A call to keep steemit clean and safe for everyone!

in keepsteemitclean •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am so sickened by the inappropriate content and the lack of censorship on Steemit!

This makes me doubt the safety and cleanliness of this website..

some people keep promoting nudity and encouraging that.. That is so disgusting and pollutes the platform...
Sharing your body with others is not a talent.. encouraging this is just like encouraging prostitution ... that is so disgusting.. would you like to see your mom?..wife...daughter?.. doing that and getting money for exposing her body?!


If you're against nudity and people exploiting their bodies then please share this and let's work on keeping steemit clean!

Please keep steemit clean!

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Nudity is natural, showing your body isn't unclean and is a personal choice.
Other people sharing images that are not their own isn't right though, so feel free to get plaigiarists off of steemit, they steal the images of people and reduce the quality of the platform.

May you tell me why people in "respectful" positions don't exploit their bodies? .. why are you dressed up then?.. I think they're acting against human nature of modesty just to get more attention or to ear money like what I noticed here.
Will you feel okay if your children do this? it's their choice after all.. but tell me how will you feel?
I am sure there are more people over here who don't like to see this stuff and prefer it wasn't here.. I hope they speak up.
Thanks for giving your opinion.. but again.. I would like to hear your answer to the question I asked you before and then we'll find out what's natural and what's not.

I think you are confusing convention with nature. It's certainly unconventional to post nude photos but it's not unnatural.
I would hope my children (I have none) would have been raised to understand why they wanted to do things and understand the consequences of unconventional decisions. So long as I felt they had thought about that as adults (pictures of children is wrong and unnatural), then they should make their own choices in life.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for taking the time and explaining yourself. However, I think that humans' nature is to cover themselves. The more human beings got developed the more they covered themselves.
These posts hurt my feelings and many others as well, so there is no respect for the public's feelings. Why facebook and most popular websites don't allow that?

Best wishes for humanity

So look at tribes in the Amazon rainforest, they wear practically nothing, is it disgusting? No, it's natural and suitable for their environment. I would not be comfortable describing them as 'undeveloped' they have amazing knowledge of the plants and animals of their habitat and many scientists ask them for help in identifying medicinal plants.

Facebook and the like are cynical money making ventures, they will do whatever it takes to make more money. They will stick with conventional thoughts if that's what makes more money.
The raison d'etre of sites like Steemit is to provide a place where anyone can come and talk or make art free of conventional limiting factors and free of centralised controls.

If you don't want to look at naked people on steemit then don't look at the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) tag. As this is entirely optional and within your control, I'm unclear why you would have any concerns about it. If you see something incorrectly tagged then it's legitimate to downvote it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There is a huge difference in the intention and circumstances of people living in tribes like in the Amazon rainforest and people exploiting themselves online.
everything should have its own context.
I remember choosing to hide all NWFW content and It was okay for a while and I didn't say anything of that.. but recently I do see it without having to open their posts because the 1st picture they post will be visible to everyone anyway.
Maybe it's a good Idea to flag the content which doesn't have NSFW.. So are you saying that they should have this as their first tag to be considered NSFW?

Yes I think so, NSFW should be the primary tag, if it's not tagged properly and you don't want to downvote it yourself you can also report it to steemcleaners
