The Great American Comeback! In spite of being mocked, called vile names and censored. ..we are Still Standing! Be HEARD!

in keepamericagreat •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is an excellent speech! Once again our president does not receive the respect he deserves nor the credit from Mainstream Media. These are some of the highlights and important points MSM either refuses to address or twists. I have created an informative meme to go over some of the highlights and the rest are in the article below.
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Here is what it on the photo;
We have 98% of the Caliphate back after Bush spent 7 trillion with 17 years of devastation in the ME. Clinton gave them Nuclear energy.
Obama helped them along with the billions he gave to Iran and Never got a peace talk between North and South Korea. President Moon states POTUS made a Huge contribution in getting these peace talks.
Respect from China for the first time in years.
Largest Tax Cuts in US History!
Created 3 million jobs since election!
African American, Hispanic unemployment lowest in history!
Best Numbers for jobs in the History of our country!
Trump keeps MSM going, not even 1 Thank You!
It's okay, he does it for all, but we are the Awake
We will keep America Great
We are the True Patriots!

Now that America is Great Again, we will work on Keeping America Great! Right now, stock almost up 40% since election day! DACA is the naysayer's issue, but they want to stop it! Why? He offered them a better deal than what Obama would even attempt to give. The European Union was taking advantage of us and still takes advantage of other countries. Mexico has a 16% VAT tax. We won't put the tariffs on Mexico and Canada. Yet, these countries import products, then won't give us the same deals for our Wisconsin farmers. If China sells a car here they only pay 2.5% if we try to sell a car in China it is 25% for us in import tax. That is why there is a trade deficit of $500,000 a year and President Trump is trying to fix this. We have a trade deficit of almost 800 billion dollars! President Trump laid the blame on all presidents leading up to Obama along with Clinton and Obama's poor trade deals. Trump is fighting for fair trade deals. The EU doesn't accept trade deals from us and banded together as a monopoly to do well on trade, but didn't gave us the same good trade deals. They have artificial barriers so we are not allowed to import our products, yet they are allowed to import their products to us the United States and pay very little import tax.

In addition what our President did for Karen Handel, the first Republican woman to be elected to congress from Georgia was phenomenal! In one of the most expensive races ever due to the millions spent by her opponent Democrat Jon Ossoff. He spent 32 million to make $150,000 a year. He didn't even live in the district and they claimed no one would care. When they let the voters know, they did care. President Trump helped to support her, the first woman Republican to represent Georgia. He has placed women in positions no other president ever has before!

Many don't understand that in the congressional districts, they had judges who are democrats change the voting districts.

Not even one Democrat vote for the tax cuts. Why don't they want the regular Americans to have more in their paychecks? Pelosi stated the 1,000 bonuses companies like AT&T were passing on to their employees as "crumbs!" Yes, to someone worth billions, Our bonuses Are indeed crumbs. She travels all over the world, lives in a mansion, has plenty of vacation homes and doesn't bat an eye at $1,000.00, but we regular working Americans appreciate an extra $1,000 or even those receiving an added $50.00 in their paychecks! Pelosi, Michael Moore, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders do not Have to Care about Tax Cuts because they Are the Elites! Why are they trying to keep Any amount of money from regular, working class citizens? Pretending it's because it should be more, then why didn't Obama make it more for people? Rather we watched paychecks become less, jobs become more scarce as the middle class was squeezed to death, taxes increased, the cost of living and essentials kept going up, but paychecks under Obama's presidency kept decreasing as many businesses failed or fired employees due to the added strangulation of regulations including impossible healthcare which actually raised the cost for businesses and workers across the board. All intentional in the hope to cause an economic decline requiring the Nazi World Order to come in and save us. That is why these people don't want more money in the pockets of regular Americans. They want the wide gap between them and us to continue because it pads their pockets, it gives them a cause (which seems to be a dichotomy as they can't relate to us), they don't have the same bills or financial pressures as we do! There is no way they can relate to us! They are no different than the Hollywood elites and Music industry who look down their noses at us while they continue with their awards, pats on the back, lavish homes, luxury trips and over indulgent lifestyles while telling us what to do, what to think and say and who we should vote for.

