On The Path To A Fairer Future!

in joy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Cryptocurrencies are the best investments of all-time and still the best performing financial assets of the last 3 years. Assets with such charateristics are exactly what the richest and most powerful people are always looking for and exactly what the poorest of the poorest can only dream of.

Not only are these assets the best investments of all time and still the best performing of the last years but they are reducing governments power and redistributing them in the hand of the people. This is also exactly what everyone is looking for rich or poor.

Everyone is under the threat of a government. Everyone is trying to protect themselves and their wealth from governments' reach.

Cryptocurrencies Are The Only Logical Investment Left

National Currencies Are A Bad Investment

Cryptocurrencies aren't backed by much, some microchips a few lines of codes and a bit of electricity, yet this makes them infinitely more valuable than any national currencies which are in fact created by some unknown man with the sole purpose of accruing their power on all of us, dividing and pitting us against one another.

Company stocks are also leading to the same kind of destructive competition while cryptocurrencies are creating beneficial competition. They are also much better investment than company stocks. This is discussed in more depth at the end of this post.

Fun fact, steam-electric power plants, produce about 86% of all electricity human generate. [unreferrenced: wikipedia]

Governments Are Oppressors

Governments are a mafia because no one can enter in an agreement with someone who are threatening to imprison them if they don't agree with them. In this situation no real agreement is possible.

Whether or not these nations are controlled by some shadow governments or not is beside the point, the situation billions of people currently live in is so terrible than most of us don't even dare to think about it, even less speak about it publicly or imagine ourselves in those people's situation.

Goverments Lead To Genocides

As Jean Ziegler, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food said: "Anyone dying from hunger was dying from murder". [source]

"Thirty-five million people die each year from hunger or its immediate aftermath. – One billion people are permanently and severely malnourished" [source]

No matter what the exact numbers on this are, the whole situation is even worst, all of this by government's design, lack of power or will. Don't fool yourself, the current situation is a designed one.

The numbers aren't even taking into account those who have something to eat but live under the constant threat of being attacked by those who don't or because their vile environment has given them no better option.

The numbers also don't take all the other hardships humanity is going through which are the direct results of governments' policies.

"Almost 70% of the 1.3 billion people living in extreme poverty are women." [WHO]

Note: The United Nation is a supra National agency and is not a solution to governments. It was in fact created by them.

Freeing Ourselves From Governments

Government are never going to solve these issues, they're the one in power and the one who created them. They have used money they created out of thin air to divide and rule over nations and we will use cryptocurrencies created out of human ingenuity, code and electricity to unite and free ourselves from those same governments.

How things will turn out is pretty much out of our hands but whether or not we try is not.

Learning To Invest Into Cryptocurrencies

The Best Time To Invest Is Now!

The best way to begin benefiting from cryptocurrencies is by investing now. Don't wait. Don't push it back. Just don't. I waited and waited and waited for whatever reasons. This was back in 2011 when Bitcoin was around 10$. I lost tons of potential profit, hundreds of thousands if not millions. We all waited and regret it.

So if you want to invest, don't wait. That's my first advice. Back then it was much harder to buy Bitcoin and it's still much harder to buy Bitcoin than buying most thing but that wasn't a valid reason to push it back back then and it isn't one either today.

Look Bitcoin has gone up 71% in the last month, 655% in the last year. I think the case for people not to wait is overwhelming.

Your Initial Investment Is Crucial!

My second advice would be, if you plan on investing, go as big as you can possibly afford right from the start whether it be by taking a loan or just maxing out a credit card. I'm not saying anyone should risk all of their life savings or anyone's long term well-being if they were to lose all of their investments. I actually advice against this.

I maxed out my credit card 2-3 years ago to buy more Bitcoin than I already had but if I had lost all of them that wouldn't compromised my whole life, it would have been a very saddening experience but that's pretty much it.

My point about the initial investment is that nothing can makeup for it. If someone invest 1,000$ in Bitcoin and the price of Bitcoin rise 654% in the next year like it did in the last 365 days then it is pretty easy to see no amount of future investments could ever makeup for the missed opportunity the initial investment presents.


You are in charge of it now. There's no bank to refund you. If someone gets hold of your cryptocurrencies that's it, they're gone. This is something we need to learn nowadays, just like we need to learn to drive a car, use a computer, ATM, and cellphone, we need to learn how to use and secure cryptocurrencies.

The basics are pretty simple and the reasons to learn them and learned about cryptocurrencies have been made clear above. Once those basics are learn, that's it, they're pretty much learned for life.

