Government lets teen murderer walk free, gives another teen 30 years for "murder" because a cop killed his friend

in justice •  6 years ago  (edited)


I hope that title caught your attention. I was so floored by the contrast in these two news stories that I'm still not sure what to say about them.

Did you hear the story about the four teenagers who killed a man by dropping a sandbag on his car from an overpass? They were just given suspended sentences for that crime. They all even plead guilty. Three to involuntary manslaughter, and one to murder. I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. Here's the story:

Teens who killed a man by dropping a sandbag on him from a bridge receive suspended sentence

Now I'm all for rehabilitation and restitution over punishment because punishment is just hurting someone to control behavior, not justice. In this case, we have a weak attempt at rehabilitation, and no attempt at restitution. I'm also for forcibly isolating people who are an immediate threat to others and these teens should be forcibly isolated AT LEAST until they have completed some form of treatment and PROVEN that they are no longer a threat to people.

But here's the real shocker. Another teenager was recently sentenced to 30 years in prison because of a "murder" that he didn't commit. I'm not even disputing facts or interpretation here. Even the government KNOWS that he did not commit the "murder" in question. In Alabama, they have an "accomplice liability law" that says that you can be convicted of murder if you are committing a crime with someone that leads to their death. In this case, a group of teens was involved in a home burglary and when confronted by cops, one of them engaged with a gun and was shot by the police. The cop who shot him was cleared of any wrongdoing, but one of the accomplices got 30 years for a crime that he didn't commit.

Teen Gets Decades In Prison For ‘Murder’ Of Someone Killed By A Cop

I'm having a hard time writing this. I know my conclusion. I know what needs to be said, but ... holy shit. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?

Do I really have to say anything more to underscore the insanity of this? When facepalm doesn't even come close to cutting it, what do you do? Until we end the insanity and injustice of government, more people will die, and more innocent lives will be ruined.

Justice. Justice! JUSTICE! This is not it. Not even close. Why? Because government is premised on INjustice. That is the root of all of its evil. Don't hit, don't kill, don't steal. Not unless you're a cop, or a soldier, or an IRS agent!

When someone has been wronged, justice means making their victims whole. In the case of murder, that means the families. In every case, it means the person who committed the crime must be held responsible. NOT SOMEONE IN THE VICINITY OF THE CRIME! Not a taxpayer! You can't trust the government when you turn to it for justice. In the case of the teen who is facing 65 years, 20 are for "theft" and 15 are for "burglary." Did the victims get made whole? No. In fact, they will be victimized as taxpayers for the next 65 years to fund this injustice.

In the sandbag case, "'It's a treatment facility, for certain services, to provide so these boys change their behaviour and can become productive members of our community,' Judge Denise Navarre Cubbon said of her decision to send the teens to the alternative for juvenile detention." Every government agent who perpetuates such injustices, especially those who arrest, prosecute, and sentence people for victimless crimes, should be sent to treatment facilities so that they can become productive members of the community. Every cop, every judge, every prosecutor, every member of Congress who fails to stand up to this injustice should face worse than "mandated treatment." They should face JUSTICE! If we had a just society, almost everyone on the government's side of the war on drugs - and the war on victimless criminals and the war on freedom and the war on you - would be in debtors prisons for the rest of their lives. There is no way they can ever repay their victims for all the wrongs they have committed. Here are just two more cases of injustice that should enrage you. I hope we can all channel this rage towards achieving peace, reconciliation, and justice.

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Well, that's the sad thing about the government. Criminals will be working freely while innocent people punished.
They know the truth but they can bend law to favor themselves.
There are also some cases in which the attempted criminal is solving psychological issues which are supposed to take to rehabilitation center at least to clarify.
We need peace and free from injustice
Thanks @adamkokesh for sharing this post


The teenagers were all aged between 13 and 14 at the time. The teen who actually dropped the bag pleaded guilty to the murder, while the other three pleaded guilty to unintentional murder. A person who pleaded guilty to previous murder has been sentenced to serve in the nation's teenage extermination program until he is 21 years old. Three others have received a three-year sentence in the same program. But a judge has cut the sentence to send them to care, in the hope that they can be reformed and eventually become productive members of society.


A judge on Thursday sentenced an Alabama teenager to 65 years in prison for a string of crimes, including murder, even though a police officer was the one who actually killed the victim. Lakeith Smith, now 18, is punished under the law of liability while the police who shot the victim were not tried and the crime was rendered criminal?
The officer shot A'donte instead of Lakeith Smith, "said Smith's lawyer Jennifer Holton during the trial, according to USA Today." Lakeith is a 15-year-old boy, scared half-dead.He does not participate in the actions that cause A'donte's death. never shot anyone. "Although Smith was underage when the incident happened, he was tried as an adult

very unlucky law of this country, really silly bastard judges
Justice is a condition of morally ideal truth about something, whether it concerns things or people, we will ask where that justice is?
Supposedly, leaders who have power in this country more meaning of the meaning of justice itself that is by respecting those who demand injustice in legal juris can harm the state both morally or materially. Instead of protecting the prosecuted for having a position as though afraid to judge them by reason of the interests of a particular group. There needs to be firm action for the authorities to immediately follow up the process of an injustice to completion

Thanks for this @adamkokesh

These same anarcho-tyrranists want to take our guns. Um, no.

It's frightening for the other teenage nlanak kids

very unlucky law of this country, really silly bastard judges
Justice is a condition of morally ideal truth about something, whether it concerns things or people, we will ask where that justice is?
Supposedly, leaders who have power in this country more meaning of the meaning of justice itself that is by respecting those who demand injustice in legal juris can harm the state both morally or materially. Instead of protecting the prosecuted for having a position as though afraid to judge them by reason of the interests of a particular group. There needs to be firm action for the authorities to immediately follow up the process of an injustice to completion

Thanks for this @adamkokesh

punishment given in accordance with his crimes

Punishment is never in accordance. Only restitution is. See the difference?

I hate to say but not all judgement of a judge is right and just. It's sad but true.

the reality ia that..
innocent people punished where the peoples who make crimes or with crimes is not punished as he do crimes..

Well said, this is truly insane.

So your defending someone who was robbing a place with friends who were armed and shot at police. Am i understanding this correctly? You prefer to let this criminal free even though he commits armed robbery with his mates? Would you feel safe if he was free? What if his mate killed the police instead of vice versa? Sounds like he did try to. Just asking questions, not judging.

The policeman did not do the right thing that killed his friend, he should be punished.

the law that is bent. The real criminals and pastas we are laws are law enforcers who turn the law. very unfortunate the government, the criminals they are paying the freer while the innocent are punished and feared. THEY ARE REGULATING THE LAW, THEY ALSO INFRINGE ( LAW FOR INFRINGEMENT)