My Lord:
Isaiah 5:13, " Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. "
The Commandment is not new, it is the same as it ever was. Required it is to be faithful.
Love one another, and what is love? Walking after the Commandments. The Law is fulfilled by love and love is the Law being kept. It is a simple expression, they who love Him, obey Him. If ye love Me, Keep My Commandments. Call Me Lord, Lord and so do as I say. Name My Name and depart from all iniquity. A true servant is Faithful. It is eat of the butter and the honey to know to refuse the evil and choose the good. It is hate evil and love good. It is awake to righteousness and sin not. It is stand in awe and sin not. It is Go and Sin No More. A theme that is always playing throughout the book of the Lord, cover to cover.
They have no knowledge and go into captivity to sin and death through disobedience. For the wrath of God is stored up for the children of disobedience. Does God really send those He loves to hell everlasting. The everlasting separation from the presence of the Lord. Where fire burns within, in the knowledge of knowing that very separation, as I felt it, lived it, so I warn you of the horror of it. Far worse then any imagination could imagine. An honorable man famished, no Truth in them, the multitude dried up with thirst, no Truth in them. They did not hunger for righteousness, did not thirst for righteousness. Did not wage war for it, did not stand on the field of battle unmovable. But moved by all the provisions that allow for sin to reign, regarding the works of mans hands, the inventions, the traditions, the commandments of mere men. Truly in these things there is no true wisdom, knowledge or understanding to be found, but surely ever lacking and it fadeth as they go into captivity willingly.
Blessed are they that regard the works of Gods hands, blessed are they that diligently seek, who put in the work, the effort, who lean not upon men, who lean not upon princes, who trust in the Lord.
Matthew 5:6, " Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. "
2 Peter 3:14, " Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. "
Hebrews 11:6, " But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. "
Proverbs 11:27, " He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him. "
Proverbs 3:5, " Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. "
No help, no wisdom, no knowledge, no understanding, no wealth, no treasure, no riches, no Truth. Just vanity, vain imaginations that have heard nothing. Selling provisions, selling inventions that allow for inability. The of God do overcome the world, it is not what appears to be of God, it is what is of God. They overcome, the Go and Sin No More, they make no excuse, they reason not to find provisions that allow for the lust of the flesh to be fulfilled. They obey from the heart, to Go and Sin No More.
Psalms 146:3, " Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. "
Every time I think of Isaiah 5 I consider what I hear by man and then what is clearly written. What more could have God done for the vineyard, it was supplied with all that it needed. It had the choicest of vines planted in it, it had all the defense needed for it to prosper and produce "good" grapes, it was not a sinful grape planted in it, it was not created to sin, it was not born to sin, it was not born in sin, it had not a nature to sin, for God planted the upright in it, so where indeed does the wild grapes come from? where does the disobedience come from? Was it Gods creation that made such a thing or was it the will of them created?
God surely sowed "GOOD" seed. But the enemy surely has corrupted them. God surely planted the choicest, but they chose to refuse the Truth and rebel, to disobey the True Vine and the branches that do not abide will be cut off and cast into the fire. Should we resist the evil, go and gather them up? No, you might uproot them that do abide. Do not present a false witness but do good in the face of evil. Resist the devil, resist not God.
Matthew 13:27, " So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
Matthew 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? "
God looked for what in His garden? Judgement and Righteousness (good grapes) and what did He find in its place? Oppression and cries (wild grapes).
One could read it as they hungered and thirst for judgement and righteousness and it was not found for they put it off for their own lusts. They had all the supply needed and they took it for granted, they invented their own, used what God put in the garden for good, for their good and they used it upon their own lusts. Changed the garden that was planted with judgement and righteousness, with the very thing that surrounds us this very day. Liberty in sin, for God made them unable to obey, that choicest vine was not so choice, but flawed as I hear the wicked endlessly complain and murmur. God having made them unable, with no ability, no power to resist the devil, no power to endure the temptation that is nothing but common to man. Not special, not so great a temptation that men absolutely could not refuse it. A garden filled with those bound to sin and death, oppressed by death and crying out, when they had it all.
The Commandment, love one another is fulfilled in keeping the Commandments. If you love Me, keep My Commandments. For this is love, walking after the Commandments.