Finding An Exchange

To begin with I would recommend people look at this list and try to see if their national currency is listed there. This is a list of excnahges where Bitcoin can be bought. Under the column pair are the type of currencies which are paired with Bitcoin, meaning which are use to buy Bitcoin.

The bigger the daily traded volume, the higher the pair is listed. If you can find your national currency listed there, then clicking on the pair will get you to that exchange. Very often, the bigger the daily volume, the better the Bitcoin price compare to other exchanges and also the higher the reputation of the exchanges but that's far from being an absolute correlation.

I highly recommend using 2 factor authentication on all the exchanges you will be using.

Transfering Your Money On An Exchange

Sign up on an exchange of your choice and follow the instruction to transfer money there. You can google the name of the exchange to find reviews about its reputation. Also if you didn't find your currency listed on the previous list, google "buy Bitcoin + the name of your country" and you'll most probably find one way or another to buy Bitcoin. You can also ask a friend who are into cryptocurrencies to sell you some, both ways have their advantages.

I'm in Canada and I use quadrigacx.com. There are a couple of ways to transfer Canadian Dollars there among them bank wire and interac online. For the first transfer I did the smallest transfer I could and I would recommend everyone test their exchange with the small process but that's up to everyone. The transfer could be instantaneous or take a couple of days depending on the transfer method.

Buying Your First Bitcoin

From there, buy Bitcoin is pretty straight forward. Place a buy order and wait to see if someone sell their Bitcoin at the price you are offering or buy from the lowest sell order price. It's rarely a good idea to buy from the sell orders as cryptocurrencies tend to go down quite substantially before going back up even more and even on a daily basis when prices move mostly sideways they still fluctuate quite a lot.

Don't Hold Your Bitcoin On Exchanges

After buy your first Bitcoin and maybe initiating your second larger transfer of fiat currency to the exchange, it's time to securely store your Bitcoin on a Bitcoin wallet.

There's many reasons not to store Bitcoin on exchanges. Exchanges hold a lot of cryptocurrencies and are prime targets for hackers. Big hacks can make exchanges insolvent which most of the time translate in everyone losing all of the cryptocurrencies they were holding there.

This happens more than once, on big exchanges. This isn't some minor risk. It is a very real risk and needs to be taken seriously.

Storing Your Bitcoin On Your Computer

Offline Bitcoin wallets are the most secure way to store your Bitcoin. They are super easy to use. There exist hardware wallets too. I recommend hardware wallets for more advanced users or when investing larger sums of money. There exist a large number of Bitcoin wallets software and a few Bitcoin wallets hardware. A simple google search will reveal a lot of results listing the most popular and how to use them.

Using Electrum

I personally use Electrum. The link below is the official download link at the moment of writing my post. Make sure to have the right link.


Below are 3 of the best tutorial on how to create a wallet, transfer money to any wallet, restore a wallet and more. There's no need to have the computer connected to the internet to create a wallet. That's why it's called a offline wallet. It might sound counter-intuitive at first, at least it did to me but that's how it is.

The first link is the most straight forward and easy to use. It is really easy to use. Anyone can learn in a couple of minutes. Always begin with small amount of Bitcoin when doing transaction for the first time.

To create an offline wallet just unplug your internet cable after having downloaded the Electrum software and begin the process detailed in one of the link below.

Storing Your Seed And Password

Make sure to store your seed and password in multiple safe places, be it paper or USB keys.

Using A Password Manager

I recommend using a password manager to store all your passwords. Password managers can also generate unbreakable password with one simple click. Password managers are a must.

The only password you'll need to remember when using a password manager is the master password. This master password will gives access to all your other passwords and will keep them encrypted.

Password managers also have many other options like auto-fill form. I use a password manager called Keepass.

Learn more about the different password managers below.

Diversifying Your Blockfolio

Altcoins are also bought on the exchanges, most of the time in Bitcoin and some can also be bought with fiat currencies.

If the altcoin you want to buy is not the exchange you initially bought your Bitcoin, you can send your newly acquired Bitcoin to another exchange without having to go through all the verification process necessary for transferring fiat currencies. Only a simple sign up will be needed. Look for the receiving Bitcoin address there and send your Bitcoin to this address.

I'll comeback on this subject in an upcoming post.

Money Is Just A Tool, It's What We Use It For That Matters

Empowering Others, Empowers Oneself!

What the world truly need is more empowered people and empowerment comes from knowledge. Knowledge are made of bits of information linked and accessed in a meaningful way. Cryptocurrencies are just that, information linked and accessed in a meaningful way.

