Little Karoo Town Living...

in karoo •  last year 

I have recently moved to a little Karoo town called Montagu. What a lovely place to stay - in amongst the mountains - but boy is it hot and I mean hot in the Summer. Whenever it rains, it is a total blessing to receive that moisture and the ground practically laps it up... to the extent that you can actually hear it drinking!! After the rains, the plants come to life and you the most beautiful flowers show their faces on the cactii. It certainly took a while for me to get used to the different insect life and the visitors who decide to walk though your front door. I have seen baby brown house snakes and swept at least five scorpions out the front door. The worst though was the Roman Red Spider -- I nearly had a heart attack when on closing the curtain this thing ran, and boy can they move it, down the curtain towards me. I managed to get it out of the house and sent it on its way. The scenery and the landscapes change with the different seasons and lighting when the sun rises and when it goes down.

I am so happy to have moved out to the country away from the hustle and the bustle of petrol fumes, noise and crime. Do not get me wrong -- there is crime here but it is managed by very good neighbourhood watches, security companies and the local police who all work together as one with the community.

Unfortunately I have not been able to add some photos at this point in time. Will do so soon.
Bye for now

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