My Lord:
There is no substitution for you being able. It is ability to do, set free by the Lord Jesus Christ so you could obey from the heart that form of doctrine received by God. It is not received for you, no provision has been made by God to allow for willful disobedience by anyone who receives the free gift, the promise. They will preach that there is, they will sell you that you have some provisional built in defect that God gave all man so you can not obey from the heart. That you have a defect, a malady, something imbued in your flesh to be sinful, beyond ones own free will to choose to be a good tree or a bad tree. To make the Tree good or make the tree bad.
Again, I say it all again for the Love of God Almighty. They are selling you inability and under that single nine letter word we find all the provisions invented by men for hundreds of years and thousands of years now. Morally depraved insanity, sin nature, totally depraved, original sin, born to sin, born in sin, irresistible grace, eternal security, license to sin, liberty in corruption, once saved always saved, just believe, faith alone, by grace hiding you from the eyes of God, Christ doing it all for you, obeying it all for you, running the race for you, it is all won for you and you get the credit even for doing nothing. Insanity is calling evil good and good evil, it is the definition for the word if one will truly follow it and define it. All of these perfectly parallel the world. None lose, all are winners, everyone gets a trophy regardless of anything. All come in first, no one is going to hell. There is no hell, or you can get out of hell later on for them that really want to get their sin on and by this provision still have hope of getting out of hell. There is nothing anyone can do to lose salvation, saved or not, you can sin all the sins unto death till Christ comes and you are hidden in Christ no matter what. You break every Commandment and God expects this of all, even the born again. So don't anyone worry, there is a provision for everyone, all you have to do is find it, buy it, create it, invent it, make a tradition and keep it. For every Commandment of God men have a counter commandment that allows one to not have to enter in through the narrow and straight Gate, but can climb in over the sides, or even better lower the Gate, lower the standard so that one can do anything they desire for all their short time given and they will in no way be not able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Under the inability one has no need of obedience, just an empty lie of faith alone, not of works. Pure evil to shut up the Gate to any trying to enter. They do the same as it ever was. Those gate keepers do not even try to enter and the certainly do not allow anyone trying to enter in to be able. They murder you ability with lies, provisions. They destroy your ability with lies, provisions. The steal your ability with lies, provisions. They make certain you can not cease from sin, for they can not, nor desire to rule over their own house and they surely do not want to see anyone else being able and doing it. No liar wants to have their lies thrown in their face. No one wants to face they have been faking it and helping others to fake it as well. No one wants to realize they are the ones shutting up the Way to the Truth to have Life. They are the ones who have created another gospel, that liberty in sin gospel, that licentiousness, lasciviousness license to sin, yes you can disobey God and live.
Provisional salvation comes with empty words that lead to a pit of inability, of never being able to have any power to control ones own actions. So it all must be controlled for them, done for them. Just trust in the provision the Lord did it all, just believe it, just have faith in it and you are a winner, you did not run any race and yet you are credited with having done so.
No synergism, that faith is obedience. Do not study and be truly approved worthy of His use. Do not truly define the Path through definition. Just chant faith alone, not of works and your surely a Christian indeed without the deeds. Who knows not that faith is faithful? Who knows not that faith is loyal? Who knows not that faith is fidelity? Who knows not that faith is sincerity? Who knows not that faith is sobriety? Who knows not that faith is faithful obedience, a work of love and proven by works. Faith to truly escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. Not live in that corruption and pretend to be covered by grace through a faith that is unfaithful.
