RE: A closer look at 2 of the 3 men murdered on the day of the JFK assassination. Who was J.D. Tippit. What a job by those Dallas Police, just 1:22 and the assassin is found. Is that peculiar?

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A closer look at 2 of the 3 men murdered on the day of the JFK assassination. Who was J.D. Tippit. What a job by those Dallas Police, just 1:22 and the assassin is found. Is that peculiar?

in jfkassassination •  2 months ago  (edited)

Are geomagnetic storms coming?
Are they actually a heavenly shower that will remove years, decades of
emotional accumulation
outmoded habits
constricting ideas

Will these geomagnetic i.e. heavenly storms make room for
regeneration and rejuvenation
by clearing the mental and spiritual clutter?

You might experience
profoundly repressed emotions
long forgotten traumas
and long buried memories coming to the surface
throughout this purification process.

Some might compare it to opening an old forgotten box you find in the basement, attic or a spare room.
At first it may feel overwhelming if not somewhat intimidating, but
the release of all the has been repressed is necessary
to find room for fresh development.

Every moment of reflection and
every tear shed
is a step closer to liberation.

These feelings are your root to recovery and freedom
not a barrier.
This purging just like in the days of Esther and Purim,
this purging is both physical and emotional.

Wanting to eat healthier and do more physical activity
whether it be stretching, yoga or simply getting out in nature
is your body's way of telling you what it needs during this time of
clearing out the blockages and making way for the new energies coming onto the planet.

These new habits are your body's way of bringing itself into harmony with the higher vibrations that are coursing through you.

One of the laws of the universe is after all
as above so below.
As without, so within.

What is happening around you is also happening outside,
but you can clear these blockages and find inner peace no matter
what is going on outside of you.
This in turn will help bring balance outside of you providing
an internal and external state of harmony and peace.
The peace that passes understanding perhaps?

During this time your most effective tools are
meditation and

Inner serenity
calming thoughts
and tuning in
will help you discover not only truths about your journey,
but also how to help those who wish to be helped.

The geomagnetic storm is like a prism
in which it splits the light so you can
see the true intentions of people around you
and their attempts to distract or spin truth
will not work.
You will be able to clearly see through their attempts
at deception and their life long desires of not taking
accountability for their actions.

This storm will not be welcome by everyone.
Some people may oppose the changes by
withdrawing into

They may feel they are going against the current,
and they are when they show these behaviors.
It is their attempt to hold onto
old, antiquated ideals.
This division will have an impact on many facets of life including
the intellectual
practical and

In the same way that pruning causes [universal law of cause and effect] development in the natural world,
getting rid of destructive relationships
makes room for new and more vibrant ones to form.

There will be even more challenges to government and political power structures.
New leaders and movements that resonate with higher energies.
These will provide creative, comprehensive answers to global problems which will emerge with those who formerly did not allow themselves to see through the veil of illusion,
that these were outdated structures,
if they continue to hold onto these old structures and failed paradigms, they will find it difficult to adapt.

Institutions that continue to not be for humanity and continue to be authoritative and unflexible may become increasingly unstable.

You may see even more collapse.
This change signifies the rise of leadership
that values
innovation and
long term planning
wanting everything to stay the same
which equals stagnant becomes it's working for them,
but they are to narccisistic to care that it is not working for those
they attempt to force and control by being one sided, biased and closed off to seeing the truth about.

There will be a significant shift in the area of health and well being.
For those who are open and receptive to the natural ways the creator provided for us in this realm will experience
peace and harmony in their bodies [called vessels in the bible].

For those who allow themselves to see the truth of the spiritual realm will benefit from
energy healing
alternative treatments
integrative approaches
will have new life and this will spur on important breakthroughs for
challenges, ailments and diseases they thought they could not overcome or have victory over.
The victory has Already been won.
It is up to each individual, whom God created to be sovereign to
allow themselves to no longer be slaves to disease and illness.

1 John 5:4, states, "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith".

Many who claim they believe this verse still try to limit their God and say healing is not for today.
These people do not serve the same God those of us who know we are overcomers serve because we have been clearly told,
the victory has been won.

Check it out!
Romans 8:37-39
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

As the world moves to a more well rounded way of being,
people and systems that adhered to a more rigid and controlled medical practices and paradigms may find themselves frustrated.

This change will also affect education.

There will be teaching strategies that prioritize
creativity and
individual potential
will be successful.

These methods will show the difference between innovation
and resistance to change
by standing in sharp contrast
to conventional standardized systems.

Wasn't that what Jesus came to do?
Did He not stand in direct opposition to the
religious and government systems and paradigms of the day
as many of the religious leaders and rulers criticized and mocked him?

There will be a deep desparity by those who use technology for learning, good and to show others the truth and
those who use technology by falling victim to it's deceptions,
living a fake life, having unfaithful relationships with those who coat their ego,
losing themselves in virtual worlds, always seeking validation outside of themselves.

When the artificial divisions between
body and
spirit are eliminated,
holistic approaches to health and healing will become more center stage than the Rockefeller medical system of the beast system.

This system of the body healing itself through our God given immune system and the life in plants and herbs that He gave us and that which many of us have been trying to show others along with our families will become more accepted.

Some of us who heeded the call to show the truth have gone against
the traditional ways of medicine as we have attempted to show people we try to help a better path.
Chronic illnesses that were formerly perceived and thought to be incurable
will start to improve.

The definition of health will be expanded by those who attempted
to throw shade on those of us trying to show wholeness and balance of the mind, body and soul.

Those who mocked and belittled will see even more evidence that our ways of doing healing outside of the system [known in other realms as the beast system] were the ways that were helping humanity while traditional medicine using pharmakia and other methods were actually preying upon humanity.

Some will start to see and join us in the importance of seeing earth as part of a system of harmony that we are working together to heal.
The healing of our earth also helps humanity.
This will be a way to restore balance and harmony both for the planet and humanity.

More will start to understand what we have been trying to teach and show them, our well being is inextricably linked to that of the earth.
We work together to develop a symbiotic connection.

Our food source comes from the earth and this is why it is imperative to keep earth clean from chemicals that are harmfully sprayed and placed on our planet.
This is why many of the teachings even years ago were released by many of us showing the dangers of Monsanto and gmo [genetically modified food]/
Not good for the earth or humans consuming these bioengineered food.

Respect and care for the earth go hand in hand in healing disease and keeping everything running optimally in balance.

So even though there will be those who wish to resist change,
is this geometric storm a catalyst rather than a danger?

Do you ever feel the hidden rhythms beneath the ordinary days?

The invisible is becoming more visible as the veil thins and lifts.

Proverbs 23:7 verifies this!
Every thought whether positive or negative is like a seed.
So what IF instead of giving place to negative thoughts and
allowing them to take root,
what if you sowed peace, abundance and strength?

What IF you could bend reality in your favor.
The Shift doesn't happen loudly, but rather
it happens quietly.

Like the roots of a tree growing beneath the soil.
The results seem to come out of nowhere,
but they were there all along waiting for the right time
to be known and utilized.

A restless mind blocks divine insight.
Meditation is needed.
Think of your mind like soil.
If it's cluttered or dry, nothing can grow.
When you calm your mind, when you let stillness set in,
you create fertile ground.

It's when you still your mind and
you're not forcing anything, but rather
you allow it.
This is the connection with the divine.

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