Millionaire Mind - Win the Lottery - Luck OR Law of Attraction?

in knowledge •  3 years ago  (edited)

It is time to stop being so serious and have some fun with the universal Law of Attraction, also known as the Law of Belief.

In simple words, this Law states that "you get exactly what you believe", "it is done unto you as you believe", "be it done unto you according to your faith", "your deeply held beliefs are materializing your reality"."you materialize on all planes the subconscious beliefs held in your subconscious mind".

Let's see if we can share some light on this Law and winning the Lottery.

(1) Some state there is no such thing as LUCK. That is their BELIEF. These people have no luck at all.

(2) Others keep repeating this sentence preached by so many gurus and so called experts: "Luck is the intersection of preparation and opportunity". These are the ones who want to impress people with the HARD WORK they NEED to perform

in order to achieve their goals. They glorify working real hard, struggling against all odds, and all that NONSENSE. They just don't know any better. The idea of things being EASY and even FUN never crosses their minds. Their BELIEF is that they must work real hard for anything they achieve.


(3) Then, there are those who are just plain LUCKY. They keep winning in contests, bingo games, raffles. They always get parking spaces right in front of the places they want to go to. Happy events keep materializing in their lives without them really making any efforts whatsoever. People who know them keep commenting on how LUCKY they are. That reinforces their beliefs that they are LUCKY. And they keep getting LUCKIER by the day.

If you analyze those three examples, they all have ONE common factor: BELIEF.

The first group BELIEVES there is no such thing as LUCK. And that is exactly what they get: NO luck.

The second group BELIEVES that by preparing themselves opportunities will appear. They prepare themselves because they BELIEVE opportunities will appear to those who are ready and prepared. And these opportunities DO appear as they BELIEVE.

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