Like water running the path of least resistance, so do men that love sin more than righteousness. Easier to take that broad way, that provision, then to simple obey from the heart, there is no resistance from the world. Easier it is to do as you want to do and make God conform to your image, then you conform to Gods image and will. The Truth is not hard to find, it is right in front of us all. It is the desire to see it, hear it and follow it. That desire to seek, Repent and Go and Sin No More. It is something from the heart, if you will believe with all thine heart yes you may. They suppress the Truth in UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, just as they turn the image of God into the corruptible image of man. Just as they invent provisions to allow one to be free to disobey. We could name them all and mock them, but there is no need they do it themselves by their own mouths. Truly depart, flee, escape from them. Have you no understanding that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? A little hypocrisy will allow for all to be hypocrites. One can say they love but show none but it be convenient to do so. One can say they have faith but show no proof of being faithful but it be for the others to see and that is convenient for them. To glory outwardly for appearance.
Romans 1:18, " For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; "
Who glory in appearance and not the heart. Who draw nigh with lips and not the heart. Again, are you able to drink of My cup? ye Lord we are able. It is from the heart, with all thine heart. It is not what the silly television and movies imagine it to be, or denominations or any other invention of men. It is just you, the man, the person, doing from the heart as asked. It is fighting every day for it a world who fights every day against the Truth. There is water over there, what must I do? If you believe with all your heart you may and you will be able.
2 Corinthians 5:12, " For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart. "
Point again being, you can go anywhere and give the appearance, you can join up with whom ever, pledge and oath to whom ever and give that appearance outwardly of loving the Truth, all while hating hating it, hiding it, all for some silly creation of some man. To hold the Truth in unrighteousness, in a lie just to be free from the Truth. To feign, to pretend, pretense, faking it, going through the motions. Who will affirm this day they are in the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds? Who this day makes themselves worthy of the Master use? Who is not providing lips service but rather with all their hearts are doing all they can to stand in the day of the Lord. A dark and terrible day, and who will love His appearing? Who will not ask the rocks to fall on them and hide them? Who obeys the Commandment Go and Sin No More. Who fights for it, yearns for it, ready to die for it? Who has no pleasure in the wicked things and them that do wickedness?
2 Corinthians 10:7, " Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ's, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ's, even so are we Christ's. "
When you hear anyone say they can not obey they have already condemned themselves with their own mouths. For out of the heart the treasures they contain in their heart is revealed. They testify of not being able then that can not possibly be able. Not having the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Power in them, but spirit of error and powerless. Hopefully they never had it so they can truly Repent and believe the Gospel that sets them free to be able to obey from the heart. So when the new heart is given to them that truly turn from sin, their desires have changed and they can freely go about obeying the Commandments of God out of love being forgiven much, so loving much more. But woe is every before them, for many will try to tell them they can not be a doer, that no one can, or ever will or ever has. Anyone truly walking with Christ will be attacked by the provision creators, by the inventions of men. As written "anyone truly living a godly life in Christ will suffer for it". One is charged to HOLD FAST, why? Because there are so many lies that will come from those closet to you, trying to destroy any ability you may find. It is called "arms" in the world, why? To keep you from being able, it will be instant and it will take endurance to work it out for yourself. To separate yourself from them you think you can not possibly be separated from. Even though they are literally killing you, literally trying to rob you of the Truth. The take you by the "arm" to lead you to the place they are using "arms".
I copied and pasted some of the "arms" that are used to force people to choose themselves to do something they really do not want to do, from a article written by them that force upon others by getting them to choose to do it. Not only for themselves, but to spread that force to those around them. To get as many as they can before making it required by literal force, no longer a choice to be made, you will submit. That is the line between Truth and lies. One tries to get you on the Truth path and will hide no part of the tactics used and why they are used, that end goal why is must be. The lie does it all but will not tell you the Truth of the end goal, the real reason for why. The lie hides, the Truth hides not. The lie is to kill, steal and destroy you. The Truth is to give you Life everlasting. Both taking you by the arm but one is Truth, the other is a lie.
