I mean, first you have a supervillain name, then you add 'Hitler fetishist' and you wonder what possessed people to jump into be with rich donor guy.
Like, if somebody came to me to offer me money and rides in planes (wheeee! I'm flying!) or you know - sex, drugs and rock and roll, I'd FIRST wonder whether I was jumping into bed with Goldmember from the Austin Powers movies or whatever. Like, do people NOT do due dilligence - by which I mean a simple Google Search - before they take bribes and gifts or giftbribes? Apparently not.
And you know? I don't CARE if my politicians do sex and drugs and rock and roll. So long as its with consenting, non-Epstein provided, adults (so, doubly non Epstein provided).
But what I DO CARE ABOUT is basic competency in screening your supervillain Hitler fetishists or your basic billionaire paedophiles.
Just fucking Google buddy.