RE: Changes

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in justbecause •  5 years ago 

It is no different than people sharing their YT, Facebook, or twitter post,

I agree, that it is 'similar' @bashadow, some do it for reaching a wider audience just to get their opinions/message in front of more eyes... For 'others', it is strictly 'business' which I have no particular problem with, in general.

What problem I 'may' have from some of these peoples actions stem from what appears to be 'purposely' milking the reward pool for monetary gain, while offering 'little' in the way of return to the general community at large, percentage wise.

(I must emphasize 'appearing', since I don't live in their heads and am 'not' an 'insider' privy to information that could possibly allow me to understand perhaps better and hold a different view)

Best wishes to you, friend...wherever life takes you, or 'beckons' :>)

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Thank you, I will be a bit less active on both platforms, and Internet in general, spring is almost here for Alaska.

Well...Enjoy whatever you decide to do once the weather permits.