Knots of fear: what you NEED TO KNOW about energy blocks

in knotsfearwhatneedknow •  2 years ago 


We often understand at the level of internal sensations that there is something inside that prevents us from making the right decision in time, some kind of stopper. There is some kind of unconscious mechanism that includes self-doubt, something inside seems to whisper: “Not now, I will do it another time, this is not for me, not mine”, etc.

How many times did you realize that "the train has left"? That procrastination threw you on the sidelines of success, that your head, stomach, etc. ached so untimely?

So what or who is making you procrastinate?

It is no secret that a person is not only a physical body, it is a complex system of interaction of various types of matter, which are combined in a certain way and generate energy flows invisible to the eye, but quite tangible. In oriental medicine they are called meridians. They have points of entry, interaction and exit in the physical body of a person, called energy centers or chakras.

Our health, both physical and mental, directly depends on the strength and fullness of these flows. But sometimes there are failures in the movement or formation of such flows.

From the point of view of esotericism, as a result of such violations, for a number of reasons, blocks or energy nodes appear in a person, something that changes the true vibration of a particular organ and the whole person, what is called an aura. The flow of energy, passing through such nodes, is distorted, weakened, or even reversed. This is one of the causes of pain and even illness.

And at the mental level, there is a change in the biological impulse that generates negative emotions. Imagine that the energy node is a kind of prism that focuses a certain spectrum of radiation.

It's like if we imagine the flow of energy in the form of a white stream of light, which has 7 color spectra in its composition, which, when refracted, decay into a rainbow. In other words, depending on the angle of refraction, we will see any one color (spectral analysis of objects is based on this).

Today we will consider one of the reasons for such a “refraction”, which manifests itself in the vibration of fear and forms a “knot of fear” in a person.

How and when does the vibration of fear begin to sound in a person?

For some people, this happens even in the womb, if she is afraid to give birth, does not want to give birth, thinks about an abortion, etc.

Then the mechanism of formation of the node of fear is launched. In this case, the main link between mother and child is the umbilical cord - it is also the main energy center. It is in it that the block is localized. Agree, everyone knows the feeling of discomfort in the stomach at the moment when we are afraid of something? This is his manifestation.

The next stage is the moment of birth, when the child passes through the birth canal of the mother. When the fear factor, through pain, starts the phase of self-preservation and turns on the release of adrenaline into the blood, thereby including all the glands of the body. Pain-feeling and fear-emotion release a powerful flow of vital energy, at the same time, the main energy center of a person is "chipped", which is directly connected with the movement of a person's vital energy.

It should be noted here that the same center in the brain is responsible for pain and joy. It is no coincidence that both in pain and in joy we exclaim “oh!”. This also explains the fact that the facial expressions of crying and laughter are the same, from fear and from joy we begin to cry.

But, ideally, a child who was expected and desired and whose mother expected and was not afraid of pregnancy is born without a knot of fear, which ensures him a happy fate in the future. Since the mechanism of self-preservation is triggered under the influence of endorphins, as a result, the child does not experience any pain (something akin to anesthesia), and is born in a state of euphoria. For such children, the moment of birth is comparable to the highest pleasure.

By the way, babies born by caesarean partly bypass the vibration of the knot of fear, if it was, have a fairly high pain threshold and are quite fearless.

Life energy is the gold of life, which is collected by a person throughout the life of the soul, multiple reincarnations. This is her experience, which grows bit by bit, like a pearl, in her energy space. The density of this substance determines the strength of the personality and the severity of its abilities. As if you were put behind the wheel of a Mercedes or Oka - feel the difference.

Where is it stored?

Many have heard or read about the Kundalini energy. This concept is taken from yoga.

Yes, indeed, the energy of Kundalini - this is our stock of vital energy in question. It is "stored" in the area between the bladder and the coccyx in the 1st chakra (center), or otherwise called Muladhara (from the Slavs - Source). There is one of the most important centers - a node of nerve endings, the two largest lymph nodes. A sort of bosom of life, "nuclear reactor". In women, it is heated by the ovaries, in men by the prostate gland. That is why the work of this center is connected with the sexual sphere.

Where is it directed? Oddly enough, the direction of this energy goes down if a person is standing, thereby providing an exit (the release of processed energy). When a person lies, the withdrawal process slows down or redistributes. That is why the sick are put to bed. Let's just say, in order to reduce the consumption of this vital energy.

In general, the movement and distribution of this energy can be compared to a water tower. First, the energy is drawn into the energy channel along the spinal column, while we feel a surge of joy, euphoria and warmth in the spine.

Further, it “turns on” (warms up) the endocrine glands, which starts the process of movement and interaction of other types of energy, each drawn in by its center, along the main energy meridians to ensure the vital activity of the body. After that, it is excreted through 1 chakra, on the physical plane this place is near the anus

Vital energy, as I said earlier, is available to a person in a limited (acquired) amount, it looks like a coiled snail or spring, its vibration spectrum is red. It is evenly allocated as needed and consumed without being replenished.