The various ‘arms’ used in the study when it came to messaging were as follows:
Other: Control message
Other: Baseline message
Other: Personal freedom message
Other: Economic freedom message
Other: Self-interest message
Other: Community interest message
Other: Economic benefit message
Other: Guilt message
Other: Embarrassment message
Other: Anger message
Other: Trust in science message
Other: Not bravery message
The encouragement of evil is to take you by deception, by guile, by deceit, to fool you, trick you, snare you, trap you, beguile, with amusement, entertainment, with placating, with provisions, with hypocrisy, with empty words, to allure you with something that is nothing. To entice with appearance but that appearance is fake, a lie, pretense. I do not come to flatter you with words so I can take you by the arm and lead you to the Truth. With great plainness of speech, this is the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing is hidden. I gain nothing if I lie to you, deceive you, trick you into something you do not have all the Truth of because I have left something out that does not appeal to the lust of your flesh. You who do evil are of the devil, you can speak of the Truth all you like, it will not make you of the Truth. You who do good are of the Truth and you do not even need to speak to be of it. The who sin are servants of sin, period. They who sin not are servants of righteousness, period. The who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous. They who tell you that you are righteous no matter what you do, clothed in it, imputed with it even though you do none of it are the bewitched who bewitch with sorcery. It amuses the flesh, entertains the flesh through its lust. It takes you by the arm however it can, it will use anything it can to get you to stand not upon the Truth but upon a lie. Anything to defile your conscience, so you will hate the appearing of the Lord. Anything to ask you a question and place the seed of doubt in your heart.
1 Thessalonians 2:3 , " For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile: "
Filled with debate, they love to debate the same nonsense over and over, ever learning and never able. Ever learning and never able. Ever learning and never able. They fully know the judgement of God and it does not stop them, they have no fear of God before them, for they are not of Him. The conscience does not convict them, hearts hardened and conscience seared. Debate, it is never of the Power, the ability, but it is always a debate about the provisions that have been made up by them and those who have handed down these traditions. What need is there of debating about having the ability to obey from the heart? But how great and wonderful is the debate the inability that one can never obey from the heart? Oh how great is that need to them that loveth lies, loveth deceit and have pleasure in unrighteousness. Never plainly simple, Go and Sin No More, let us debate going and sinning more. Never plainly simple, faithful obedience, but let us debate how none are faithful, none are obedient and why this is. Never plainly simple, yes you really are able through Christ to do all things, even cease from sinning. Yes you can keep the Commandments if you love Him. Yes you can obey Him with all your heart. Yes you can be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer. In debating the same things over and over one can wear another down, get some seed of doubt planted and then win them over to the hypocrisy, of saying one thing and doing another.
Romans 1:29, " Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Romans 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Romans 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. "
That book of James, truly a book of steel. Say and so do! Words greatly plain and simple. Knowing full well they will be judged by the Law of Liberty, it is plain and simply. The Law that sets you free, the Law of Liberty is faith, which is faithfulness, which is obedience. Faith being fidelity, loyalty, sincerity, monogamy, trust, truthfulness, and a chain linked from one word to the next. A chain of links but one chain indeed. Faith working by love and proven by deeds, saying and so doing. Saying Go and Sin No More and so doing it. Saying you love and so doing it. What is written, Keep Mercy and Judgement, continually waiting on the Lord. Allow the conscience to convict and confess and forsake, then do that which is fair and just. In every moment a way out is given, if you will continually wait on the Lord. To be in service of the Lord. Saying and so doing, I said I will be not violent, so lie not, oppress none, but be just, loving mercy, mercy of ones ignorance that puts trust in you to do as you say. Will you do as you have said when no one can prove other wise but God surely sees every single thought, deed and word spoken. Judge rightly yourself and weigh justly with mercy, oppress not the poor who have not the knowledge of the Truth in the matter before them but have entrusted you to do what is right. I say that line is thin and subtle that gets one to transgress. That subtle placation of the conscience, to gain by oppression, by violence, which is lies and deceit of the oppressed and ones own self. When one justifies an act of evil thought well of, spoken well of, hidden well that ones own family and friends still speak well of the false. God knows it and will recompense, as I read, He will show His righteousness by showing you your unrighteousness Amen.