The LOVE OF GOD is what? Who can answer this right now without reading forward? Who knew the answer as they read this? Who knows that the LOVE OF GOD "IS" that we keep His Commandments? The simple knowledge of what love "is" expresses how to love. If one is a doer of the Truth, a keeper, someone maintaining, they are expressing love by obeying the Commandments, for they are not killing, stealing and destroying each other, they are loving their neighbor as themselves, keeping the Commandments. They who truly love that which is truly good, are keeping the Commandments. Law and Love are one, loving is being faithful to the Law of Love. This Law states that love is faithful, that faithfulness works by love, they are synonymous, two things that without the other are nothing. Two things that are together created that which is something, Life, alive, living, functioning, effectual, operation, present, tangible, evident and all the things like to these. One without the other is what? dead. A faith without works of love are dead. A work without faith of love is dead.
1 John 5:3, " For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. "
2 John 1:6, " And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. "
I hear the emphasis always on the alcohol, and not what the strong drink lead them to. They became inflamed and committed themselves to evil and not good. They no longer regarded the work of Gods hands, but their own hands. The many inventions by way men whore themselves after to commit abominations before the eyes of God. The provisions made so they could disregard the works of Gods hands for the works of their own hands. In flames by that strong drink of sin, having pleasure in unrighteousness, for God looked as written and found no righteousness. Having pleasure in the lack of true judgement and God looked and found no judgement. No hunger, no thirst for the things that He did, no regard for His works, just what they without blushing sell to this very day. We are going to do what we want to do and God matters not at all, in fact God must love us just the way we are. In fact God does love us just the way we are. In fact Christ paid it all so we could never be able and continue in sin, so past, present and all future sins are already forgiven. In fact one could try with all their heart, all their soul, all their mind, all their body to lose their salvation and it could not ever be, for once you are saved you are forever saved no matter what you do. As I have read, heard, watched with my own eyes and ears since coming to know the Truth, since being forgiven near 7 years ago.
Hebrew - H1814
Word: דָּלַק
Transliteration: dâlaq
Phonetic: daw-lak'
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to burn, hotly pursue, (Qal), to burn, to hotly pursue, (Hiphil), to kindle, to inflame
No doubt a drunkard is evil, no doubt it speaks of it being so. Who rises early to drink, to change their ability to truly dwell on that which matters most, to what truly has no worth and matters not at all? Much easier to deny the Truth when one is under the influence of drink or drugs, or entertainment, they all possess the same quality's, to hide the Truth from you, to allow for excuse, provision, reason, to be guided away, to be led off, to be called off. Who rises early to get high so they can get by? Is there really any difference between them that want to hide from the Truth, drink, drugs, entertainment? Does the thing used make the greater difference, is one truly worse than the other or are they equal in there ability to hide the Truth and present the lie? Rising early to sin, to be drunk or high to willfully be able, be allowed to sin, fulfilling the lust of the flesh and to ignore that Truth of where one is presently standing. To be free to pretend, to present a false witness, to accentuate, or exaggerate the lie, the inability, the nature to be sinful, when it is not so. If nothing can prick you, convict you, then you must be free in doing so, must be right, it must be OK to speak poorly, to act poorly, to get high, to get drunk, to sin, to fulfill the lust of the flesh. Must be alright to say, we are going to do what we want to do regardless of the works of Gods hands. Must be alright to live outside the Law, the Commandments of God. Must be alright to Name the Lord Jesus and not depart from iniquity. Must be alright to continue to sin. It must be permission and not remission. It must be as they all preach in these fake churches, just loved they way you are and no one will ever be able to obey that which one loves, to be truly faithful, perfectly faithful.
The first thoughts are not the works of Gods hands, but one can surely see they are the regards of the works of their own hands, or mans hands. The harp, the viol, the tabret and the pipe and the wine, of these they feast indeed. In this day distraction is so much easier, ear buds to instantly drown out the conscience that pricks, and the love of drugs to ease those pricks. So much to be entertained by, the incessant barrage, no interruptions, mind kept aloft upon the vain imaginations, the provisions offered, sold, bought, carried about them, hedged about with them, to stave off regarding the works of Gods hands. Truly what cords of vanity that they use.