People who mine cryptocurrencies are indirectly stating they want power to shift away from governments and back to the individuals. Not only are they stating it but they are making it happen whether they realize it or not.

People who are spreading empowering knowledge are doing the same as those who are mining cryptocurrencies but in a much more fundamental manner.

A big part of Steem is about spreading empowering knowledge.

On Steem, the closer someone is to empowering themselves at the expense of everyone else, the closer they are to get down voted by everyone else. And on the contrary the more empowering someone is, the closer they are to get upvoted by everyone else.

Our Most Valuable Thing The Whole

Information is what truly sustain us. We are information in the form of DNA and energy. If we cannot sustain our body with information/DNA/food no amount of digital information/cryptocurrencies can makeup for it.

A single gram of DNA can store 215 petabytes (215 million gigabytes). In principal, DNA could store every bit of datum ever recorded by humans in a container about the size and weight of a couple of pickup trucks. [Source]

DNA create everything we need to thrive. DNA is the very foundation of who we are and what sustain us in the form of food and biosphere.

Cryptocurrencies are just tools, an extension of who we are, to influence our biosphere and make it more enjoyable.

Money Is Neutral

Whether it be fiat or cryptocurrencies, money is neutral and can be use to create or destroy. The more disempowered people feel, the more threaten and desperate their actions will become. This is normal behavior and we shouldn't expect anything else from these people. It is up to the rest of us to bring about the world we long for.

Company Stocks VS National Currency

Rich people prefer to hold company stocks rather than holding national currencies is because nations are debasing their currencies by constantly creating more, while companies have incentives to out performed national currencies and the other competing companies.

In a sense, governments are constantly fleecing their "shareholders", its citizenry, while companies are trying to enrich theirs. Companies keep their specialized knowledge to themselves. Companies can't look to benefit everyone because that would mean benefiting even their competitors.

Company Stocks VS Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are better than company stocks because companies always try to accrue more power even at the expense of some of its employees while cryptocurrencies empower everyone fairly. They are open-source. Every cryptocurrencies benefit every other cryptocurrencies.

A Brighter Future Is Emerging!

Governments and companies are bad for everyone. In 2008, two judges were convicted of giving harsher sentence than necessary in return of money by for-profit prison to increase the number of residents in the centers. Those longer sentences translated into more profit for those prison centers. [wikipedia]

Many for-profit prison companies have lobbyist working to get everyone on Earth into a big giant prison, so to speak, no matter what the offence, just to increase their profit. As for the armament companies, they're all trying to get us into any war they can, while big pharmaceutical companies are pushing any treatments possible, never truly empowering us about the true source of health which are nutrition and lifestyle.

Cryptocurrencies Are Empowering Us!

Company stocks and national currencies are a threat to all of us. I proudly hold cryptocurrencies. And for all the reasons I've already shared, these have been the best financial assets of all time. Whether you can currently invest in them or not, they are changing the world for the better and will continue to do so to the benefit of everyone.

If this post reach 7,000 views and you've read it you'll be roughly 1 in a million Earthling who did. Consider yourself lucky or not, depending on what you think about it but if you didn't enjoyed it than the joke's on you.

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Not sure if we approve of this sort of thing. Crypto-currency, eh? Who prints this stuff? Have you been audited lately sir?

Hahahahahaha! What about you? How long since you've been audited?

You're priceless!

Where this hate for governements is coming from?

From first principal.

The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. - Sun Tzu - The Art of War

All warfare is based on deception. - Sun Tzu - The Art of War

thank-you for this post

This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @digitalplayer! For more information, click here!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I hope you were joking with this post. If not......let the Blockchain discover who you are and receive your just deserts ! ;-)

The nerve of this guy!

Hear! Hear! Well said sir! More of this sort of thing. We need to get some order and discipline around this place. Bloody liberals, anarchists and hippies! A good first step in the right direction. Let me know if you need any help. Happy to lend you the necessary funds... at the usual interest of course .

Chaps, one has been trying to draw one's attention, but one is seemingly being ignored. One has another question.
Could one please explain this voting thingy to one? Phillip doesn't understand it, and quite frankly, neither does oneself. One awaits one's answer.

Hahaha! Thanks! That's very flattering! I mean the comment!

@teamsteem yah your right man the right time to invest Cryptocurrencies is now but i think if they are less knowledgeable about it they may lose some of it like what happen to my friend...
by the way well said... following you tnx

As some countries like japan are rotating this currency in their country people getting aware about it and as the time passes present investment in cryptocurrency will give good returns.

