What is the Kolbrin Bible?

in kolbrin •  5 years ago 

"The “book” is virtually unknown to any mainstream organization or medium. No hard copy of the purported original has been presented or is known to exist."

"If you’ve even heard of the Kolbrin, you’re in a minority. It has been languishing quietly in print for just a couple of decades. The Kolbrin is a collection of eleven books, six Egyptian and five Celtic, first published in New Zealand in 1994 by the Hope Trust (now dissolved) and the Culdian Trust, a metaphysical organisation based loosely on the original ‘Culdees’ or Celtic followers of Christianity brought to south-west Britain by Joseph of Arimathea in the 1st century AD"

"The Kolbrin Bible comprises eleven books. The first six books are said to be scribed by Egyptian writers shortly after the Exodus, and is called the "Bronzebook". The last five books are collectively called "Coelbook" or "Kailedy" and are said be authored by Celtic priests written around the time that the New Testament was being created."

"The Kolbrin Bible, among many things, narrates the story of human creation and even mentions the existence of ancient cultures (Civilizations) that lived on Earth before the arrival of Adam and Eve. It is perhaps one of the most debated ancient texts that mention the existence of highly advanced ancient civilizations on Earth before ‘written history.’"

"If The Kolbrin Bible contains startling passages that describe the return of Planet X, the ‘elite’ would unquestionably want to keep this under wraps, whist at the same time start preparing - at whatever cost - to survive into another age.

According to the above verse, it appears a select few will survive.

Think about it. If a group of people possessed an 800 year-old document stating without doubt that a catastrophe would occur upon the return of a celestial object, then they would have the luxury to carefully plan out their survival by secretly building facilities such as: underground bunkers, gigantic ocean-liners and future command-posts.

The general public has a right to be informed of this, as well as the manuscript’s terrifying secret, so this writer painstakingly researched every passage in the Kolbrin Bible that speaks of the Destroyer or refers to it."

"A significant portion of The Kolbrin Bible is dedicated to the historic and future return of a cosmic cataclysm referred to simply as The Destroyer. The information and warnings concerning the nature of the Destroyer is not claimed to be inspired by God or by any other methods of prophesying. Instead, it is based on the factual history of a previous encounter that was known to the ancient authors of that time."

"The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the “Destroyer,” the Celts later called it the “Frightener.”"

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