained through diligence, seeking, yearning, running, racing, digging, fighting, striving, working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. To have escaped something means you are free indeed, not partially, but wholly, fully set free from that old man. DO NOT let them drag you back with lies, provisions. Be separate, be peculiar, and peculiar is any man that obeys from the heart, keeping the Commandments of God without doubt. Knowing it is faithful obedience unto death.

Have you escaped, truly escaped, been set free? Then do these works, for you are able through Christ to do them. Do it out of love, knowing you have been forgiven much you love much.

2 Peter 1:4, " Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

2 Peter 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;

2 Peter 1:6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;

2 Peter 1:7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. "

Be mindful of the words spoken, a condition placed to either receive the reward of obeying or the condition placed upon the reward of ignoring the warnings given. Be mindful, for one will reap what they sow, sin unto death or obedience unto death.

2 Peter 3:2, " That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: "

Even if you know, or if you have forgotten. Again, God destroyed them that believed not, for to believe bears quality's that must be found in them that believe in Him. One can believe and yet possess not the fruit of it, like devils who know there is but one God and tremble of it being so, but they do not obey God. If you will not heed the conditions, the woes, and do the will of the Father, the end will be the everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, it will destroy you.

They had it but the neglected it and all that they had was taken. Be ye sober, grave, sincere, and know the conditions placed, the standard set, the bar raised. Do not deceive yourselves.

Jude 1:5, " I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. "

This is the Lords day, the day He rested, the seventh day, the last day of the week. This day was made for man and not man for it. This day is the Fourth Commandment. God rested upon this day and sanctified it, making it holy, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. It is good to do good on the Sabbath. May the Father of Lights be in your hearts and His grace abound Amen.

It is remission and not permission.

Seek, Repent and Sin No More.

We are the words we speak.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...


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