You are the hero I want to be like you and I would be grateful if you supported me

Nice post. very useful for me. Thanks friends .. follow me @ bakabou159704

Hey man

STEEMIT - facebook and twitter greatest fear.. :)

Now he will sail the sheep :P

Now be thankful for FREE Author ATS tokens - Get 75 ATS tokens for FREE everyone that joins.

Gracias por tu post

Yeah agree


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Great post, and also a little sad in a way. One of the first reasons I got into engineering and science back in the day was because I really wanted to help solve the problems of world hunger and fresh water availability. At that time my uncle, who was/is a tenured professor of mechanical engineering told me that I shouldn't go into those areas, because almost all famines are contrived by governments and corruption. That was actually a really defining moment that's always stuck with me... Anyway, like you said, crypto/blockchain technologies can be a step towards a better world. I'm finally re-evaluating my witness votes and added one for your witness. Hope it helps.


We still need engineers. They are an important part of our society.

Thank you very much for supporting my witness @trogdor!

Your post on the eclipse is pretty awesome! Everyone should check it out!

Really good post and great explanation

@teamsteem thispost is very useful to my campaign to call all freelance bloggers all over the world.So surprising that they do not have idea what is cryptocurrency and bitcoin .I will share this post to them
voting you as our witness:)

You are Welcome... It is a Great post. And yes cryptocurrencies are the best investments of all-time and still the best performing financial asset...


Really awesome to see you comment @trogdor never see you comment before and actually tried to contact you before also.
Also great to see you have reconsidered your witness votes. Lots of them are either inactive or not really contributing. @teamsteem is so involved and contributes so much to this community. He absolutely deserves a vote!


Thanks! Did you try to contact me before? I must have missed it! Unfortunately I don't have as much time as I would like to spend on Steemit :)


Yes I have tried to contact you before though did not hear back from you. I am sure your busy and at the time it didn't appear you commented or made posts much at all.

Its great to hear from you. Hope you are doing well and hope to see more of you on Steemit!

Indeed a very informative post by @teamsteem, Crypto currencies are transforming the way we perceive society and its operations. The main technology on which crypto-currency is based is Block-Chain and block chain has immense potential to disrupt almost every market which involves dealing with data and communications. It eliminates the need of middle-men and thus creating a fair market for everybody. I am looking forward to exploring more and more into this field.

Very good

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

OMG You nailed it bro..keep it up.Thanks for sharing

This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @zakariashikder! For more information, click here!

So far this is one of the bests post about crypto, investments and the best advice in this matters. You have my support. From Venezuela, where crypto is making My life much more easier and practical. It's not just Me, some months, Venezuela moves more than 30M USD in Bitcoins. I think that talks by itself. Makes the crypto more promising, accesible and achievable than any other actual investment. Sorry for taking this comment to talk about my experience about bitcoin but your post is inspiring me in the best possible way. It took me about 2 weeks. two very long weeks thinking, searching, seeking for the best advice and then, I bought my first bitcoin. It was an amazing feeling, finally, reaching a true and unique asset within "My grasp". That is why I gave up to a "normal" job and now crypto is what I do. I truly believe in that, as you said, "Invest". I would agree, for my experience, Invest knowing what you are going to do with that crypto and take the best of it.
You have my vote, my support and also my vote as a witness. Count on me anytime. One of my works in steemit is to promote, educate and share this true opportunity of real and constructive richness. Thanks for sharing this amazing post my friend. Sorry for my bad french (I live 3 years in Morocco)
"Je pense que la vie se mieux avec crypto. Merci Beaucoup Satoshi Nakamoto"

Saturno Mangieri - Blockchain Tech Adviser

Steemit || Sitio Web

Such a nice testimony that crypto brings good into this world. In particular for countries that have been the most severely rob by the globalists.

Very well said! Great post!

Nice post and I agree with much of what you said.

However, this should also include a big BOLD warning label somewhere that advises people, those that might not fully comprehend otherwise, that investing in crypto, especially with funds you cannot afford to lose 100%, is a horrible horrible idea.

Crypto is still very new, and the investments you make could be worth absolutely nothing in a year or two. Do I think that'll be the case, no, but no one is to say that's not a fair possibility.

PLEASE be smart about what money you invest. Investments in crypto are still consider very risky by all accounts.

Agree, invest only what you can afford to lose!

