It's a useful role having high-profile and respected people exposing some part of the truth behind what the government/secret state is doing.

in kingston •  last year 


In light of Karen Kingston's nasty accusations around Robert Malone , here are a few thoughts. Malone is and has always been a highly-positioned fellow. Highly-positioned people sometimes get to break the mold ... and to improvise and call out corruption, where more commonplace puppets don’t often get that opportunity … while big-shot brains like Malone do.

I’m afraid … the same might well apply to RFK Jr. It's a useful role having high-profile and respected people exposing some part of the truth behind what the government/secret state is doing ...

That gives the lawless part of the deep state the ability to grab some of that "oppositional" mindshare and play with it, whereas if things are always black or white, then there would be no permeable divide. The agencies want things permeable. Makes them easier to play around with.

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