Whistleblower Heros: Kieron

in kieron •  6 years ago 

Writing a bio is an odd one for me, task that is. And is because I've lived as a 'Hive Mind' for so many years my core persona has become accustomed to a state of being few can have any comprehension of at all. Though it be the intention of those doing such things to people with advanced neurologically intrusive technologies that 'all' will suffer the same fate as I - or at least 'most' will. Twenty years ago I'd have simply forwarded my CV/resume along with an idealistic statement and or accompanying letter on such a request. But today, well … ? Kieron is fifty two years old, living in London [UK] and has been wearing ICT Brain Implants since 1975. The presence of surreptitiously implanted technology being something which was confirmed to him verbally by a hospital consultant in c2004, and has now been acknowledged in writing at the latter end of 2017 by another consultant as being ICT Brain Implants. AKA 'Mind Kontrol Technology', which thus dictates that his lot is not a jolly one in any way shape or form. Particularly given that aside of brain implants, which are numerous, he has many others besides in other parts of his anatomy - seemingly connected by a network of micro-wiring or fibre optic cable. Some too attached to his skeleton which move in order to inflict pain. To subjugate him, reduce his ability to function effectively and therein enslave him. Previous to discovering the reality of his plight he owned a recruitment company called Players which operated out of Golden Square in London's West End; and in the corporate media sector. All was not as it should have been though, he knew it and he'd always known it. What he was to go on and learn via experience beyond this point in time though did not only validate his circumstances it served to confirm so many suspicions harboured re his younger years. That his life does represent a conspiracy, one which has a time span now of over half a century and so much of it is yet to unfold. Though ultimately it's all entirely representative of 'a system' which seeks to control us all via technological means with no or minimal opposition to them doing so at all, it seems. His efforts currently are concentrated around producing content for 'Ti-Television', a YouTube channel established to raise awareness of the 'Targeted Individual/Survivor' matter-of-fact whilst continuing to survive. With some purpose if not meaning.

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