It's implied. It's a true thing. It's a possibility but the odds are growing against this happening still it's a possibility.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Please don't assume it's implied though. The crypto community needs to be careful to self regulate and educate as new people enter the market. This is not obvious knowledge to all. If we don't regulate and take responsible action, regulation will be slapped down. And, the longer that can be pushed off, and the more time crypto has to mature prior, the better off we'll all be.

I'm not saying anyone should risk all of their life savings or anyone's long term well-being if they were to lose all of their investments. I actually advice against this.

I maxed out my credit card 2-3 years ago to buy more Bitcoin than I already had but if I had lost all of them that wouldn't compromised my whole life, it would have been a very saddening experience but that's pretty much it.

It's kind of explicit then. Also this post is part of a series and in an earlier post where I said it even more explicitly.

I heed your warning. It's a valuable one.

Regardless of which side of the fence you are on, even the crypto/bitcoin haters silently agree we are moving towards a cashless society. If they don't admit it, just follow one of them around for a few days until they make a $2.00 purchase with a credit card.

That being said, in the next 10 years, cash will be a dinosaur. And at this point Bitcoin has billions of $$$ in application and corporate investment. I'm near Chicago, and have Bitcoin ATM's within miles of my house. Once the miners get the fees down, who's going to want to pay $3.00 to get cash out of their own bank account when they can do it for $.50c with bitcoin?

Where is exactly implied? Before or after the advice to max off credit cards for gambling in crypto?

I actually advice against this.

If there was no risk then I would not advice against investing everything. Also this post is not a all encompassing thing. It's also part of a series. People who invest, they are the people investing. People who are still alive today knows nothing is risk free ever, even risk free investment at the bank, these aren't truly risk free, nothing is.

Please always state at the top of the article that it's part of a series, then link to previous articles (extra readers for free). Additionally, try to use a naming scheme in your title to indicate that it's article X of series Y.

I tried this in the past with some previous series. It has its pluses and drawback. I might mention the series at the start but all the posts can be read on their own also.

Very informative and while touching many bases important for those beginning to trade, or needing a reminder of basic safety, it sure as hell doesn't tell us how to kick the eff back while watching said investments rise ... take a gander at this post it's both informative and, well, ;)

Nice comment

This was the most informative post on the subject, I've read yet, to me anyway, seeming to piggy back on our short exchange about wishing we had started sooner. In any case, it is simple to understand the way you have outlined it here, I'm bookmarking it and will return to it often. Thank you again, friend.

Very helpful comment. Thanks!

Agréable !
J'aime ton travail.
Suivez-moi, je vous suivez maintenant, vous me suivez et upvote, nous allons travailler ensemble

Amazing and motivating post, soaked with euphoria and believing in better future through cryptotrading. But some of your arguments does not seem to be persuading. E.G. you state that national currencies is not good financial instrument any more, but let me remind, that DAYLY market cap on FOREX is about $4 trillion!. Daily! So in fact cryptomarket can be controlled easily.

Keep in mind that many exchanges offer access to only some US States. NY is one of the most difficult since many exchanges refuse to pay for the license to conduct business here. For NY, Gemini is a great stable option for BTC and ETH, Coinbase/GDAX for BTC, ETH, and LTC, and Bittrex for most of the alt coins. Bittrex is a bit riskier of an exchange, so please use carefully.

Great points. I don't agree Bittrex is riskier than others.

Fair enough - it's worth it anyway for my primary access to getting alts, but most aren't compatible with most hardware wallets just yet to need to sit on the exchange (not best practice). One other point is that you can't use USD or fiat on Bittrex. Gemini has a $500 USD deposit per business day that resets at 5 PM. This is a pre-credited amount you can instantly purchase coins with, BUT you can't withdraw $500 USD worth out of your account until the transaction fully clears between your bank and Gemini (about 4-5 business days). This is an important note to remember for new users looking to buy BTC/ETH to transfer out to buy alts with because your funds will be stuck. You can also wire in larger amounts via your bank if you need. Coinbase is unique as it allows for credit card charges to fund your account, but they usually have pretty small limits for new account holders.

For some reasons I erroneously thought USD was on Bittrex. It was USDT. Then I might understand the caution on these kind of exchange which don't have fiat currencies thus possibly less regulation.

What you think is the best then Bittrex, please suggest a good one..

Depends on what you're looking to buy and where you live in the world. If you could elaborate, I can help.

Bittrex is okay to transact altcoin. It is one of the best exchanges for altcoins. It has a high volume and a pretty good reputation.

