Steemit's First Professional Hockey Player!

in journey •  8 years ago 


Hey Steemit

     I have always been one to read and follow social media sites like reddit, twitter and facebook.  However, I have never been a big contributor.  Thanks to Steemit, I have decided to take the plunge!!!  I also decided to write this article because I recently turned 30, and while I have done and accomplished a lot it is good to reflect and reminisce as I am never satisfied!  It's good to never be complacent!  What the mind can conceive, I can achieve, as long as the heart believes! I truly believe that so Steem on!

     NOW, I play ice hockey for the Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins of the AHL.  Yes, THE affiliate of the 2015-16 Stanley Cup Champs, the Pittsburgh Penguins!  I just finished my 6th year professionally, and so far have spent my entire career in the minor leagues!  I have played all over the US and Canada on my journey to one day play in the NHL.  

     HOWEVER, before I go into my hockey story (the part about playing in Las Vegas is pretty good)!  A comment on crypto's, and a little more about myself because hockey does not define who I am.  I first discovered Bitcoin in 2012, and it changed my life drastically.  It gave me hope for a world controlled by a cruel elite, with fiat money and central banking as their greatest weapon.  The evolution of money and finance is long overdue!  I believe in the success of many crypto-currencies and assets, and I believe them to be as revolutionary as the Internet itself.  As long as we can take the tech mainstream, THAT IS THE KEY, network effect and awareness!!!

     Real ruick a little bit more about myself. I have a degree in Finance, I am an Eagle Scout, a fur father (I have a  dog), and I am getting married in 2 weeks to the love of my life soul mate! 

     During the hockey off season, I live in Lakewood, CO basically West Denver.  I have about as many interests as my body can keep up with.  I love to try everything, within reason!  I love the outdoors: hiking, mtn biking, rock climbing, mountaineering, snorkeling, spearfishing, and currently learning white water kayaking.  I love a lot of sports hockey, golf, table tennis, etc.  Some of my favorite experiences that I highly recommend include: skydiving in Las Vegas (why gamble with money when you can gamble with your life was their motto), swimming with Whale Sharks and Spearfishing near Cozumel, Mexico.  Climbing Torrey's Peak a CO 14'er (14,000+ ft. mtn.) in late Spring with crampons and an ice axe (Don't climb down the wrong couloir!  Very steep and scary experience!) and teaching English in a rural school in Guatemala.  







     Things I still need to do (maybe you can help me!): wing suited base jumping, highlining, big wall climbing, Ninja Warrior and Red Bull Crashed Ice (I want to win!!).   I love to travel, learn, read, volunteer and meet people.  I try to be charitable.  I help raise money for the rural school I worked at in Guatemala called Project Genesis, please donate, (I haven't been proactive with the website lately, but it works.  We normally raise money during hockey games throughout the season!).  I've also helped collect thousands of phones for Cell Phones for Soldiers, (please donate your old phone), participated in St. Baldrick's Day, Movember and the Cleveland Cavs Flashes of Hope "Big Shots & Little Stars" Fundraiser.  As well as the Cleveland Cavs Celebrity Golf Fundraiser Tourney at Firestone, they ask some hockey players to play too!   I want to hear your story Steemit!  Lets keep this site STEEMIN'!  


     NOW, for my hockey story!  I first fell in love with the game at a birthday party, where I got to skate for the first time at the age of 5.  At the time, my family lived in Las Vegas and there wasn't much hockey in the desert.   Conveniently, when I was 7 we moved from the Las Vegas to Albany, New York in the middle of the winter.  What a change for a little kid, and the beginning of what would turn out to be a career.  Most kids in New York played hockey in the winter time, much like they do in Canada.  So that's what I did.  I played all the time!  In the driveway, the basement, the street, on the pond and I was fortunate to have dedicated parents who took me traveling to play the game!  My father even built a 20x40 ft. ice rink in our backyard, and put lights in some trees to light up the ice at night!  I would come home after school and play until night and then some more under the lights.  Playing hockey year round I became pretty skilled.  From New York, we moved to Philadelphia, where I started playing AAA travel hockey with the Jr. Flyers at the age of 11.  This is where I played for the next 7 years developing my game, and growing up as a young person.  Playing for the Jr. Flyers we traveled all over the country playing against elite teams all over the northeast, mid-west and Canada.  Sometimes even playing against teams from the west coast out of California and Colorado.  It was fun to be able to travel and play the game you love with all of your best friends growing up!   

