Welcome to my new “ The Bulletproof Keto Diet “ blog article.
When people enter ketosis, they not only lose weight, but they also gain energy, think more clearly, and their skin improves. This diet provides a plethora of significant health benefits.
This e-book will assist you in adopting the keto diet and recalibrating your metabolism for long-term weight loss.
You will discover:
The fundamentals of the keto diet
How to Transition From Your Current Diet to a Ketogenic Diet Gradually
How to Overcome Psychological Internal Resistance to a Lifestyle Change
How to Lose Pounds and Keep Them Off.
Let's face it: there are a lot of misconceptions about the keto diet out there. People have not done their homework. People were overly reliant on what their friends told them. In fact, far too many people who would benefit from this amazing diet are discouraged by Facebook comments and link shares.
This is truly unfortunate, because if they only knew, they would most likely benefit greatly from the keto diet. What are the advantages?
Imagine being able to eat fatty and greasy foods with a clear conscience. I know, it sounds too good to be true. That's exactly what the keto diet provides. You can enjoy your 'guilty' food pleasures without feeling guilty. Keto allows you to burn fat by eating, you guessed it, fatty foods. What's not to love about this?
Another significant advantage of keto is its ability to reduce inflammation. Please keep in mind that inflammation is a bad thing. The Standard American Diet (high in carbs) is causing so many people to become ill because it is an inflammatory diet. You become bloated as a result of your carbohydrate intake sucking up so much fluid.
I wish I could say that this is the extent of the inflammation caused by a typical high carb diet. Nope. It's not even close. Not only do you bloat as a result of all that extra water, but your nerves, cardiovascular system, kidneys, and even your skin bear the brunt of it. Your blood pressure remains elevated, your skin begins to wrinkle, you develop brain fog, and the list goes on. To put it mildly, inflammation is bad news.
When you begin a keto diet, you will notice that you drastically reduced your carbohydrate intake. This means your system contains fewer water-absorbing hype spongy carb molecules. Not only will your body begin to expel 'water weight,' which is great news for those trying to lose weight, but you will also have better skin.
All of the inflammation that was weighing down on your skin and prematurely ageing and wrinkling it vanishes. Similarly, your nerves receive much-needed rest, and neurotransmitters in your brain and central nervous system do a much better job of transmitting nerve signals. This means less 'brain fog' and more mental alertness.
Finally, removing much of the water from your system allows your blood vessels to relax and your blood pressure to return to normal.
However, if you believe some common myths about ketosis, ketogenic foods, and the keto diet in general, you will miss out on the amazing benefits listed above.
Here are some common myths to keep an eye out for so you don't get sidetracked.
One of the most common misconceptions about the keto diet is that ketosis and ketoacidosis are the same thing.
Ketosis, of course, is the metabolic process by which your body burns fat for energy. On the basis of your body uses sugar for energy when you eat a standard diet.
This means that when you consume carbohydrates, your body converts those calories into energy
This is the body's default setting, but it has an alternative. It can generate energy from fat; this is a process, is referred to as ketosis.
The fat stored in fat cells all over your body is released by your body. This fat is then converted by ketones are chemical compounds produced by your metabolic system. Ketones are then absorbed by your body's cells.
These molecules are converted into the energy your body requires to survive.
The keto diet is built on the state of ketosis. Unfortunately, many people mix up ketosis and ketoacidosis.
The former is risk-free. The latter is lethal. Obviously, they are not the same thing.
Ketoacidosis is a condition in which your body produces an excessive amount of ketone acids as a byproduct of fat breakdown. You can die if your body produces too many ketones.
The good news is that ketoacidosis is not a risk for the vast majority of people. This condition is only dangerous if your body does not produce any insulin at all.
Simply put, it primarily affects people with type I diabetes. If you're like most people who want to try the keto diet and can produce insulin normally, you have nothing to worry about. You must understand that even within the keto framework, you are still consuming carbohydrates. This is usually enough to turn on insulin in your system for a short period of time, preventing ketoacidosis.
Don't think for a second that just because you've started burning fat for energy means ketoacidosis is a real threat; it isn't. You should be fine as long as you can produce insulin naturally.
One of the most discouraging myths about the keto diet is that the food is simply difficult to enjoy. Many people believe that the classic keto meal plan consists of butter sticks, tones of eggs, and liquid fat. In other words, many people associate the keto diet with waxy-tasting one-dimensional foods they'd rather forget.
This could not be farther from the truth.
When you think about it, a lot of the foods you eat are what you would call "guilty pleasures." I'm referring to fatty and salty foods. You're only halfway through the keto diet and aren't even aware of it.
