Mereka Tidak Pernah Tau Sejarah Aceh Dan Mengapa ACEH Tak Pantas Bagi LGBT >They Never Know The History Of Aceh And Why ACEH Is Not Right For LGBT

in komikus •  7 years ago  (edited)


Perilaku seks menyimpang melalui gerakan lesbian, gay, biseksual, transgender (LGBT) kian marak. Berawal dari negara-negara barat yang menganut paham liberal dan sekular, virus LGBT kini merambah di Indonesia bahkan Aceh.

Sex behavior deviates through lesbian movement, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) increasingly prevalent. Starting from the liberal and secular western countries, the LGBT virus is now in Indonesia and even in Aceh.

Seharusnya mereka yang ingin mengkritik Indonesia atau Aceh secara umum mereka harus memahami betul sejarah ACEH dan paham yang di anut oleh masyarakat aceh.

Should those who want to criticize Indonesia or Aceh in general they must understand the true history of ACEH and understood that embraced by the aceh community.

Sedikit saya ceritakan mengapa ACEH tak pantas bagi para kaum LGBT, orang Aceh memang dikenal kental dengan agama Islam. Islam dan Aceh seolah dua hal yang tak terpisahkan. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, masyarakat Aceh sangat memegang teguh norma-norma agamanya. Ini pula yang menyebabkan Belanda sangat sulit menaklukan Aceh. Sebab, saat berperang orang Aceh bukan sekadar berjuang membebaskan daerahnya dari para penjajah.

I tell you a bit about why ACEH is inappropriate for LGBT people, Acehnese are well-known with Islam. Islam and Aceh seem to be two inseparable things. In everyday life, the people of Aceh strongly uphold the norms of his religion. This also makes the Dutch very difficult to conquer Aceh. Because, while fighting the people of Aceh is not just fighting to free the area from the invaders.

Tapi bagi mereka, perjuangan tersebut adalah sebuah jihad fisabillillah. Sehingga semangat mereka berperang pun bertubi-tubi. Mereka rela mati dari pada takluk di tangan penjajah.

But for them, the struggle is a jihad fisabillillah. So their fighting spirit was insistent. They were willing to die rather than be subjected to the invaders.

Meskipun ada orang Aceh yang tak begitu taat dalam agama. Tapi jika Islam atau pemahamannya diusik, ia akan marah besar. Fanatisme dalam agama ini telah mendarah daging turun temurun dalam diri masyarakat Aceh.

Although there are people of Aceh who are not so devout in religion. But if Islam or his understanding is harassed, he will be furious. Fanatism in this religion has been ingrained in the Acehnese society.

Yang perlu anda garis bawahi dalam postingan sederhana ini adalah, lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT) jelas telah melanggar norma-norma agama islam, dan tak pantas untuk berkembang di Aceh atau Indonesia sekali pun. Serta jangan samakan Aceh maupun Indonesia dengan negara-negara barat yang menganut paham liberal dan sekular.

What you need to underline in this simple post is that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) clearly violate Islamic religious norms, and it is not appropriate to develop in Aceh or Indonesia. And do not equate Aceh and Indonesia with western countries that embrace the liberal and secular.


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