Kamasutra what is it and about 245 sex position.

in kamasutra •  7 years ago 

download (1).jpgThe Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu text written by Vātsyāyana. It is widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behaviour in Sanskrit literature. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse.


What does the Kamasutra tell us about sex


he Kamasutra interprets sex as a special feature in a result of which the male and female principles are to become one not only on the skin-to-skin, but also on a spiritual level. Sex represents not only a physical process, how many people may think; this is a process that engages body, feelings, emotions, sense of those who are in love with each other. It is a sensual game, in the terms of which the woman turns out to be a goddess, a favourite and desired one, and the man, in his turn, gets satisfaction having reached an orgasm not just by himself, but by his beloved woman.

Kamasutra - 245 Kamasutra Positions have.


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The Kamasutra nowadays

Curious enough, but in our times it is quite common practice to consider any collection of sex positions as “The Kama Sutra”. It does matter little to almost everyone that the original treatise introduces a lot more than it may seem to present at the back of its title. If you want to receive more than just a set of sex positions, I advise you to have a look at the original translation of this book. Being a genuine object of great value, lots of modern couples may find out many needy information. The book teach you the following essential thing:

Feel your partner’s pleasure as well as your own.

Having opened the doors of “Kama”, the ability to feel each other provides both partners with a sense of happiness and real desire.

In conclusion, we would like to say that the greatest myth related to sex is a belief that the more sex positions you know, the better lover you are. This is exactly not true. According to women and other specialists, no matter how many positions one may know, the only thing that does matter is your emotions both partners experience while having sex. Nevertheless, skilfulness and understanding how to use sex positions also plays a great role. And remember the main ordnance given by the author of the Kamasutra:

There is no happiness being in love affair if only one gets pleasure.

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