When it comes to fatty foods, we all have a guilty pleasure. You know it's bad for you, but you eat it anyway because it tastes so good. Can you imagine altering your diet so that you essentially eat your guilty pleasures?
That may sound crazy, but that is exactly what the keto diet is. It assists you in loading up on fat (the food you were supposed to avoid), and you end up losing weight and becoming healthier as a result. Please keep in mind that there are numerous myths about high-fat foods.
With Myth #3, I'll delve deeper into this topic. However, just because people have been saying the same things for decades does not necessarily mean they are true. On a keto diet, you can eat the vast majority of your meals.
In fact, if you want to transition to the keto diet in the simplest and most delicious way possible, click here for the keto blueprint, which will guide you through the process quickly and easily.
For several decades, we have been led to believe that foods high in fat are extremely unhealthy. For the past 50-60 years, this has been the accepted wisdom. According to recent research, high-fat foods are not to blame for America's ever-expanding waistline and obesity epidemic.
Loading up on eggs and fats will not result in a dietary death sentence if all else is equal. To ensure that all that fat and cholesterol eventually kills you, you must do something else—pump your system with carbs. Carbohydrates cause inflammation in your body. When you combine a high fat diet with an inflamed cardiovascular system, you increase your chances of developing blood clots. This results in strokes and other cardiovascular events.
When you eliminate carbs from your diet, you discover the true meaning of dietary fat intake. The truth is diametrically opposed to what you've been hearing for decades. High-fat foods are beneficial to your health. Who would have guessed? After all, we've been told repeatedly that high-cholesterol foods can make us sick.
Who is the true dietary villain?
That's right, Sugar. It's only a matter of time before you get sick if you eat a lot of polished white rice, potatoes, or refined flour products.
Carbohydrates cause inflammation in your body, resulting in bad skin, pimples, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems. Specific types of cancer I could go on forever. Sugar brings all of this to the table, which is bad news. The truth is that high-fat foods are more in line with how the human body has evolved.
When you look at our ancestors, the main things they're looking for are fatty foods, because they keep them fuller for longer. Your body also metabolizes fat into compounds that are extremely beneficial to your health.
Many high-carb, high-starch foods, such as rice, can be easily substituted with keto-friendly ingredients. Don't assume that because these substitutions aren't obvious, they're impossible. The key to sticking to a keto diet is to pay attention to your preferences. That is the gist of it.
You are not required to alter your flavor preferences. Adopting the keto diet does not require you to become a completely different person. You can keep your taste preferences.
You cannot force yourself to adopt a new system. You can't tell yourself that you can go from liking certain flavours to liking a completely different set of flavors. That strategy rarely, if ever, works.
One of the main reasons why people switch diets is because they expect the diet to change them. They bend over backwards to change their eating habits and taste preferences to fit their new diet. Sure, for the first few weeks, they might be able to pull it off. However, old habits die hard. Too many people end up back where they started. In fact, whatever weight they lost at the start of their new diet returns in full force.
To make matters worse, they end up weighing more after their diet than they did before it. This occurs frequently because people impose new tastes on themselves. They put undue pressure on themselves to completely change.
You only need to find a keto substitute for the high carb dishes you enjoy with keto.
There's no need to completely disregard your taste preferences or "go-to" meals. You don't have to drastically alter your lifestyle in order for the keto diet to work for you.
Just because you're used to one way of eating doesn't mean there aren't keto alternatives. There is always a keto alternative. It all comes down to how eager you are to make that change. Click here to get a framework for a bulletproof keto diet transition plan to make things easier on yourself.
You won't have any trouble finding keto substitutes for many of your favorite old standby dishes with a little imagination.
The great thing about the keto diet is that you don't have to change your routine. Seriously, I know that shocks many people who have tried diet after diet. After all, if you've ever tried to lose weight or manage your weight, you know that time is always an issue; not so with keto.
All you have to do is be clear about your taste profile; what kinds of flavors you prefer. When you have a game plan in place, the meal plan pretty much takes care of itself. A lot of the dishes you already enjoy can be converted to a keto version with minimal effort and substitution nine times out of ten.
Because keto meal plans are so high in fat and filling, you can feel satisfied with a fraction of the serving size you'd expect from your old standard American diet.
In the end, you find keto ingredients that match your flavor profile. That's all there is to it. With a few tweaks, you can transition to a keto diet and eventually make it a lifestyle. That's how you'll be able to keep the pounds off for good.
If you want to learn how to transition to a keto diet and reap a plethora of benefits, click here.