Bittrex don't pay your generated gas if you are holding NEO. Binance does. https://www.binance.com/

Knowledge is power and educating everyone is important .Older people who are set in their ways do not want to even hear about this well ...most of them. Target ppl who really need it is our children.My son is 17 and he knows more about bitcoin.cryptocurrencies than I.
But then again he is homeschooled ,the government would never incorporate such information .. Very sad as these people r our future and these kids need to ve educated in this. Education in this state ranks as one of lowest in the country

about 70% of graduates cannot even read,very sad. They are passed as long as their attending.

Thank You TeamSTEEM... Another Excellent Post covering so many important aspects of not only Crypto Currencies but the global transformation we are currently observing & witnessing...

AND YES, these changes are for the betterment of humanity because it lessens the almost monopolistic governmental power of all countries of the world.

Would also like to HIGHLY recommend that anyone that has not voted TeamSteem as a Witness... that they review some of his previous posts over the last 15 months and by doing so, will most likely realize that TeamSteem has consistently supported the Steemit Community, many times staying "in the background" in a very humble way...

Simply go to the website below and WRITE in teamsteem in the box located after the #50 Witness...


Thank You TeamSteem for not only this excellent post, but also for all the things You DO "behind the scenes" that many of us, most likely will never know about...

Have a Great Weekend !!

Cheers !!

Thank you for all your support @sacred-agent and all of your witty comments! I really appreciate it!

Thats a really awsome article. its long but not boring.
Imagine this article reaches 16million reader by tomorrow and all of them are new to Bitcoin , and they decided to apply buying Bitcoin part, 1 BTC for each one of them, then they will empty the exchanges because they will save their Bitcoins on electrum wallet as you suggested. All this will lead to $100K per Bitcoin tomorrow
.I think I am chilling..Right,,, But $100K for 1BTC will happen for sure not soo far

I don't know about the exact numbers but it's true that it could still go up substantially quite fast.

It's good practice to use a password manager like Keepass, even if you aren't involved in crypto. It's nice because it's completely free, you get to choose where your encrypted password archive is stored, and it's cross-platform thanks to the community developing apps for andriod and other stuff. Most less tech savey people don't realise how insecure it is to have a password stored in your web browser. They just trust the companies when they ask if you want to store a password. It's also nice to have Keepass though, because you don't have to be in a browser to enter a password with it's auto type functionality. Of course, make sure you use a strong master password though.

These posts are excellent. I'm grateful to @teamsteem for noticing my first post here on Steemit and for writing articles that make a difference. Many people coming to Steemit don't know about the underlying philosophy of peace and freedom that motivated the creation of Steemit. Having articles like this trend is great for the new people coming to Steemit to see and learn from.

A deep excursion into capital, cryptocurrency and indeed the very nature of money itself as ways to move the world of our dreams into reality. Powerful moving stuff!

Lets hope it isnt just overhyped

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @roy92! For more information, click here!

Thanks for motivating me to consider taking a loan to invest in crypto

The over Lord's end is in sight, they can't keep up with the tech that's slowly eating their power.

You're right!! Cryptos are the future.

totally! I personally like Dash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin. I just hope the learning curve is faster for people to use them more and learn about them. Also some people because of lack of knowledge they are afraid or think it is super complicated and it's not.

Yes men!! I totally agree with you

I'm just starting out on cryptocurrencies and am amazed by the sheer support and popularity of it. Your article has helped me understand the possibilities of an alternate future. Interestingly, after having join the Steem community, all these "upvoting" makes it seem like cryptocurrencies are earned democratically in many ways.


@teamsteem really this is extreamly important facts that you have represented in this post. You insight of writing language in vernecular acume is amazingly exceptional. It is sure that only steem excellents and experts can understand this vigoriously. By and large, I havr first introduce such a excellent work on Steemit World. This post must be resteem. Keep your excellency in different such works in eSteem.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Crypocurrencies are really our future .
and we have to adopt it .
And those who are not adopting it right now they will surely regreat after some years.

So amazing your postinagan, I also want to feel like the happiness that you feel right now. You alone we can share a more fun story again @teamsteem

This is more than impressive. It is amazingly informative and i am going to make sure everyone i know get to read this by resteeming and sharing on other social media platforms. It is true what governments are doing to everyone , the rich and poor inclusive. Efforts are always being undervalued in corporations and cryptocurriencies just as you have stated is a way out of this giant mess. We can take back the power to create and defend what is ours through this system anytime and anywhere. This change is super sweet and i am glad to be a part of it too.