      After high school, I decided to go play Jr. hockey.  In the U.S., this is generally for players who wish to play college hockey (in Canada Major Junior hockey is for players looking to play pro).  I played for two years with the Green Mtn. Glades of the EJHL based out of Burlington, VT.  I had a very successful Jr. career playing in all-star games both years.  Captaining the team my second year, and being named defensive player of the year of the EJHL!  This helped me earn a scholarship to play Div. 1 hockey at the Univ. of Massachusetts-Lowell.  A well known hockey school that competes in Hockey East against the likes of BC, BU, UNH, Maine, UVM, etc.  One year I was even nominated for the Hobey Baker award, basically the Heisman of college hockey.  At the end of my 4 years, I graduated with a degree in Finance and wanted to continue my pursuit to play in the NHL.  Being 5'8'' and 170 lbs.  I am a very undersized defenseman and was never drafted, therefore being very disadvantaged in the pro world.  I've always worked to move up the ranks the hard way, and against all odds.   

Goers (36)

      I started my pro career with the Las Vegas Wranglers of the ECHL, that's AA pro hockey a step below the AHL which is a step below "The Show" (NHL).  Yes, being fresh out of college and going to play hockey in Las Vegas was THE Shit!  

Kelly Cup Finals

     However, my very first game was eye opening for me.  Now, just to set an understanding, minor league professional hockey is a very cutthroat business.  Guys are out to hurt you, teammates will root against you, and the travel/schedule can burn you out!  You make little money, it's almost impossible to have a relationship because you're on the road a lot, and you could get called up or sent down and be living in a different city in a hotel on a moments notice (I once lived in a hotel for 4 months), but I'm not complaining I've loved just about all of it!  They say, "great people, shitty business."  Anyways, back to my first game!  We were on the road playing against the Stockton Thunder, and they have a great crowd about 7-8,000 people!  I was so amped.  It really is like a drug.  During the game, there were 6 fights, and the fans were practically in the bench screaming in your ears.  I had some lunatic nut job chasing me around the ice making native war calls while he was trying to bury me.  It's a good thing I could always hear him coming!!  I'm a small skilled player which makes me a target for goons.  We won the game, and as we were heading down the tunnel to the locker room the guy in front of me got buried with an EXTRA-large Pepsi.  He was one of our fighters and he absolutely lost his mind.  Now, to explain to you the mindset of some of these fighters a lot of them don't have an off switch.  What I mean by that is they could be beating the shit out of somebody, and they go into a mental zone where you can't tell them to stop.  Those guys are the scariest and most feared.  I have played with a bunch of hockey heavy weights including: Pierre-Luc Létourneau-Leblond, Patrick Bordeleau, Mike Hoffman, Tom Sestito and Bobby Robins.  YouTube any of them for some great hockey fights!  Here they are fighting each other, how convenient!

     Anyways back to the game, so this guy gets buried with a huge Pepsi and he loses his shit.  He manages to spear this fan in the gut with his stick.  It was like something out of the movie Slap Shot, and it was happening right in front of me!  

Reg Dunlop

     The fans erupted when our guy speared this fan, and beers started to rain upon us.  I quickly ran into the locker room where it felt safe!  The police came down to the locker room to demand an apology from several players to certain fans or be charged with assault!  Of course, that is just what the fans wanted, and the players had to give in.  So in my first game, there were 6 fights, I was chased around by a steroid fighting nut job, and I had been doused in what tasted like Miller Lite.  I honestly thought I had just joined the UFC and Circus Circus on tour based out of Las Vegas not the Wranglers and not hockey.  Luckily, things toned down a lot in my next game, and I settled in.  I was playing pro hockey!   Granted I was playing AA pro hockey and making 450 dollars a week.  They give you a place to live, and in Vegas they treat you as if you are a major leageur!  I got the chance to see just about every Cirque de Soleil, magic, peep and freak show you can see on the strip and for FREE (I know this whole part is shallow, but it was fun).  I partied at just about every night club, day club, and pool club there is.  We were once comped the Basketball Suite at the Palms, and had D-floor tables for Calvin Harris' Birthday at XS (club at the Wynn Hotel & Casino).  I had the chance to party with all kinds of people: Carrot Top, Blue men of the Blue Man Group (there's more than 3 of them), Cirque de Soleil folk, etc.  I got to meet 3 Six Mafia, Mike Tyson, E (Kevin Connolly the guy from Entourage) Holly Madison (my favorite) and Daniel Negreanu (Canadian hockey loving poker player, great guy).  He was at a table next to us with about 6 girls.  He said I could talk to any of them, but one or we were going to have to have a hockey fight!  To get away from the Strip, I would escape to Red Rock Canyon.  

