The Ku Klux Klan

in kkk •  7 years ago 

The Ku Klux Klan

I saw a report this weekend on the RedNeck, it's a group of white Americans mainly from the south of the country racist and Donald Trump fan.

They usually live in the countryside and are relatively narrow-minded compared to other cultures.


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In this report, it was shown that some of them were part of the Ku Klux Klan.

The Ku Klux Klan or KKK is a white supremacist organization of the United States founded on December 24, 1865.

It is part of the extreme right at the political level, but it has never been a political party, but rather an organization defending the interests and prejudices of the traditionalist, racist and xenophobic elements of some White Protestants, the White Anglo -Saxon Protestant who claim to be an ethnico-religious community and support their claim of white supremacy over a very peculiar interpretation of a verse from the Book of Genesis (Gen 9,27) and the racist doctrines of the anthropology of the nineteenth century.

The Ku Klux Klan preaches the supremacy of the white race over other races such as blacks who for them are the descendants of former slaves, Chinese and Japanese immigrants, the Arab community, Mexicans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans, and other peoples of the world. 'Latin America.

He also advocates anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, anti-orthodoxy, anticommunism and homophobia. The members are conservative and xenophobic.

The Ku Klux Klan is currently headed by Thomas Robb (pastor of the Christian Revival Center and national director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan) and has his headquarters in Boone County, Arkansas 30 km north of Harrison which is the county seat and also considered by many media as the most racist city in the United States.


The name Ku Klux Klan comes from the Greek word kuklos which means circle. It is one of the founders, James R. Crowe, who has the idea of separating the word in two and changing the end, which gives Ku Klux (lux means light). As the founders all have Scottish ancestors, another founder, John C. Lester, proposes to add the clan word at the end, replacing the C with a K, so as to standardize the first letter of the three words.

The creation of the Ku Klux Klan was originally a direct result of the defeat of Confederate troops against the Yankees at the end of the American Civil War and was part of a tense period in the history of the United States with the the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, the Black massacres in Memphis and New Orleans in 1866, and the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson from 1867 to 1868.

The Ku Klux Klan was founded on the night of December 24-25, 1865, by seven idle young Southerner officers living in the city of Pulaski, Tennessee.

In 1867, the founding text of the first Klan is written, it is called the Prescript.
The association is inspired by fraternities of students, American tradition coming from Europe and in particular the British and German universities, from where the use of Greek terms and a parodic ritual of the Masonic lodges.

Gradually, the Ku Klux Klan becomes more and more important and seeks to be structured with the more or less open help of civil or military notables of the former Southern Confederation. The Klan will turn into a secret southern resistance army.

Thus, Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate army cavalry general, was chosen as leader and organizer in 1867. Forrest then took control of the organization by proclaiming a Constitution, which set goals and operation Ku Klux Klan.

Although the official purpose of this formation is humanitarian, merciful and patriotic, it sets as its real goal the maintenance of the supremacy of the white race in the republic.

The victory of the northerners has several consequences: the maintenance of the former Confederate States of 1860 in the Union, the abolition of slavery, the rural economy of the ruined South.

The Klan is opposed to new laws that grant blacks rights closer to white than before. The desire to leave the southern inhabitants political autonomy vis-à-vis the federal state is an important lever used by the Klan.

The Ku Klux Klan wishes to have an impact on the outcome of the elections. It will influence by all sorts of means: intimidation, blackmail and corruption to impose its candidates in the Democratic Party, then to triumph them in elections for the institutions of secessionist states.


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For this, Forrest will travel around the country to hold meetings. Each of his appearances will be followed by a wave of violence against blacks. KKK members burst into their homes to whip them or even kill them while hanging them on trees. Some pregnant women are disemboweled and castrated men. Whites who rub shoulders with or instruct blacks are also targeted by the Ku Klux Klan and the carpetbaggers (an individual from the North of the United States who came to settle in the South).

Following the assassination on May 18, 1870, of Republican Senator John W. Stephens in the middle of the court and the growing violence of the Klanists, the federal government officially reacts against this terrorist organization.

On April 20, 1871, The Klan Act was passed in Congress of the United States to abolish the Ku Klux Klan. The President of the United States at the time, General Ulysses S. Grant, instigator of the Ku Klux Act, declares martial law (establishment in a country of an exceptional judicial state, in which the army ensures law enforcement in place of, or in collaboration with, the police.

The head of state invokes martial law, which means that the army general takes power for a period of time. delimited) in 9 counties of South Carolina. Several thousand KKK members are arrested. Most are released for lack of evidence. The Ku Klux Klan as an active organization disappears quickly. It is officially banned in 1877.


There is a lot of folklore around the Klu Klux Klan: members wear a pointed hood or white hood on their head and a big matching dress on the body. Their horses are disguised also this way.