Yes, F*ck government and their filthy money! But if normally say, if there is no controlling power I think currency is distributed more fair and not that big percent concentrates on hands "of top 1 percent of the top 1 percent"... So yeah, I see future in crypto

Crypto investors will be the 1% then.

Friend of my support, for me who wrote. I need help from all friend, @sinta , like. I will try my best in stringing words with the encouragement from esteem friend who faithful and can take me like you.

What the world truly need is more empowered people and empowerment comes from knowledge. Knowledge are made of bits of information linked and accessed in a meaningful way. Cryptocurrencies are just that, information linked and accessed in a meaningful way.

People who mine cryptocurrencies are indirectly stating they want power to shift away from governments and back to the individuals. Not only are they stating it but they are making it happen whether they realize it or not.

People who are spreading empowering knowledge are doing the same as those who are mining cryptocurrencies but in a much more fundamental manner.

Cryptocurrencies are the best investments of all-time and still the best performing financial assets of the last 3 years. Assets with such charateristics are exactly what the richest and most powerful people are always looking for and exactly what the poorest of the poorest can only dream of.

Am new to this blockchain platform but l love all the post have being introduced to..indeed is it a great investment as seen..cant wait to join this crypto bussiness in this family

Really good post, i want do one in spanish because my english its no good

do it, I'm going to do it too, because it's necessary for Spanish speakers

I think it is here to stay. It’s amazing that almost anyone can invest in a project or company without being heavily involved with investment firms. Your average person can now throw some money towards a company or idea that they believe in.Thank you so much

Great post. A detailed post covering most of the questions newbies will have. Upvoted and resteemed. I am just curious how many hours you put into this article?

Possibly over 20 hours. This is I think a pretty good low end estimate.

Membuka pikiran untuk orang orang awam
Sangat berguna postingan ini
Ini adalah motivasi

Im so excited to see all that steem has to offer, this is literally just the beginning. Hands down, I give props to the creators of this amazing tool! Blessings family 🙌🙌🙌

Very Informative, there are people everywhere, in government system they are people, too. In blockchain industry we can meet greedy people, too, but the technology itself forces loads of such ppl to be more honest

Man I cant wait to crypto really takes off!

I've never agreed in my life more than this one. I had the opportunity way back but just did not have the knowledge, resources and the interest in Cryptocurrencies back then. I regret that, but made sure I invest most that I can without jeopardizing my life. I'm very happy I made that decision.

We are living in exciting times bro!

You've had my vote for a while now @teamsteem. Thanks for the great post.

The best time to invest in crypto was yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow. Impossible to fail with crypto long term term.

This is so true! Cryptocurrencies are the key to our future! If you don't invest now then when??? Great article :)

Best post I have read so far!!!! Agree with every word!

Cryptos are the safest resort in case of WW3 :P :D

btw no panic, it ain't gonna happen soon ;)

You nailed it, right on point! The world is so corrupt and this economical system that we have is based on greed (everyone's priority) and is pushing people to neglect moral values. Instead of prioritizing important things that will help us progress and evolve, people are inclined to chose profit over anything.

I hope cryptocurrencies can really help point us to the right direction to say the least. Thank you for sharing all this information with us :)

In crypto we trust!

Awesom! This for sure is one of the best posts I have read on cryptocurrencies ever!

I created a powerful meme with the true prupose of Bitcoin today - check it out:

What cryptocurrencies really are about!



Thank you for sharing such valuable information and touching on topics that should be of general knowledge to have a better economy in our society, the cryptocurrencies must be taken into account by all governments to take advantage of their growth to improve the socio-economic and political conditions of Every country, but it gives sadness that in Latin American countries governments forbid them and put them aside for fear of being dethroned and lose control over the people, because they only seek their own benefit. Cryptocurrencies are the new world order!!

great deal of work, I have some homework here...

Excellent post indeed which relates to my latest blog post. Our future lies indeed in blockchain technology. Thanks for sharing

I almost cried at this i am ALL IN BITCOIN and soo happy!! Best article ever!!

Great article and it's sad that what you says about the government are all true and disappointing. I think Steemit is the key. Thanks for sharing this article. 😊

Steem is one key among many keys.

I like this photo man

Waoh it blew him away

teamsteem@ nice post sir

Great post! Very informative. Thanks

Cryptocurrency most definitely is the future.

nice post

Hi ^_^

investing in cryptos is like getting in on the internet from ground zero, i am enjoying the fact that i am one of the first in, i feel like a pioneer

The article shares a lot of information about crypto currencies' future and being an IT Professional my self I just don't look into the currency value rather the whole ecosystem is bringing a technological revolution.