Hockey & Red Rocks 090

     What I loved about Las Vegas was that within 20 minutes of my home I could be on the Strip or I could be in the middle of the mountains and the desert without a soul in sight.  I highly recommend living in Las Vegas to anyone, it's affordable and nice depending on where you settle down.  Anyways, in my first year pro I managed to play in the ECHL All-Star game.  While I never got called up in my first year it never deterred me and I returned to Las Vegas for a 2nd season.  Getting to wear an A (for assistant captain), and now being more seasoned I had a great year!   

     I got my first call up to the Bridgeport Sound Tigers, affiliate of the NY Islanders.  While it was a very short stint there about 1 week and 2 games.  It was my first taste of the AHL.  I was beginning to earn a reputation, and not to long after being sent down I was called up by the Lake Erie Monsters out of Cleveland, affiliate of the Colorado Avalanche.  There, I fit right in from the start, and I finished the year with the Monsters, and earned myself my first AHL contract with them for the following season.  Unfortunately, we missed the playoffs by 1 point!!!  However, that allowed me to return to Las Vegas for the playoff run to the Kelly Cup Finals!  Devastatingly, we lost in the finals.  I will never forget the moment.  I hate losing!  My second year pro I played about 90 games total between both leagues.  I made strides that year.   


     As incredible as my 2nd year was my 3rd was just about as devastating.  I was invited to the CO Avs NHL camp.  It was going to be my first NHL camp!  I trained my ass off that summer, and I was psyched for the opportunity.  THEN, there was the NHL lockout.  I was devastated, no camp!  I headed to Cleveland for Lake Erie's camp, and I was able stick with the team which is impressive because the AHL gets very crowded when the NHL is down!  


     One of the most difficult things about pro hockey is handling the things you can't control.  There are many uncontrollables in the business.  There are coaching and management changes that can lift or bury you, there are injuries and of course even lockouts!  I managed to experience them all in one year.  We had a new coach that year, and he did not like small defensemen.  Between his views, my play and the lockout I found myself in and out of the line-up.  Christmas break came, and I tried to regroup myself.  The first game back we were playing against the Rochester Americans in Buffalo at the Sabres brand new arena.  It was a sold out game of about 18,000 people with Sabres fans dieing for some hockey!  They put me on offense for this game because we were short on forwards, and needed the bodies.  In the first period of the game, I got buried by this guy Nick Tarnasky (I do not like him).  

Nick Tarnasky
Nick Tarnasky

     It was a dirty hit.  I basically got elbowed in the head from behind in open ice.  While I bounced back up and finished my shift the whole moment felt like slow motion.  I remember looking up in the stands from the ice wondering what the hell just happened?  I felt really out of it the rest of the game, and the next day I was not okay.  I suffered a vestibular concussion.  This is another story in itself, but I had vertigo, headaches and a scrambled brain for the next 4 months.  Fortunately, after a lot of rehab, I returned at the end of the year to play a little bit, but my season was pretty much lost.    

     Professional Hockey is hard.  It is a mental and physical rollercoaster.  Literally one day you think and feel like you're a step away from the NHL, and the next you don't even know if you will be able to play again.  There was a time when I didn't even care if I played hockey again! I just wanted to feel healthy and normal again.  It's a tough mental situation to describe to go from such highs to such lows.  One can find themselves looking at other careers and jobs quickly for fear of never playing again.   

     After my 3rd year and all my hard work, I found myself back in the ECHL at the start of my 4th season, it was AGAIN devastating.  It was like I was back to square one, but I had gained a lot of knowledge and experience on my journey!  My agent and I talked about it, and we decided to go with the Pittsburgh Penguins organization.  I was playing for the Wheeling Nailers of the ECHL, and luckily half way through the season I clawed my way out of the ECHL AGAIN!  I was able to finish the year with the Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins, and a pretty decent playoff run to the AHL Eastern Conference Finals.  That was about 3 years ago now.  I have been with the Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins since then.  