James 2:12, " So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. "
The being " beholden to no man " just spoke loudly. God willing that will come to be what He desires it to be in me.
Again, to faith add virtue, to virtue add knowledge, to knowledge add temperance, to temperance add patience, to patience add godliness, to godliness add brotherly kindness, to brotherly kindness add charity which is love. Again, we see it went from faith to love and all that it is filled with, the proof, the provers, the signs, the ensigns, the mark. For love is suffering long, kind, does not envy, vaunt (speak highly of itself), puff up, unseemly, seeks not its own, easily provoked, thinking no evil, pleasures not in evil, rejoices in the Truth, bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things and true love does not fail. This all by itself sets a very high standard as I see it, as I read it and I write it. As I go over it and over it, I hear only a high standard that I want to rise and meet to the best I can by what God has given me. A faith that has virtue added, so that I am effectual and in operation. That is working proving that it is a fact that my state of being is loving Truth, loving Christ. If my conscience speaks, I will hear it and obey it as I am in service to the Lord. That waiting continually on Him as written.
Truly the deeds are ever before us, one fighting to keep you clear in the matter, one fighting to hide you in the matter. No one choosing or doing it for you, but you choosing to be what you will be, what your reward will be, what you truly love most, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
The book of the Lord does not warn you of those in your own household being your greatest threat for nothing. Others will desire to lead you, to teach you, will be so certain of the filthy lies they cling to, they will do all they can to tear the Truth from you, and they will absolutely believe they are in the service of God as they do it, as they take you by the arm and lead you. I testify of what I lived, of the mistakes I made and the mercy God showed to me after I actually found Him. I am under no delusion, I surely deserved death and hell, I deserve nothing and still surely deserve nothing but God showed great mercy towards me in my ignorance and on my wilful sin against Him. Be still, be silent and wait on the Lord. Do not allow the flesh to run off with you, in that moment one truly comes to know, to hear, to see and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Just ramblings of a mad man who heard from the Truth and simply wants nothing but the Truth. A fool indeed, a fool for the Truth, for Christ. To obey from the heart everything perfectly. To have no guile, no deceit, no other motives. To purge it all and truly be able to love the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. What must I do, be faithful till the end. Do all I can to stand in the day of the Lord. To be truly prosperous by substance, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and that ability to retain it by the Grace of God. That grace that teaches, so the substance of knowledge of God. To obtain it obey, deny thyself ungodliness and worldly lusts, live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. Truly miserable are we who only have hope in Christ. Being without ones home, without true love. Love that has no other motivation other than to love you. To deny thyself is a misery to the flesh, but to the Spirit is joy. Joy in the Truth, in the reason for doing it. As I had put it put in me, no one knew in Truth and I had to warn them, tell them. In that, misery was before me, to stay, to be caught in between to things, that desire to be with Christ and that desire to tell about Him to them that think they know but do not.
Digression, I oft think about that. That understanding that none knew Him and how I could feel it. How I knew it would please the Lord to stay and tell, and it would please a part of me that desired those I cared for to hear what I was given. To increase the Lord, is increase in all things. I have no desire for anybody to not know, to not make it. I desire no one to perish and I am fully aware of the horror that men do, yet I do not desire anyone to know the separation from the presence of the Lord. Again, I will throw words on the floor as they fall from me and can not begin to express the horror that is hell, that is being separated from all that is good. I do beg all to fight the good fight but to do so fully aware of the Truth of it all. Be not deceived by yourselves or them that sell lies.
Remember the coin that is lost is lost right in your house and you do not need to go anywhere to find it. You can go to churches till Christ cometh and that will not every get you the prize of finding that coin lost. You can not find it when your looking in all the wrong places. It is in you, Christ will be found in you, the Kingdom of Heaven will be revealed in you. It is not over there, or in there, or in that book, or those books, not on that dvd or at that convention. It is literally right where you are. This is where I found my coin that I'd lost and when I found that coin I did as written before I knew it was already written. I called everyone, told everyone, that I found that coin. I could no more be silent then someone who just one the largest lottery in all the known universe.
