The K-Bomb: My Podcast About Overcoming Cancer

in k-bomb •  6 years ago  (edited)

I launched my podcast about two weeks ago. The first episode was just introductory so I didn't feel the need to write a blog post for that one. You can listen to that one here:

The K-Bomb Episode 1 : Malaise

First Episode - Malaise

The purpose of this podcast is to provide information for people who may fear chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Alternative medicine is called that because it is an alternative to medicine. Medicine is known to work. While medicine is not perfect, it follows the scientific method and it is self-correcting. There is no skin in the game for alternative health practitioners, and they can potentially do much damage in terms of both quality of life and loss of life.

You may listen to the second episode here:
The K-Bomb Episode 2 : Hospital

Second Episode - Ending up in Hospital

The second episode deals more with how I ended up in hospital and eventually had to get surgery.

How did I end up in hospital?

My stomach started swelling out of the blue. After investigation by the medical professionals, they discovered that I had a constricted colon. This constriction had to be removed, along with parts of my colon. But mostly, how I ended up in hospital is my brother took me there.

What surgery did I get?

I had to get a laparotomy. The first one was performed without anaesthesia after a horseback journey of quite a few miles. Fortunately, the first one was not performed on me.

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But mostly, how I ended up in hospital is my brother took me there.


All the best for a speedy recovery!

Thanks very much! I'm in the clear now. The podcast lags behind a bit, it's pre-recorded nearly half way.