Blockchain has opened doors for people to think big and building their concepts that lead to a win win situation for all the involved stakeholders + benefit for the traders who are investing in these currencies.

I've read it carefully. It is a very good article. I think investing on cryptocurrencies is best considering in long term. We use to spent hundreds of bitcoins for nothing years ago.

Long term and short term. Bitcoin has gain more than 60% in the last month and can be withdraw at any time.

Wow...that's great !

Remember that the creator of Steemit is Dan Larimer, who is also the creator of EOS, so if you're looking to invest that may be a coin worth taking a look at. Currently trading at $1.37

yes the world economy is going to crash. even the world governments will also crash as a matter of fact. yes cryptocurrency is something more to the world as it is making way for the future one world government. the time which is already mentioned in the holy book of bible where in the time where the antichrist will rule the world. every human should have the mark of the beast 666. its the chip will be embeded in the body and all humans will be controlled by artificial intellegance which will be the spirit of the lusifer... for this to happen cryptocurrency plays a big role. prepare yourself .
watch this video to know more


great post:)

Teemsteam, awesome post, going to share with my fellow investors.. upvoted and resteemed

very-very interesting post...amazing info for share...thanks a lot..

Please help my introductory vote
And I am very proud to get to know you in steem and I am now a master fan

very useful post, keep posting brother..

Well written. I can't agree more. Upvoted and resteemed it. Thanks for all your hard work!

Good article.keep it up.👌👌👌

back in 1996 i thought the Internet was going to change the world.. and in a way it did.. but as you say.. THIS. now this is a whole new level of change! Bring it on! ;-)

Can't wait for the day where ill go to a bakery and pay satoshi's for bread, would be quite cool to look forward to!

Thanks for this useful info , Resteem to read it later !

Such great explanations of why Bitcoin and crytocurrencies are going to be so powerful beyond our wildest dreams! Once we have adopted the industry more, as in security, the masses will go crazy for this.

Awesomely detailed write-up, and I couldn't agree more!

Crypto is changing lives every day, and there truly is no better way to liberate yourself from the tyranny of big government!

I found the post interesting and informative. I am, however, concerned that because of the many benefits of cryptocurrencies and the potential to amass great wealth, governments are going to want some control over cryptocurrencies. Governments will want to regulate the exchanges so they can get a piece of the action.

your post very good. Thank for information.

really good informative article. share it with friends who don't know what cryptos are

Hopefully the goverement do not put any regulations on cryptocurrency, and we will do amazing!

Thanks for such informative article. It's very useful.


Great post!

I have a question:
Where can I find the recent table that shows accounts grouped by log10(SP)? I would like to know how much steempower is required for superuser. Cheers

Nice post, cryptocurrency is indeed holds great potential for future. But still its hard to convince people nowadays to cryptocurrency because lack of knowledge. Also the goverment playing a big role here. Wonder what'll cryptocurrency be in 5 or 10 years later, maybe it already legal and used as an usual payment and transaction method. Still, it need time to bring the total potential of cryptocurrency just like internet nowadays.

The idea of the government losing power is perhaps the best consequences of this evolutionary and revolutionary concept of money. For it is the most democratic tool that we will have available.
As water slowly boils right under our feet, some of us haven't even noticed it. That's concerning.

I really enjoy seeing posts like these. It always helps to boost my spirits and keeps me focused on the things that matter. Great post! 😂

Fantastic post, covering most of the aspects for cryptos ! I specially like the time to buy Bitcoin is NOW... for investing purposes, I also keep telling people to buy it whenever they feel/get-convinced that this is the thing to invest in and not wait for market to go dow, since this is a new type of investment, it might never go down !!

For trading its a different thing...


Nice topic

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello, good post. Great and very detailed post. Cryptocurrency is the future of the economy. Thanks for sharing

Follow me

How to deal with government for my crypto assets ?

Fantastic post.

Great post! Cryptos is future. You are right.

Crypto Super Man. $$$


You have my witness vote, Bossman! Stay awesome!

A very brilliant idea, where we can set up our banking entirely in its own hands,There is no relevance of the rule, with the Government and all investment there is no exception

Such a long post, but informative , truly worth reading.

You are hitting a point. Sometimes... to me, it feels like cryptocurrency is that currency that was spoken to be generalized in the BIBLE. Hmmmmmm, Am I the only one that thinks that?


I think I am the only person from my country( having population 30 M) who knows about cryptocurrency. And I will be great in future (I hope).

good post. @teamsteem