Getting rid of the plan "where you pay a lot of money for not getting health care!" Absolute truth testified to by people all over the country who were devastated by this diabolical plot that simply padded the pockets of the Elite and Big Pharma while taking away the affordable care to regular citizens. We were lied to! Many did not get to keep their own doctors and health care paid into through employer programs quadrupled for many! President Trump didn't understand how they even got it through as it was under the largest tax bill ever! Reagan was the last one who passed a large tax reform bill. Since Trump isn't a politician he likes plain english. . .Call it what it is Tax Cuts, not tax reform. Tax reform is the language of elitists trying to sell us, the hard working Americans on paying more for programs that simply pad their pockets through pork barrel spending because they all work together and make money off of one another or have ties to profits made in drug companies, including the help of lobbyists and inside information. This is why people like Pelosi ( over 29 million), Warren (3.7 million), Shummer (702,000, but excludes at least one of his homes worth over 150,000), McCain (21 million, wife 100 million, incredible!), Feinstein worth over 58 million wow! People like Michael Moore who continue to criticize president Trump and talk about elitists and the gap between the filthy rich and poor. . . he is worth 50 million! Why does he pretend to relate to us? When is the last time he had to make sure his entire family worked hard so his kids could go to college? When was the last time he had to consistently put in extra hours at work or running a business to pay the bills and the basic needs of his children. When was he forced to help supply his family with goodwill clothing or clearance items as the wealthier people and snooty kids mocked, whispered, back stabbed and ridiculed his family? This isn't a race issue, it's a working, middle class humanity issue. If he thinks it's "us against them". . .he is The Them!

What about one of the Most Ardent supporters for income inequality Bernie Sanders? Here is what states, "Though his annual income of $200,000 still makes him one of the least wealthy senators, "the former Democratic presidential candidate made some $858,750 off book royalties alone last year," Newsweek reports. "Combined with his Senate salary, he likely cleared $1 million in earnings."
That would place Sanders — whose website says that "the issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time, it is the great economic issue of our time, and it is the great political issue of our time" — in the unusual position of being among the top 1 percent of earners in the U.S."

The American people want Trump’s Refreshing Honesty, call it a Tax Cut Bill rather than Tax Reform. Make it clear, don’t play games! We’re tired of them!

People become complacent after an election, but We Must Stay Vigilant! We need to elect those who will support the agenda of the People rather than the agenda of the Elitist Politicians!

He covers Sanctuary Cities and the protection from the DNC for both illegals even of the criminal element and the MS-13’s. Much of this is due to witnesses alleging the DNC uses MS-13’s to do their dirty work. Think those proving to be a hinderance to the Clinton Foundation or those who will be able to call out their's and the DNC's corruption. The hit list is long and they still attempt to bury stories showing connections back to these corruptors and their organizations.

We lose 130 billion dollars with Mexico due to the poor NAFTA deal which weakened the US even more. Since Trump is a businessman and negotiator, rather than a politician, he has saved money in places like Air Force One 1.4 Billion Dollars. The other presidents did not provide these savings to the American People, yet none of the main stream media give him credit for this. A People’s President, rather than a selfish president who furthers the efforts and profits of only the elites!

He called out the drug problem which most Americans don’t realize is funded by wealthy elites who have stores of them in underground facilities. They then hire these gang members who are vicious and don't value life to deal these drugs and wreak havoc upon our kids and families. Other countries made it clear they don’t have a drug problem because they have the death penalty! Too much risk for them to continue killing our families, kids and needed workers. This makes it impossible for people to qualify for work due to the drug addiction promoted by elites who push the drugs. Drug as well as human trafficking is very lucrative for elites. Trump points out the fact that Drug dealers can kill thousands of people, yet many times they don’t even go to jail or only get 30 days , possibly up to a year. Yet, if someone kills even one person they get the death penalty or life in prison. The Blue Ribbon Committees aren’t stopping the problem! He called out the opioid problem and stated, “we have to go after the drug companies! They are allowed to promote addictive drugs, why? More injustice!

Why is there such an imbalance of justice? Is it because there are people behind the scenes making a great deal of money? How do these people who get paid 150,000 to 200,000 in government reach such Astronomical Heights of wealth on those salaries? Are they taking bribes to look the other way?