Their first rides were aimed at terrorizing the blacks, making them believe that they were devoid of education and very superstitious, that they are the ghosts of the Confederate soldiers who died in battle and came to take revenge.
An urban legend claims that the Marlboro tobacco company belongs to the Ku Klux Klan. Despite the similarity of the Marlboro logo with a K, the rumor is unfounded.


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Dress code

A hierarchy and a distribution of ranks are established during ceremonies.

We differentiate the members with the colors of their dress, here are some of them :

• Imperial Wizard or Grand Wizard: the most important rank of the Ku Klux Klan: purple color dress
• Great Dragon: Head of State: Green Color Dress
• Exalted Cyclops or Klavern: responsible for a city: black dress with a red scarf and four red chevrons on the sleeves
• Kleagle: Director of Public Relations and Recruitment Officer for Chaplains and Cyclops: red dress
• Klansman: a simple member of the Ku Klux Klan: traditional white dress
• Nighthawk: security officer: black dress
• Chaplain: preacher: white dress with red scarf

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I hope this article has allowed you to know a little more about the KKK. Personally, I do not share their vision at all. The mix of cultures and nationalities is very enriching for me.

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Great post. You did a really good job of explaining the kkk in an objective and informative way.

I grew up in the Southern US, and I live here now. The KKK is alive amd well whether we like it or not.

Yes, specially in the south. the KKK still exist. My brother school UVA just experienced a Huge supremacist rally not to long ago, because people wants to remove the confederate statues. This rally led to a death and many injures!

in your blog you constantly raise versatile topics, it's great. I, like many others, could repeatedly encounter the phenomenon of kul kul. This is television and various programs or news. I, just like you do not share their views, and I believe that in our time this organization that has long outlived itself. Their method and idyllgia is an example of how one should not act.
Yes, the wave of what is happening in Europe (migrants who behave very badly) it can give an impulse to this movement. But still in our time there is no place for radical racism. Although racism can not be eradicated, it is necessary to achieve mutual understanding between the parties.

You are right ;o)

someone just need to give them their own land so they can be racist there lol, and leave U.S for people who loves people smh

Nice picture ;o)

Thank you, the world needs more love!!!

This organization is really interesting

Good post, thanks for sharing. Sadly the KKK and other hate groups have seen a resurgence in America lately. Here’s hoping they’ll be pushed back to the fringes where they belong.

Im only replying to this because I can't see where to comment.

The KKK are the poor white people in the south who didn't want to join the Union, during the Civil war. The south had some rich plantation owners and they convinced the poor white people that if slavery was abolished they would be taken over by black slaves. The KKK was birthed out of fear post Civil war where they thought they would be wiped out by former slaves which is nonsense. As a result there were Jim Crow laws, Sundown towns, and other atrocities where they would fire bomb free slaves houses, also didn't allow former slaves to own guns so they had no self defense. The cowards would hide in sheets even though they heavily out armed, and out numbered the former slaves. Mind you they also had sheriffs and other law enforcement in their ranks.

These cowards still operate today.

One thing I have found is that the KKK in particular has been shown as an almost cartoonish example of extreme white supremacy in our popular culture. They appear so ridiculous that it is hard to understand why someone would be interested in the first place. That is why I think it is important to analyze the underpinning ideas because the next KKK won't use burning crosses or pointed hoods (they seem big on shields and white polos). As a teacher, I'm always looking for ways to make this stuff relevant. @lndesta120282


I look good.
I want you to be filled with happy things. :)

Great post


Hi everyone


Humanity has to come first.

What is the the kluks klan



Hi denniel I am new pls upvoted me

nice post

Aha!, I didn't hate Marlboro by coincidence!!.

Now I will never touch it.

Joking aside, this post was helpfull.


ku klux klan progress result is going to up day by day and thenks for sharing with us

Creepy but important to keep abreast of this most dangerous of groups. Their numbers are only growing.

I am glad I read this before jumping to judgement so quick ( I am obviously black and any mention of the kkk is never usually good), this was a very informative and interesting blog!



It seems insane to me that these type of groups still exist in 2017

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

While I agree the kkk are wrong, and sick minded, you do realise that black lives matter are just as bad and the many other radical groups. They are both terrorists to innocent people. It works both ways.

What makes you think they are any bigger than they were say, 2 years ago?

It's sad and awful...

Hmmmmmm. OK. Thanks for the information

Upvoted and resteemed. Unfortunately they are still very active today, and while they've dialed back the actual violence they've redoubled their efforts to take political power.

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trump is not perfect man . I do not like him.

Great article. Human nature can be very ugly sometimes. Reminds me of the AWB guys here in South Africa. Same basic narrow-minded thinking.

As jack Nicholson said: "Can't we all just get along?"

What they are sama with triple X ( XXX),,,???

Justkid 😂😂😂 LOL

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment