Remember when Rolling Stone magazine published journalism from the likes of Hunter Thompson and Tom Wolfe? Exposés of John and Yoko, Charles Manson, Patti Hearst? It's former radical journalism is now fully captured by the permanent establishment as evidenced in today's headline:
The conspiracy theorist thinks he could become the target of a nefarious deep-state plot, just like he says his uncle was"
Without any pretense of real journalism, it proclaims the nephew of a former POTUS and candidate running for the same office a liar. Actually, it's worse--they almost sound like they're egging on the agency. Would they have done this prior to 2016? Highly doubtful. But in today's New Normal, this is common practice: character assassinate first and retract later--if indeed there is ever a retraction.
You may form opinions of this person or that--based on hearsay or a few headlines you've read (or after years of being hit over the head with it by mainstream media)--like Joe Rogan admits to in today's episode interviewing the man mentioned above. It was only after reading his book that Rogan changed his mind and thought: could this person actually be telling the truth? I don't agree with JR on everything, but I admire his willingness to publicly admit he was wrong, and to be open-minded.
People believe what they want to believe, but I will say this: nowhere in MSM will you hear conversation this honest. I've listened to RFK Jr. interviewed many times before and there are things I did not know (the lies and collusion of TPTB never fail to astound me). As I've said many times before and will say again: I applaud anyone who speaks out against tyranny, especially when they're maliciously slandered for having unpopular opinions.