     This past season I finally went to my first NHL camp with the Pittsburgh Penguins.  I had the opportunity to play with and against some of the best players in the world like Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin and many others who won the Stanley Cup.  It was a great experience for me, and I had a great camp.  Several weeks into the start of the season I had terrible hip pain that was debilitating.  I needed hip surgery for a torn labrum.  Sometimes it seems as though you just can't win, but the roller coaster rides on!  AGAIN, I came back and had a strong finish to the season!  I just resigned for my 4th season with the Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins, and this will be my 7th season of pro hockey.  What do you think is part of the secret to success and reaching your goals?  There are hints throughout my story. What the mind can conceive, you can achieve, as long as the heart believes! The road to the show continues, stay tuned... 

hockey tunnel

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Dude you are freaking Awesome!! wow definitely welcome to Steemit. I would give you a hug but i'm afraid you may knockout my front teeth :)

Hahaha, thank you! I'm friendly we can be friends!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

hehe i’ll bring a stick just in case it turns into a bearhug :)

I'm sure he can handle the stick better than you though. ;P

This is one dope ass story... keep up the good work and keep your eye on the goal. Just like you... I see the light. I am a professional actor who have been thru many struggles and live the "starving actor" life until this past year when I was cast to co-star in the hit show Queen of the South.

I tasted success already with a few other shows.. and some eventually got canceled... this show however is a hit. My character hasn't made an appearance yet.. but I'm counting down the days till he does.

Even more respect hearing you are a defensive minded player, (BIG CHEERS) I don't know hockey too much.. but i'm 5'9" and grew up playing baseball and basketball... I always stood out as either a defensive shortstop/2nd base OR defensive point guard. I'm just to stubborn and focused to let some hotdog showoff blow past me with some retarded showboat pass/crossover.

I think me and you are a good example for others to take note of... stick with the hard work and don't call it, "living the dream" because the reality is usually filled with some messy and uncomfortable stories it took to get us to where we desire. We are hard workers, passionate about our craft... once again, cheers and good luck out on the ice.

Thank you so much! I can certainly relate to you, and you definitely get it! Keep working hard and polish your craft my friend! We need to hear YOUR story!!! If you do write about your story please copy your post in here so I don't miss it!

human cliff notes/tldr :
thebear previously played for Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins of the AHL doing 4 seasons with them.
he recently resigned with them and will be entering his 7th season of pro hockey.
the most difficult thing in pro hockey is handling things that are out of your control. he may be the first pro hockey player on steemit.

i am not a bot

my personal msg to you: I used to watch mighty ducks the movie 2-3times a day multiple times a week. i wanted to grow up and play hockey :) did you also watch mighty ducks or were motivated by that movie?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hahhaha, yea, love the Mighty Ducks! Those came out right in my prime time as a kid growing up! I had a jersey and street hockey goalie helmet and everything! They're funny to watch as an adult!

I haven't watched Mighty Ducks, sounds like it's a fun movie, I'll have to find and watch it now.

Question for you, are there many atheletes like yourself that are interested in cryptocurrencies?

I try to spread awareness. I would say some have heard of Bitcoin, but to get them to take the next step is hard. I have gotten some of them to buy Bitcoin, but I don't know if they dig much deeper. I am really going to try to spread Steemit though because some guys have cool blogs and many social media followers!

Thats legit, it would be cool to see sports stars share content on here because there is no favoritism, only quality content makes it to the top!

Agreed! I love Steemit because I think it has the potential to bridge the gap we see in crypto. Crypto is not easy for people to grasp. Steemit is so similar to what we already have it is more easily adopatable.

I agree Steem is a lot more approachable than, say, the reference bitcoin client.

More stories are always great. Any thoughts as to what you'll do when you retire?

Definitely! I will work on some more stories. I have a week and a half until my wedding! All I want to do right now is Steem, haha! Don't tell my fiance! Every summer I meet with different people in other careers I have an interest in. It's hard to choose! The dream is to be an entrepreneur of sorts. I have interest in financial advising or some form of real estate. I would love to stay in the game as far as coaching or in some other fashion, however I really don't want to travel so much when I'm done! What do you do for a living!?

Do you see cryptokens as a potential hedge for individuals? That is to say, diversification of funds is always a smart option. Does this idea resonate with the people to whom you speak about cryptocurrencies?

