Killer Queen By Katy Perry Perfume.

in katy-perry •  3 years ago 

I'm reviewing Killer Queen by Katy Perry so here it is how cool is that is so cool but it's just one thing I would like to say


I think you should come with like a stand like a really cute little stand see holds like that you think you look cool but anyway it's cool anyway so it just kind of sits like that

but that is so cool oh it comes with this with the stick thing if it came with the stick thing that would be like the best perfume ever that would be so cool anyway so this bottle actually

reminds me quite a lot of heat and I mean that just because of color wise because if you look the colors are quite the same they pretty much quite a lot like each other but it also kind

of smells like heat as well it smells like a fruitier version of here it smells like heat with raspberries not raspberries berries I think but enough of that enough of the negatives

it's really cooler and if you look at the detail on this it's got like two cats and sword and love hearts and stuff but then if you look at the actual shape of the crest then it looks

like a cat like that's like the face and kind of like that looks a bit like the collar like that thought I think that's so cool it's very very detailed and you can see and then

it's got Killer Queen again going around it and I think it's just such a cool bottle so I shall show you the bottle now the box is as well

quite cool I think it's such a detailed box as well and it's got the crest on again go around and more.


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