General Chairman of the PDI-P Megawati Sukarnoputri felt the need to repeat the President's pronunciation of the name Joko Widodo or Jokowi as a form of affirmation.It happened in Rakernas III DESIGN, held in Sanur, Bali."I hereby declare, presidential candidate of the PDI Perjuangan, Joko Widodo.Joko Widodo, "said Megawati, Friday (23/2/2018) afternoon.
Speech, Megawati welcomed the cheers of hundreds of cadres of PDI-P are present."Ready to be won?" Megawati asked holding up a hand-shaped metal. " Iyaaaaa! "cried the Rakernas participants also followed the style of hand metal such as Megawati.Because of this DESIGN, Rakernas closed to the press, it is unknown how the reaction of Jokowi who was present in the meeting room to respond to his candidacy.Earlier, the news of the nomination back Jokowi capres are carried as PDI-P already delivered Cabinet Secretary Pramono Tom through her Twitter account @pramonoanung."In today's Rakernas III @PDI_Perjuangan decided the nomination of @jokowi became a candidate for the Presidency for year 2019-2024, Bismillah win and get the support of the entire people of Indonesia #Bant3ngPilihJokowi #T3tapJokowi," Pramono cuit.In the photos uploaded that PDI-P senior politician, looks Jokowi and General Chairman of the PDI-P Megawati Sukarnoputri exchanged brandishing the fingers form figure 3.While each of their hands Interlocked. Jokowi who wore the shirt the color red and capitalizing black shirt looks smiling semringah.This mandate instantly answered by Jokowi that is also central in Bali."I'm personally to thank you for the trust given, especially with the theme Rakernas III is the pattern of development of autonomy for Indonesia.Spirit achieve this is what were the Chairman of PDI Perjuangan Mother Megawati Sukarnoputri, especially in terms of food, energy, defense and finance, "said Jokowi in Pura Sakenan, Bali, Friday evening.He looked, under the leadership of Megawati's PDI-P is a solid party, rooted, Pancasilais and strong because mutual passion."That's what makes me confident that the next Government will be more stable, more effective because the support Parties with the support of the people," pungkas Jokowi.The obvious answer is, the Declaration asked the political parties for his DESIGN, which was never assigning licensed as other political parties after the capres explicitly declared the presidential election brings Jokowi in 2019.