The Rise Of The Ketotarians

in ketotarian •  6 years ago 

The keto diet has quickly become one of the most popular diets in the world, with thousands of different websites, cookbooks, Youtube channels etc, now dedicated to spreading the low-carb, high-fat message.

You can also find a growing number of nutritionists and healthcare professionals who are advocating for the keto lifestyle too.

While every individual is unique and what works well for one may not for others, there are thousands of testimonials from people who claim to have turned their health journey around because of a keto diet.

What Is It?

The keto diet places an emphasis on fats because once you start to consume that low-carb, high-fat and high-protein diet, the body goes into a natural state of ketosis where it uses fat for fuel, burning fat instead of carbs.

The keto diet has commonly been seen as a high-protein diet but that's arguably a misconception about the lifestyle.

The various ketovangelists out there today differ in how much vegetables vs protein they believe that you should consume. However, most people following the diet have strived for around 25 percent protein, with more emphasis on fat and a lot less obviously on carbs.

Along with the rise in interest for the keto lifestyle, there has also been a lot of criticism, with even some well-known personal trainers like Jillian Michaels speaking out against it, and others.

Now, the ketotarian diet has risen in popularity which includes following the diet keto but refraining from meat, starchy vegetables, grains, high sugar fruits, dairy, beans, and also lentils. The ketotarian diet is referred to as a mostly plant based keto diet.

Things like grass-fed ghee or pasture raised eggs would be optional and up to the individual. Regardless of the changes, the overall approach is still the same and that is to reach a state of ketosis where the body is burning fat for fuel.

There are millions of vegans and vegetarians, plant-based eaters in the market today, and it's no surprise that a plant-based keto lifestyle might become increasingly popular as well. As well, there are also increasing options as far as plant-based meat goes, so they might find themselves wanting to eventually incorporate meat alternatives back into the mix.

Healing With Keto?

Some healthcare professionals have suggested that this new plant based keto approach might be the best thing to help fight inflammation and promote wellness. There are some doctors who even believe that ketosis might be able to help with the treatment of cancer and other illness, but there is still plenty of research, say critics, that needs to be done before they can make that claim for certain.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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Good to know.

I simply cannot grasp how eating high-fat meats, and high-fat foods in general, can be deemed healthy.

That said, Keto reminds me of the Atkins' diet plan from back in the day.

Best regards.


new research suggests that we might have been misled about the dangers of fats for decades :) , it is kind of similar to atkins but atkins promotes high protein whereas keto is moderate protein
thanks for your comment !

Atkins is high protein. Keto is low protein. Our bodies need [healthy fats] to build and maintain cells.

I definitely get healthy fats; but, so many people (YouTube) I've seen on Keto are always eating unhealthy fats, primarily bacon.

Thanks for your reply.


it's not healthy- these low carb diets are a fad and unsustainable. Your body, especially the brain runs on sugar. The medical literature has been clear on the dangers of high fat/protein diets in particular from animal products.

Ketosis is making your body do extra work for no reason other than being a way to avoid carbs usually so people can enjoy their meats. Just strip the middle man, which equals stress on the digestive system and go straight for the sugar.

I have observed that the body has a way of letting you know what it is deficient in/of. Sometimes, I get a sweet tooth. Sometimes, I get a taste for meats, etc. I can honestly say that in recent months, I have become a 98% vegetarian. My best advice to anyone is listen to your body; treat it as the temple that it is.


do you support this idea? have you tried it?
It seems to me it's something very fashionable but so far from nature and health

it works for some, might not work for others :)