When you find like mind and it will not be easy, unless you are looking for the inability, then you can just go to any church and have all you can eat of it. But when you find truly like mind, being able to obey, you will delight in it each time you find that mind. You will hold on to them, you will desire to gather with them, to have conversations that are filled with power, with ability, being able. Striving to be perfect as God desires us to be, faithfully obedient, that is all. Very simple, very plain, nothing fancy, just as written, If you love Me, obey Me, keep My Commandments, Amen.
I was told right out of the gate of the license to sin theology/ideology that nearly everyone believes in. Not all call it license to sin but they have many names for the same thing. Very subtle are some about believing in such a disgusting thing. Others not subtle at all, and they will just as the serpent did to Eve, causes you to doubt, to question what you have truly received. Did God say, will you surely? YOU heard from God?
Having no understanding as a new born baby, one can easily be led astray by others that seem to have knowledge. Keep your focus on Christ, put in the work, separate yourself and study to show thyself approved. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Knowing full well that the devil is a roaring lion waiting upon every side to see whom it can devour. It is not a joke to be taken lightly as so many joke and take lightly. There is nothing at all, in all the world that is more important then your salvation.
This is the testimony given to me by the Lord God Almighty. I was told to tell of Him and so I do. All I have is what I was given, I did not give this to myself, nor did any man give it to me. I unlike Paul, tried to confer with the flesh but that was a big mistake. ( I did not know this was already written in the book of the Lord) So I warn always, that no man need any man to teach them once they receive the promise. It will be worked out as you walk with the Lord. Yet many distractions will be set before you to try and cause you to lose sight of the Truth in you. License to sin is just another lie protected under that umbrella of inability. If you want to live in sin, if you desire to be filthy you will fall for this inability teaching that bears many names and comes in many forms. If you love anyone more than you love the Lord you will find yourself turning from Him for them, do not do it, I beg of all, do not fall for your own lusts. If you want provisions that allow one to live like a devil and yet believe by simply believing they can live like a devil and have Life, then you will have all of that delusion you can carry.
If you want the Truth, that ability to Go and Sin No More, then you believe it and do the works found in the word believe, in the word faith, in the word hope, in the word grace. You go about digging deep into them and showing forth that virtue of them in you. The Words will become effectual and in operation, proving your state of being to be a fact. You who truly receive the promise, the forgiveness, the born again, new heart, the mortifying of ones members, to be crucified with Christ and raised in the newness of Life with Him. To put to death the lust of the flesh and walk in the LAW of the Spirit of Life in Christ. That absolute obedience to Him and not your own will. Having nothing before Him, no images, taking His Name not in vain. Keeping the Sabbath, honoring Father and Mother, not murdering, not committing adultery, not stealing, not bearing false witness and not coveting. Knowing perfectly that the Commandments of God are not grievous. Yet to them that have no true love for Him, they are great burdens to try and keep. The reason so many only pretend, they draw nigh with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. They do so because they are lovers of self, lovers of pleasure, lovers of the world more than lovers of the Truth. They glory outwardly for appearance but inwardly they are wolves, filled with the bones of the dead. They will gladly devour the righteous, the saints, they will say and do anything to tear the Truth down. To allow for sin to reign, when it should of been put to death with that old man. Be it you have truly received and know of what I am speaking of.