Every time, like a pulsar, this energy feeds our body, while passing through the node of fear, it draws in this vibration, which distorts its main “sound”.

For example, the desire to have material or other benefits will give rise to envy, love will turn into jealousy, a vivid desire to be sincere will turn a person into a liar, etc.

If you are engaged in practices to raise this energy, hoping to pump the Muladhara center, then you are very mistaken. Having a knot of fear, at this moment you simply waste your life-giving spring. Unskillful or incorrect practice will disrupt the movement of the flow, which will give rise to negative consequences for health, destroy your energy protection.

Astral energies and essences of the subtle world feed on the gold of life. So choose practices consciously so as not to provoke the "opening of the restaurant" for the astral plane, it also causes the aging process to start, as the glands overheat unreasonably. For as the Kundalini moves upward, it fan-shaped "turns on" the endocrine glands.

What blocks life energy? Energy nodes on her way. And the most important block is the block at the exit - the knot of fear. Because of it, energy destroys the body like radiation. One of the manifestations of the knot of fear is constipation.

Whereas a flash of fear, on the contrary, generates the astral fire of Kundalini (such as a grenade explosion), which is expressed by diarrhea or sudden urination. She is looking for a way out and breaks other energy centers, in particular the 2nd chakra, which is located in the abdomen (tentatively in the navel).

The 2nd chakra works to draw in energy from our energy cocoon through the navel. But when the movement is disturbed, the Kundalini energy, colliding with the energy of the 2nd chakra, generates a swirl and a reversal of the movement of the energy flow of Svadhisthana - the energy center of the 2nd chakra.

What happens with this? If there was a reversal in the 2nd chakra, then the energy is not drawn in by this center, but, on the contrary, flows out of it. This causes disruption of the intestines, liver, pancreas, sexual problems. When the energies swirl, an umbilical hernia develops, hemorrhoids, and the stomach begins to grow.

What is it expressed in? On the energy plane, a person loses money, material well-being, business, luck. And most importantly, a person begins to be haunted by fear (for example, losing something or someone on a material plane: money, property, and also a loved one) and this fear is growing. Phobias develop.

Such a funnel becomes a channel for connecting energy entities and other energy parasites, which get "access" to the most important organs of human life support. Energy parasites provoke the emotional plan of a person. The person suddenly begins to suffer. A series of failures and problems both in business and in health begins.

For example, for no apparent reason, an uncontrolled outbreak of jealousy or aggression, anger, etc. occurs. Or a person begins to envy for no reason, loses determination, becomes lazy, etc. A person cannot calm down, become nervous, irritable, cannot cope with negative emotions. The further into the forest, the more firewood, as the Russian saying goes. Often, having calmed down, a person does not understand what made him so express himself and regrets what he did. People say about such a person, “how they changed him” or “he is not himself.”

You can take pills, go to a therapist or psychiatrist, remove damage, etc. But there will be no result. Rather, the negative situations of life and health problems after some time appear again and again, and even on the rise. This condition is also called panic attacks or depression. The knot of fear does not dissolve on its own.

It can be broken by changing your attitude to life, radically reviewing your habits, etc., which, you see, can sometimes be very, very difficult to do. Or, if viewed from an esoteric standpoint, this knot can be removed by certain techniques, provided that the cause that gave rise to it is identified.

There is a technique for breaking knots - rebirthing

You can try to make it yourself. This is a special form of breathing.

Attention! There are contraindications. If you have diseases: hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, vegetovascular dystonia, glaucoma, asthma, then in this case this technique is not suitable for you (only under the supervision of a specialist).

The technique is performed as follows: you need to put a clock in front of you. During the practice, neither drink nor eat. Performed in the morning or afternoon. In the evening or at night - do not recommend

Stage 1. Standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart, shoes off, eyes open. We begin to take a short and sharp breath-exhale through the nose, close the lips. (This is reminiscent of very rapid breathing). We do this without a break for 7 minutes, looking at the clock. Then a short pause (no more than 1 min.)

Stage 2. Sitting on a sofa or chair, back straight, eyes open, hands on knees, shoes off. We do another block of short breaths through the nose - another 7 minutes. You can help yourself with small “bouncing” of the body up and down. Then a short pause of no more than 1 minute.

Stage 3. Lying on your side on the couch. Legs can be slightly bent, hands put as comfortable. We do another intense block of short breaths through the nose for another 7 minutes.

At the end of the practice, sit down and restore breathing for as long as necessary.

During the practice and at the end, tears, a reaction of the nasal mucosa, coughing, dizziness, a state of fullness, pain in different parts of the body are possible. These are manifestations of broken knots and the release of stagnant energy.

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