Isaiah 5:12, " And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD, neither consider the operation of his hands. "
Again, God made no one with a nature to be evil, but He surely hands then over to their lusts, their wants. He hardens whom He hardens and sin surely is that which hardens them. Sin separates them from Him, and being kept from that which is good hardens absolutely. One truly reaps as one has truly sown. Rather than regard the Truth, God having made ALL men upright, they regard not this and being drunk, high, filled with their own lusts, their own works, they refuse to give heed that they are made upright and able to obey from the heart the doctrine received of God. The god of them are their own bellies, their own wants, needs, desire. Those passions and desire not put to death, not mortified, not crucified, but alive and well and leading the way.
Isaiah 59:2, " But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. "
Jeremiah 5:25, " Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you. "
The prick that says it is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. That prick that says faith is truly faithful and works by love. That prick that says love is obedient to what love truly is. Again, love is walking after the Commandments and the LOVE OF GOD is keeping the Commandments. That synergism, two working in concert producing a beautiful harmony, they truly become one in the same. Again, a faith that has not love is dead. A faith that works not is dead. Faith works by love as written so one can see they are synonymous. So a true working faith is what? love. Love fulfills all the Law and the prophets and so this is what? Faithfulness to the Commandments of God, a true expression of your love towards all and towards God. Truly loving thy neighbor, is obeying the Commandments. Truly it is all one, but many branches.
We know we love, when we keep the Commandments of God! It is painfully simple to a perfect perfection, complete without lack or want.
1 John 5:2, " By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. "
It says "BY THIS" by what? That Loveth...
1 John 5:1, " Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. "
By love we know that we love and love is keeping the Commandments. Again perfectly simple to perfection, complete. It cuts, for it is truly sharper then anything could ever be. The Truth has no equal, there is nothing that can be put to it or taken from it, the perfect measure. God surely is just and righteous in all His ways by it.
Woe unto them that draw lawlessness, wickedness, sin with cords of vanity, who put great effort "inflamed" to draw it near to them as if they where drawing a cart with rope. The strength put into having it near to them, early to rise and drink of it, and before sleep surely to take another hit of it. No room, or time to meditate upon the bed with thine heart, considering the works of Gods hands. Tired from all the effort of pulling a cart filled with iniquity. Inflamed by the drink, the drugs, the entertainment, the distraction, the giving heed to the calling of them that have but one desire, to kill, steal and destroy. Them who call evil good and good evil, who mix the cups, who share the tables, who say one thing and do another. They who promise liberty when it is death. They who promise peace and there is no peace. They who say rest and there will be none. They who justify the wicked, who strengthen the hands of sinner for reward. The reward of favor, the reward to exaggerate the inability, to give excuse, to give reason, to give provisions, to set free, when it ought to be understood they are indeed chained, bound, captive, in a cage of their own passions and desires. That hell has been enlarged and will do so until the end. The reward for not speaking the Truth, the reward for lying, for speaking smooth things, for prophesying lies unto them. Strong drink, drugs, getting high, perverting the way, perverting judgement that God looked for in the garden and only found oppression and crying. The reward, the people loved to have it so, loved to be lied to, to be told they are free indeed from the Law, from the Truth, from their own choices. The reward, to be loved by the people, to be well spoke of just as their fathers did to the false prophets.
The reward, to have wisdom, knowledge and understanding hidden, for it to fade away in a haze of smoke, drink and entertainment. To be amused to death and that everlasting hell being separated from the presence of the Lord.
Isaiah 5:18, " Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: "
Isaiah 5:20, " Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! "
Isaiah 5:23, " Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! "
Not working out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Not working it out and it fades away into another thing that ought not be. The wisdom fades, the knowledge fades, the understanding fades, that ability to retain fades. They who work not, will eat not.
You can not have wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God in wickedness. You can read, you can study but if your hearts true love is your lust, then you will not retain anything, you will not be increased, you will not be given the riches of God. If you are not faithful in the least of things, you surely will not be in the greatest of things. If you do not maintain a thing it will fade, it will be lost. Like anything in Life, working out a muscle diligently grows it, neglect it and it will fade away. It is daily set thy mind upon Him, daily regard the Truth, daily give heed to the works of Gods hands, daily exercise what? Righteousness and Godliness.