Upvoting a 5'8" defenseman in the NHL! If you don't make it i have an entrepreneurship idea for you that could be based in Las Vegas. When i heard that Las Vegas was getting an NHL team i bought the domain names and because i think that a tour business can be built around shipping planes full of hockey fans down to Vegas... blah blah. Anyways just an idea... but wow you are inspiring! I hope you make the big league. I wish you all the best with your new bride. Peace.

Hey my friend, that is a smart move, and I would love to talk further. From living and playing there, I have some valuable Canadian and American Hockey as well as Club/Entertainment Las Vegas connections I think could be of service! Is there private messaging on Steemit yet!?

Not yet, but soon! And, it will use encryption. A marketplace with escrow is also in the works. Yowsers!

Cool! I will find a way to get in touch soon.


Do you know Goon?

I do there are many of them in the minor leagues! This guy asks me to fight every time I play him. ZS

He looks like a creature from game of thrones!

hahahaha He looks like the Hound.

I've watched Goon. It's a great movie. I don't watch hockey but the league organisation is kind of similar to football (soccer) I guess. Hockey's brutal.

That's awesome.

Anyway, as I said Welcome to steem, this is an extraordinary platform for social media; you'll love it!!!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

"He looks like a creature from game of thrones!"

An interesting story, man. What is your goal to join in steemit if I may know? @thebear

Thank you, I am a big believer in many crypto currencies for a better world in the future! My background in Finance allows me to see to see through the veil the banksters have put up for the world. We need a revolution of money and power in finance, and I think crypto could help facilitate that. To me, Steemit is a better version or the evolution of what we currently have. It is a more inclusive/profitable version of Reddit. People will work harder and care more if they have a greater stake in the outcome of a site such as Steemit. It also brings people together in a community which is very powerful, network effect is a very powerful thing. My interest is not to simply make money, but make a better world. I think Steemit does that! I hope to write and read more great content!!!

I will await further your experience in the world of cryptocurrency, man!! Yeahhhh

Great answer, great post. Glad to have you on board.

Nice, glad know that you see the big picture.

When you said resigned for 4th season, I read resigned as in resignation. I had to read 2 or 3 times to read it correctly at the end. hahahaha

Great to have you here @thebear man. Your story is inspiring. Wish you all the best and hope you'll make it to the NHL soon.

Be persistent towards your goal and one day you'll achieve it is the moral of this story IMO.

Wow amazing @thebear !!! your history is truly good and inspiring, showing us to never give up! i never imagined that having a career as a professional hockey player would be so hard! After reading this i only think that i cant give up on my goals!! What kind of music are you into?? Music is a very important part of my life and i bet of yours too. Let me knoww

Thank you for the kind words, it gives me strength to know I can inspire!!! Don't give up! Lets see, I love a lot of stuff. I'm a big classic rock guy like Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones, but I like a bit of everything, except a lot of country. There are only a few country artists and songs I like, seemed to me like it all went to pop kinda! Are you a musician? What are your tunes!?

Cool, I always wanted to play hockey as a kid, coz I was a pretty decent skater; wrong country though. Lol :-)


Nice, the game is all about skating! What country are you from!? It's never too late. The best hockey there is and ever will be is pick-up/shinny/pond hockey! It's the best, and all you need are some skates, stick puck and a sheet of ice!

Greetings from Belgium.... Hyc Ijshockey Herentals.

Eehhhhh! Love it, I may take my career to Europe one day, thanks for sharing!

Welcome, glad to have you here! Go Caps :)

Caps had a great year, hopefully they can build more for the playoffs!

Yeah they did. I'm pretty sure DC sports teams are cursed though.

Welcome Bear, Go Flyers!!

Haha, I was a Flyers fan growing up. I watched a lot of their games and players! They are now the enemy though!

Was that way back in the Eric Lindros days...the Legion of Doom! We have our own bear in town these days, Ghost Bear. He's a pretty good rookie. Flyers & Pens have some legionary games, but agree with enemies to the bloody end on the ice. There's not a person in Philly who likes Crosby (unless he played for us of course).

Hahaha, yes Lindros and and the legion of doom! It's pretty cool because growing up I used to watch Mark Recchi and I used his stick curve. He is now the head of player development with the Penguins so he works with us a lot, and I know him well so it's been pretty cool! Yea what a year for the Ghost Bear, he's been awesome for you guys! Haha, yes I don't know of anyone in Philly who likes Crosby!

Hell yeah man! Im a huge penguins fan so its awesome to see you here!

