Baratayuda is a term used in Indonesia to mention the great war at Kurukshetra between Pandavas against the family of Krishna. This war is the climax of the story of the Mahabharata, a famous epic poem of India.

The term comes from the word Bhāratayuddha Baratayuda, that is the title of a manuscript kakawin Old Javanese language, written in 1157 by mpu Sedah on orders Jayabhaya Maharaja, the king of Kediri.

Bhāratayuddha Kakawin story later adapted into the new Java language with the title of Fiber Bratayuda by poet Kasunanan Yasadipura I in Surakarta era.

Because of War

In Yogyakarta, the story is rewritten with the title Baratayuda Purwakandha fibers in the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono V. Writing begins on October 29, 1847 until July 30, 1848.

Similar to the original version, ie version of the Mahabharata, the war was the culmination Baratayuda disputes between families headed by Puntadewa Pandava (or Yudhisthira) against their cousins, namely the Krishna, led by Duryudana.

But mention the war Baratayuda puppet version of events that have been defined as events by the gods. That said, before the Pandavas and Krishna was born, this war has been set to happen. In addition, Padang Kurusetra as battlefield by puppets instead located in India, but are in Java. In other words, the story of Mahabharata is traditionally considered to occur on the island of Java, Java.
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