1 Timothy 4:7, " But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.
1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. "
Lets get high on sin, lets forget the Law that tells us sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Lets forget the Grace of God that teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. Lets forget we are able to obey if we truly love Him and desired Him. Lets us forget and pervert the Way to the Truth to have Life. Not only do we refuse to enter, but we can shut the Way up to them trying to enter. Let us present that false witness, the one that has no power, no ability, who can never obey from the heart the teachings of God Almighty. Let us tell them of their imbued sin nature, and no matter what they do they will fail. Let us inflame them, make them drunk and high and entertain them, to exaggerate the crime and make virtue to high. Let us mock them that are righteous, call them sanctimonious, and self righteous, let us beat them with the old man, till they forget they ever had a new man and a new heart, given, and were forgiven. Let us teach of the license to sin, lasciviousness, licentiousness, that unbridled lust is free indeed to live, to have Life, to do as they please and nothing they do can cause them that sin unto death.
Proverbs 31:5, " Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted. "
Ezekiel 13:22, " Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life: "
Psalms 129:4, " The LORD is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked. "
Jeremiah 21:8, " And unto this people thou shalt say, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I set before you the way of life, and the way of death. "
Sin reigned unto death, as written "sin unto death". Grace reigns unto eternal life but by what? Righteousness.
So again let us define the Path through a simple definition of the word "righteous".
For if grace is king though righteousness, one ought to be certain what that is. To be clear in the matter absolutely.
Romans 5:21, " That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. "
Righteousness: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin...
Just in this first definition we find "FREE FROM GUILT OR SIN. So many proclaim the Grace of God but also profess their inability to cease from sin. To have a built in malady that prevents them from being able to do what is right. So they always quote the old man model Paul spoke of, not being able to so what they desire to do but do what they desire not to do. That old excuse being used by what is supposed to be the new man. Proving they have not the new man or have completely denied it. For grace does not reign through sin, death does. They are known by their fruit, by their own mouths they are condemned.
Then if this is true, they must invent another way to circumvent the Truth. So then it must be freedom as they sin or freedom to sin. No matter what they are already pre forgiven for all future sins, hence we have the most loved of all things, that first lie sold to Eve and not Adam. Genesis 3 you shall not surely die but you will have Life in your disobedience. God will love you just the way you are and nothing can separate you from the Love of God, surely not sin!
Synonymous with righteousness: all right, decent, ethical, good, honest, honorable, just, moral, nice, right, right-minded, straight, true, upright, virtuous...
Righteousness: noun ri'chusness.
Purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law. righteousness as used in Scripture and theology, in which it is chiefly used, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all we call justice, honesty and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is true religion.
Applied to God, the perfection or holiness of his nature; exact rectitude; faithfulness.
The active and passive obedience of Christ, by which the law of God is fulfilled. Daniel 9:7.
All of that to say "OBEDIENCE".
For it is obedience unto righteousness and grace reigns through righteousness, so then it is again just one absolute thing as God said from the very beginning, obey or you will surely die. For it is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Like faith is love, righteousness is obedience, they are all synergism, together working as one producing that virtue, that effectual operation proving ones state of being. Filling each word and them overflowing with the quality's they produce. Not speaking into existence as so many love to say, but by actually doing them one brings them into the world. By actually being obedient and not just saying it, one becomes truly that thing. Saying and so doing as James wrote in a book of solid steel.
The Command Go and Sin No More. Awake to righteousness and sin not. Stand in awe and sin not. If ye Love Me, keep My Commandments. Call Me Lord, Lord, then do as I have asked. Simple to perfection it is always obedience unto Life everlasting and disobedience unto hell everlasting. If it is hidden, it is hidden by the devil who said surely you shall not die.
Allow yourself to be robbed of the treasure God gives and you will believe a lie. When they promise you liberty as they serve corruption. When they strengthen the hands of the wicked and promise them life, when it is surely death. When you for the lack of knowledge one is brought into captivity to sin and death.
This is the Lords day, it is not a day men created, or commanded, or imagined. It is a day the Lord God Almighty rested Himself. It is the seventh day, the fourth Commandment day, a day made for man and not man for it. This is the Sabbath day, the last day of the week, this is the weekend. Strive ye to enter into My rest, for there remains rest for the people of God.
It is remission and not permission.
Seek, Repent and Sin No More.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...