Yea if they didn't take all our best players we may have won the Calder Cup! Murray, Rust, Sheary, Wilson, Kuhnhackl, Pouliot, Porter, our Coach! They took all of our best players

yeah no doubt bro! But without Murray, Rust, and Sheary we wouldnt have locked down the Cup like we did. And Kuhnhackl with the solid defense. Murray should have won MVP in my opinion, what did you think? No discounting Crosby, but with Fluery in goal I don't think we would have had the same result at all.

You know your hockey my friend! I agree with you. I played with Matt for a while, and I always thought he would be one of the best goalies in the NHL one day. For him, this is just the beginning. I thought he was better than Fleury when I had the chance to shoot on them in training camp. The biggest change of all was Mike Sullivan. He got the boys back on track, and changed the culture. He also made all the right moves with his players. He's a great coach!

I couldn't agree more buddy! Sullivan was the change we needed to get that shift in attitude from the entire team. What # are you brotha? Ill have to keep my out for you this next year during pre-season and hopefully Ill catch you on the ice in the big leagues! Im right in south jersey so Ill fight my way throw the flyers fans to catch a couple games this year! Definitely the stadium series at Heinz Field in February

Welcome! Cool pictures!))

Thank You!


Hello, nice to have you onboard mate :)
Glad to see that hockey players also find the way to the next generation social media :)
Hope you enjoy the time here, and tell your team mates also to sign in for it ;)

-Kind Regards

You got it my friend, thank you!!!

You welcome ;)

nice to see you here! welcome and be comfortable @thebear

very interesting story ^^,Nice to know you

Welcome on Steem!

Hi thebear,
Nice images from your career! Good luck in the next season!

be my guest to visit my #introduceyourself too:

Nice dude! Welcome, do you still live in Brazil?

yeah, living in Brasília (brazil's capital).
P.S: São Paulo is not brazil capital :D

Right on man, very cool, I want to visit your beautiful country one day! I love crypto it unites people from around the world!

An interesting story, man.

Thank You!

Welcome to Steemit Community!

Dang! You could have spread that out over several posts. It was a really good post. I happen to live in Westminster, CO and have spent some time in Lakewood off and on as I was the Director of IT for a business in Lakewood for about 3 years.

Good to have you on here. If you do any of those Ninja Warrior and other challenges you should definitely tell us about it on steemit.

Thank you! Very cool, my brother lives in Westminster! What company did you work at? Really want to do Ninja Warrior, but hockey season usually gets in the way, may have to wait til I'm done!

I was the Director of IT at the Hospice of Saint John. I left there about a year before they ended up closing their doors. I'd seen the writing on the wall due to some severe upper management issues and fraud stuff. I also could not complete my duties to my satisfaction. I did get it more organized and stable than it'd ever really been. It still was held together by duct tape and bailing wire in the IT sense of things.

That was almost 4 years ago. A year or so after I left the news started coming out on 9 News and other places about that place. The CEO basically ran that place into the ground.

That is him in that video and he is trying to cover there. I know a lot of stupid and questionable spendings that guy did.

It is sad that place failed though as most of the people there really cared about their job and helping people.

Holy smokes, your story there looks like a great post in itself! Good thing you got out of there, that's crazy! My fiance is a nurse and worked at a facility I will not name, but she left because the ongoings were of similar incidents you describe and even worse! I have learned that the health care industry can be a scary place!

Yeah the sad thing is there were some really great people there. Just as with most organizations those that want power tend to float to the top, and those that want power are usually the people that should have it least.

People (including me) really cared about the fact we were helping people. He had this little cabin office (fanciest place there) that they hired 3 ladies making more than anyone in the IT department (me and one tech I trained) and CEOs wife was also paid a good wage from there and she was rarely even there. The CEO was getting over $100K/year and had himself listed as a contractor... not an employee of the hospice. He also used to be the president of the Board of Directors who answers to the Order of Saint John of whom the CEO was a high ranking member. So there had been attempts by staff to remove the CEO before I got there. It resulted in quite a few people losing their job. He would go out to lunch at nice places pretty much daily and would ask the CFO or COO to go to lunch with him (or both) and would bill it to the hospice as a company expense. They are non-profit, I couldn't get the equipment I needed, stuff would fail that I'd warn them about a year in advance, and that CEO just kept doing his thing. He had diabetes and if you know anything about it, if you don't treat it properly it can cause major mood swings. He didn't treat it well at all. I saw him turn purple in rage a couple of times. He should not have been in that position, and because there was the conflict of interest due to the amount of power he wielded in the order that the board of directors reported to he had become virtually untouchable. Had he not been in charge WE could have made that place work even with the changes to medicare/medicaid that he tried to blame it on.