Trump is calling on congress to stop funding Sanctuary cities so we can save American lives. He states, “the funding bill should not give precious and massive tax payer grants to cities aiding and abetting criminals!” This is what they are currently doing. He is calling on congress to end chain migration and cancel the dangerous visa lottery which has allowed numerous unvetted illegal criminals in. He states, "the democrats criticize because they have vacancies in certain administrative offices. We have 270 people the democrats won't approve to come in and work in the administration. They have the ambassador from Germany because the democrats obstruct, delay and do everything they can to impede work getting done and corruption ending.

They got Anwar in Alaska after 40 years of not getting it approved which will provide more jobs for Americans.

Our president states, "As long as we are proud of Who we are and What we're fighting for, we can do anything! There is nothing beyond our reach, Nothing!"

It is no secret that I am an independent. Since we are still forced to work within the construct of the two party system, we do need Republicans voted in to keep the agenda of Keeping America Great. This is due to the evidence that the democrats are actively obstructing justice and those in power have proven they are willing to break the laws the rest of us are expected to uphold, while they follow their own set of laws that are lacking and selfish in conduct!

Trump understands, we want action and are willing to get things done no one else would do!

He closes by calling the naysayers out who try to take stabs by saying he is not a good speaker and needed to put on presidential airs! He could be silvery tongued as some were accustomed to, rather than being concerned about truth and the keeping of their word! I appreciate he understands that we want details, honesty, truth! The hard cold truth that others resist because they are stuck in their mind set and want things packaged up in what they consider a more acceptable, palatable way. They want to be entertained, they want the emotion, the drama, the theatrics they are far more accustomed to! This is what has been readily provided for them since they were young! It is easily available for them on a variety of devices, right at their fingertips for even more mass consumption! The kind of consumption that is almost mindless, puts one into a trance, encourages them to be lazy with their thoughts. Just let the speaker, the newscaster, the actor, the musician, the comedian, the reporter do the telling and thinking for them. They don't need to do anything except agree or get worked up! If anyone dares to disagree. . .just call them names, belittle them, mock them, try to diminish them. You don't need to have an analytical argument. No need for thoughtful discussion which would take far more time to put together. Valid points, common sense. . .just throw it out the window and call a name or use a put down! Throw in a few curse words so your response so it is a bit longer and wallah. . .you may now feel superior to that independent thinker. You can now say you are more educated because you have followed MSM's protocol of hating Trump and his supporters. Those people who literally buck the system of control. Those who dare test the narrative! Who do they think they are going against popular opinion?
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They said we couldn't do it. . .we Patriots, the Deplorable, the bullied, the mocked! We came out, we banned together and we took a stand for someone who was brutally honest, not a politician, but showed a Love for our Country and the Working Class of America! The elites, the politicians, the DNC, the democrats, the Rhino's. . .despise him! He is the one not afraid of them. He is the one to actually make better deals for America that have stopped padding the pockets of elites and their special interest groups! Trump isn't good for the elites, he doesn't have Their interests as his priority! Trump is very good for the Working Class, that middle class the globalist puppets of the Nazi World Order tried to destroy. They tried to take away our hope! In the 11th month our time came! We bucked the system, we went against their propaganda and manipulating! We stood! Against their backlash, vile name calling, even physical violence in some cases! We saw each other in those lines we stood in, that's right, our eyes met and we knew we were with fellow patriots! We spread truth on social media platforms in spite of the constant censorship! We diligently supplied facts in the face of emotion based on party lines and tradition. We challenged thoughts, ideas and misplaced hate. We encouraged people who tried to diminish to see truth and think for themselves. We knew we were going against what the mainstream media told us was approved opinion! We were the despised counter culture, we wouldn't fall in line! We didn't want them telling us what to do! We love our liberty, we value thinking for ourselves and being self sufficient. We don't want the government telling us how much money we can make, where we can make it or what they should pay us. We don't need them to control our healthcare, we don't want them to tell us what we can say, do or think. We want someone who will Defend our God Given Liberty and Freedom. God gave it to us, don't let them take it away! Get out there and vote for Good people who support us, We the People, not the globalist elites! We are here and we are Still Standing! Don't be Silenced! You Be Heard! They are listening, those who don't listen, don't want to be saved. . .they are lost, but some Will Hear you! Keep Fighting the Good Fight! Every single patriot standing for liberty is vitally needed right now! You all with the help of God are why America is Great! Be Strong, Be Courageous, Fight, Fight, Fight!

Hear President Trump's speech where he was stumping for Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania in this link

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