There is the Gospel and then there is another gospel entirely. You get to choose to whom you will yield yourselves servants to obey. You can buy the lie and live like your flesh desires. Or you can buy the Truth and live as the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ desires. You can work with God in the garden, being that fellow labourer with Him, working it out. Or you can be like them that lean upon the wisdom of men, respecting the person person, speaking well of them that sell the alternative gospel, buying their books and wears, being merchandised, oppressed, lies, violence. You can make the Tree good and its fruit or you can make it bad and its fruit. You can work with God or buy the lie of God doing it all for you. Is it finished? and so as they love to say, there is nothing for me to do but believe in His finished works? I certainly do not have to do any of His works to be a doer of His works, I just have to say it? The Truth is " You " yield yourself to whatever you truly love, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
The book of the Lord is the same from beginning to end, the warnings stand true from beginning to end. The same as they have always done, they still do even now. There truly is no new thing under the sun. It may change in name and be spun in a slightly different way, but the outcome is the same. Whether it is the great swelling words of emptiness written in 2 Peter or the vile persons of Isaiah 32. The words spoken are to allow for sin to reign in the hearts of men and yet there be consequence for it. The same lies of old are the same lies of the new. To speak villainy is to promise liberty as one serves corruption today and it was so yesterday. One can be depraved and not go to hell, that in the heart one is free to work iniquity and it is all covered by the Grace of God. Practice hypocrisy, be double minded, say one thing and do another. Speak of love and yet show no real love. Being kind, correcting no one, " no judgement " as the wicked love to say, is not an act of love but hate. True love corrects and would rather be separated from those who would rather live opposed to the Truth. Many speak of the Lord Jesus as being Lord but most confess without a care of still sinning the sins unto death, of being unfaithfully in love, a true contradiction indeed.
Even trying to say Galatians 5 speaking of not inheriting the Kingdom really does not mean that those who do the sins unto death will not inherit the Kingdom. I have heard this spoken out loud and the person saying was thrilled to be free to sin and yet absolutely was going to inherit Life even though they could not cease from sin and did not really want to cease from sin. The Grace of God did not see them, but saw them through Christ. So nothing they did mattered, it only matters what Christ did, period. This trash that ought to be in the landfill is not in the landfill, but in the hearts of man. To be free from the Law is a joy to them that can not cease from sin. Yet if one takes the time to read Galatians they see that for doing what the Spirit of God loves, there is no Law to them that obey! One can say, there is no Law against doing good, doing right, for being righteous what Law stands against you? NONE, for there is no Law for them who walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. Most know the verses of the fruit of the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, against these things, or to say they who do these things, THERE IS NO LAW. But the Law is in full effect to the sinners, for the Law is written for them. If you walk outside the Truth, the Law is there to absolutely correct. It is a delight to anyone who wants to know where they truly stand. For if it is against the Law, then you will know it by the conviction but you sear your conscience towards it. Which many do, many have no delight in a Law that condemns them to death and hell.
Galatians 5:23, " Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. "
Back to that big word "IF"!
If you are led of the Spirit then you are not under the Law. Not free from the righteous requirements of the Law. But if you walk in the Spirit and not the flesh you are not under the Law. The Law is not removed, gone, erased, or fulfilled so that you have no need of it. If you are a sinner then you have absolute need of it and you are surely aware of it, the conscience will make it evident.
Galatians 5:18, " But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Galatians 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Galatians 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. "
A church filled with adulterers, fornicators and ever evil sin unto death, but they are saved by grace because they proclaim Christ as Lord and yet they do not do what He said, Go and Sin No More. Just like men who lay with men or women with women, they will have their part in the lake of fire as will the adulterers and the fornicators and the lasciviousness license to sin crowd. Card carrying provisionists! Hypocrites filled with leaven, saying they are saved and show not fruit of it but traditions kept and commandments of men obeyed.
Having no delight in walking not in the flesh and in the Spirit. The condemnation is to all that walk in the flesh but not to them that walk in the Spirit. They condemn themselves buy their own mouths and deeds. To say they are saved when none are till they are crowned. I was saved from hell weeks before my death but until I have a crown upon my head, I am not anything. We stand fast in the hope of what is to come, forgiven and given that chance to be free to obey, the real promise given. Washed from the mire of the pig pen left behind so one can walk forward in the newness of Life knowing what they have been freed from. I foolishly, as so many do, picked up that I am saved line, when I heard so many say it. It took time to realize, yes I was saved from the hell I was weeks from death when the Lord knocked on my heart and I opened that door unto Him. For I would face my death in just a couple of weeks after coming to the Truth and Repenting from the heart. But I have to finish the race to be crowned. If I believe I have that crown already why would I race or run? If I am taught I have no ability to run the race and win it, that in fact it was run for me and I do not even need to run or endure, why would I even try to endure till the end?
