When my kids were little, they wanted to use youtube and apple store. Of course, they were just little consumers. It didn't matter that I used my AppleID or YouTube account.
They couldn't remember logins and passwords. They were just little children.
For this New Year, they have changed my YouTube name and the AppleID to something more akin to them.
Like an otlrganisation takeover, new branding and company direction.
I get many alerts now regarding a long list of YouTube channels. I now see what's happening in Pokemon, LPS & Minecraft.... ah yes, they are growing up!
My daughter has Mild Autism and I was happy enough that she could say her name, goto the toilet & string some words together!
Now, she is concerned with her friends, my mother's emphasema, JoJo Bows (whatever they are), my constant annoyance at traffic and how I sigh when I encounter it. Now she is commenting on my behaviours like when I change topics when I don't want to answer a question.
Yup, they're growing!