I didn't know it was going to close when I left, but it did not surprise me. I left mainly because when stuff I warned them about did break down I'd scramble to fix it and if it wasn't fast enough he'd be angry. So I figure he'd throw a fit and fire me at some point. He always threatened to fire all the vendors and such regularly. That was his go to solution. Fire them. If one office change it didn't matter if we were doing critical maintenance or not he'd ask us to drop what we were doing, print him a new extension label for his phone and come install it. That place was his own personal candy store. He liked the title and position, but he truly only cared about that place when he stopped to take the time to think about caring for that place, which only seemed to be when someone put him on the spot about caring for that place. I've worked at two crazy places... perhaps I should do a post at some point. The one with the guy in a hazmat suit vaccuming next to my desk while I'm sitting there in normal clothes was interesting. I quit that place. A few years later it had a 60 minute special done on it and was shut down... yeah I may blog that. That one is my go to story when people complain about their job. :)

hey dude, great to have you onboard, didn't realize hockey was acctually that violent hahaha, that video you linked it looked like they were LETTING them punch each other in the face? xD

Thank You, hockey can be violent, but it is more a manner of self policing the game! Fighting is a part of the game, and I imagine will be for a long time to come. Haha, the fight I posted is actually fairly tame! For the most part, all fights are finished with respect, honor and sportsmanship. If you like the fights, there are tons of greats on YouTube! If you've never been to a game you should go, it's fun in person!

That's badass dude, i'll check it out on youtube and if I get a chance i'll come see a game some time :P

Geez man thanks for joining but you could have spread all this information into like 3-5 posts! Not your whole bio/life story at once

Haha, well thank you, felt like I had to just get it all out there!!! I have more stories to come!

Cool! Welcome to the big family!
It would be great if your friends sorted out cryptocurrency and wrote on the pages among many thousands fans

It will be a work in progress!

Glad to have you here, looking forward to you continuing story!

awesome story! Its even more awesome that you are playing on my teams, I grew up in the WilkesBarre/Scranton area and currently live in Pittsburgh.

Ahhhh, nice, love it! Glad to see you on board!

Nice to see you here

Amazing Post dude!!! I live in Utica,NY - home of the Comets of the AHL!!
You swept us last year (although we almost beat you at home - Grrr OT loss) hahah!!

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!!! WHOOHOOO!!

I think your story is a fascinating one, and thanks for posting!! Those pictures are all amazing and I think it's awesome you've done some teaching in Guatemala!!! I'm a Junior High Choir/Music teacher in Utica,NY, and it's the Summer!! WHoohoo!!

My Steemit story (quick version ) is that I think it's fascinating that simple posts and comments - things I do every day (I have a Gaming/Musical Comedy YouTube Channel with 92k Subscribers) - could be a rewarding Cryptocurrency opportunity that anybody could get involved with - all over the world. I've only been here about a week myself, so I'm still learning everything.

Anyways, I look forward to more of your content dude!!! Have a great day!!



U are wlecome in the community thebear.

@thebear hope to see you in the bigs soon. From an an NHL photog to player. I'm usually parked at the glass in Ottawa if you find your way to the CTC center some day. I'll be looking for ya :)

Nice, im reading your story and i love it. History worth reading.
Have been watching alot of your games with pitstburgh pinguins :) and we all love when you fight 😅


Similar to SP, SMD tokens cannot be purchased directly on an external exchange. SMD are primarily earned through contributing but can be purchased by converting STEEM tokens to SMD tokens.

Actually Steem Dollars can now purchased on external exchanges !

PS Abbreviation of SBD = Steem Backed Dollars
or just SD = Steem Dollars (not SMD please edit)

Ok, I am from South Africa. Ice Hockey is not a big thing here (Rugby is a different story). But thanks for sharing. Nice to read about it.

wow what an amazing story. I know a kid i grew up playing hockey with on the same journey to play in the nhl. This really puts into perspective what he is going through.

never less steem is reaching out far beyond then BTC. good future will come for STEEM.

Definitely, I really hope Steem is the bridge to crypto for many people! The gateway as some have said!

make sure everyone participates in the first steemit lottery