Kindle (KDP) Account Suspended or Terminated ? Now What To Do ?

in kindle •  4 years ago 

First of all, we should know about the difference between Suspension or Termination-


Difference Between Suspension or Termination.

  1. Suspension is a temporary separation from work, while termination or discharge means permanent dismissal.
  2. In Suspension you will get an email. While in Termination no email, no notification you will get.
  3. In Suspension you have a chance to rectify your mistake but in termination, you haven't any right to rectify it.
  4. Suspension is like you have last chance to save your relation but Termination is the end of the relation.
  5. In Suspension you can give an explanation about your mistake but in Termination, all doors are closed.

Hope you understand the difference between these two. Now questions what should've next step?

If you really want to know next step then please comment.

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