Complete hypocrisy, to be leavened by them that speak villainy. They make your soul EMPTY and HUNGRY, and you can drink of the Word but it will not quench your thirst, it will FAIL. satan plucks it from them as quickly as they drink, the sun scorches the seed as soon as it falls on the rocky ground that has not be fallowed and prepared for good seed. Why would it work when you believe that failing is the best you can expect? Why would you work when your already crowned? Why would you work when it is not of works as the wicked love to say. Not of works, do not judge, all done for you. You hear the Word, you drink of it and yet your thirst never is quenched, believing the lies, having pleasure in unrighteousness, getting high, getting drunk, lusting, wanting, fornicating, being disobedient, refusing, all while glorying outwardly, going to church, listening to Christian music, as if that is some great fruit of the Spirit, doing good works even, yet good works are not required as they must point out. Yet doing all these things is nothing, they are saved in a lie and can not figure why they remain hungry and thirsty. They utter error against the Lord and blush not. They shut of the Way and do not even care as long as they have their provisional gospel that allows for them to sin and pretend to be saved already. To Name the Name the Lord and not depart from iniquity. To proclaim salvation and keep doing as they please. It is villainy, it is riotous, it is evil, it is wicked, it is an abomination to God to teach anyone to break even the least of the Commandments let alone to teach they are all fulfilled for you already in advance and there is nothing required of you but to say you have faith.
Isaiah 32:6, " For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. "
Slay her with thirst or turn from the wickedness. The deeds that have no replacement but one replaces them. The point, it is not replaced for you. You turn from it and do what is right or you do not. They who do not will die of thirst, thirst for the Truth. There is no replacement for your deeds, what you do is what you do, it is not what someone else does or did. That is the cope out of a child hiding from their parent the Truth. IT is not what they did or do, it is simply what you do. A good tree makes good fruit. A bad tree makes bad fruit.
Hosea 2:2, " Plead with your mother, plead: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts;
Hosea 2:3 Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst. "
As God told Cain, if " YOU " will do well, will you not be accepted? Cain if your deeds are worthy will that not be enough? Cain, you can do what is right if you will choose to do so. Cain, rule over that lust of the flesh and sin will not lie at your door desiring to rule over you. Cain you can do the deeds that are required of thee, if YOU will choose to do them.
Yes this day is another day given to work out ones own salvation with fear and trembling. To do the works, the deeds, to take action by what is understood to be the Truth, if ye love Me, keep My Commandments. Love is walking in the Commandments. Gods love is giving us His Commandments that we might walk in them and have Life. In sin one will surely die of thirst for the Truth.
As I search I find a little nugget of gold, a little substance.
Hosea 2:19, " And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies.
Hosea 2:20 I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD. "
Hosea 2:23, " And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God. "
Righteousness, judgement, lovingkindness, mercies and faithfulness.
Righteousness, Temperance and the judgement to come.
Judgment, Mercy and Faith.
Do ye deeds worthy of repentance.
Be ye worthy of the Masters use.
There is one Way, one Truth, one Life...
This is the Lords day, the seventh day, the forth Commandment of God Almighty. God rested on the seventh day and this day was made for man and not man for it. This is a day to rest with the Lord in the Truth, to focus and grow, to recharge. A day spoken wisely of on the seventh day written in the book the Lord. A day to do good, for there is never a Law against doing well, doing what is right.
It is remission and not permission.
Seek, Repent and Sin No More...
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...