Post 1 of 5: One can do little against psychopaths- Jamison Firestone, Patrick Hermann, Julia Shields, Christophe Diserens, Damien Rex, Andrew Aaron

in justice •  4 months ago  (edited)

I am a known gonzo journalist reporting on innocent victims that have been ruined by false accusations. Because of my anonymity and eternal search for the truth, I am known as the 'Banksy' of journalism. I started this account in 2016 and have removed all prior posts on this platform, consolidating highlights into a series of posts, this one being the first. I am a valedictorian of justice who has had innocent friends terrorized by deeply disturbed yet brilliant and often charismatic individuals. No one suspects a thing until a line is crossed. The common thread is that each psychopath has committed vile crimes so looks to discredit anyone who witnessed what they did so could go to the police. To discredit a person, they typically use anything they can find on the internet. Since disinformation is rampant these days, it is not difficult to find some untruth against a person. The psychopath then uses that untruth against the innocent person.

For example, there was an old case where a person was falsely accused, found innocent, and all charges were dropped, but an old news article threw the falsely accused individual under the bus, twisting and misreporting the facts, putting their reputation in jeopardy. Sadly, those who make false accusations never have to pay a price while their victims are often ruined.

There are several cases I have witnessed from inception so I saw how these psychopaths operate. What can be done against such dangerous individuals? Not much it seems. I can see why courts have witness protection programs.

  1. Jamison Firestone is a lawyer who moved to London in 2010. He rapes underage boys. He befriends them, gains their trust, then drugs them. While they are passed out, he takes sexual advantage of them. One said he woke up with his dick in Firestone's mouth. Five of these boys have thought of suing him for millions but they were advised that Firestone is dangerous, having a crime sheet many pages long when he lived in Russia which he had removed from the internet. In one of many entries in his crime sheet, Firestone "held the head of his victim underwater until his victim signed the document." Each boy realized their lives would be in jeopardy if they tried to sue Firestone for millions.

  2. Patrick Hermann is deep state Swiss and charmingly charismatic but dangerously unbalanced. He comes from a wealthy, powerful family. Hermann is brilliant in hacking, computers, and the law. He has sued many successfully by using legal technicalities, not stopping until he wins. He has made false claims by twisting reality. Some consider him a psychopath in how he uses situations to his advantage at the crippling cost to others. He is sexually dangerous. He tormented an underage boy telling him that he would "fuck the shit out of him", take him downstairs and "rape his ass", then some minutes later, got onto a computer that was not his to show disturbing, illegal images. When the host told him to get off his computer, Hermann laughed and said he could just hack into his wifi. His underage victim had nightmares for weeks after the incident. The host cut off all ties to Hermann. Hermann was concerned the host and the victim would go to the police, so he used a false article published over 20 years ago to discredit the host and used an old, dismissed case against the underage victim who had filmed in private an underage sex act. The host can sue Hermann for millions for slander and libel but realizes that Hermann would then put both his life and the victim's life in jeopardy because the psychopath's modus operandi is to not stop until his victim is destroyed.

  3. Julia Shields is above the law. Her wealth and power put her in one of the most rare and elite groups. She tried to have one victim removed from society by ending him. When that failed, she tried to have him imprisoned for life. Illegal images were planted on his devices. Forensics was able to show that the victim had never even looked at the images so the prosecution's case collapsed. She has done wet work where she pays a huge sum to have someone ended. She has hired top black hat hackers to hack into a victim's computer, infect the computer slowly over a period of weeks with a timeline that shows one of the templates of her choosing: 1) child pornography, 2) drug trafficking, 3) money laundering, 4) acts of terrorism. She then is able to force a court ordered search warrant which entitles police to take the victim's computer. She is not Jewish but she got the police in Tel Aviv to make a false arrest of her female ex-lover who had been refusing to speak to her. Her ex-lover was brought to the station so she could force sex on her ex-lover. Her power over justice systems is shocking. She has a maniacal laugh. You dont want to get on her bad side.

  4. Christophe Diserens is deep state Swiss so holds much power. He is instantly likeable, extroverted, and brilliantly social. Unlike the others, he is not a psychopath but a deep narcissist. He can hold a crowd in rapt attention. He has allegedly been involved in cryptocurrency scams where a person's assets are frozen. Like Hermann above, he uses similar tactics to discredit his victims. His deep research will uncover something negative about a person. Even if that negative has been discredited publicly, he will then threaten to share it with those he knows if he does not get his way. In the case I observed, Diserens was walking into a minefield because the two things he found against his victim had been put to rest where his victim was found innocent. In one case from nearly 25 years ago, all charges were dropped but the victim was forced into a plea to prevent him from suing the city for many millions for deep prosecutorial misconduct. In fact, the accuser was found to have sexually assaulted 16 others as 16 witness statements revealed. In an unrelated case from 15 years ago, false accusations were made against the victim and his business partner. The business partner sued for libel on their behalf but lost because the business partner was deemed to be a public figure. If Diserens uses either against his current victim, it opens Diserens up to a major lawsuit for slander and/or libel. Because Diserens is not a psychopath, his victim may sue him as the victim's life would not be in danger.

  5. Damien Rex is a charismatic individual and plays multiple sides like a double spy. He was able to convince both the victim and the accuser that he was on their side. He has done this many times with others. He is clever and potentially psychopathic since he seems to have no remorse for anything he does.

  6. Andrew Aaron is an incredibly charismatic individual who uses his charm to extort others. When he was underage, he would sexually assault others then claim he was sexually abused. Because of his young age, his way with words, and his physical beauty, he was believed. He made huge sums while his victim's lives were often ruined reputationally. Some went to prison.

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