Banana Republic is not the way.

in jordan •  last year 


I have a friend who is a Federal elected politician. He is a Republican. He has told me that he and his staff get disgusting threats all the time from the left. People who do that are low-class and morally bankrupted. So when I hear that politicians of any strip getting threats, that is unfortunately part of the job.

But he never told me of threats to his family. Maybe he gets them but he never told me that he has. That is even more scummy than threats to the politicians and staff. At least with a threat to the politician, you may be offering some argument to change his or her mind. Threats to family are just to scare someone as if you are the Mafia.

And here is the kicker. These Republicans are having their families threatened by other Republicans. It would not be acceptable coming from Democrats but it would be more understandable. But when your own team acts like this what is that saying about your extremist intentions. That if people do not do exactly what you want that we will take out your family?

I am glad this tactic has backfired for the supporters of Jordon. I am not a fan of Pelosi or McCarthy but I will take either of them over Jordan. Because beyond policy, we need to ask what sort of country that we are becoming or want to become.

Putting someone into leadership because of threatening the families of your political rivals is so banana republic that this is a path I never want us to go down as a nation.

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