우울한 금요일인가요? What da happenin'?

in kr-coin •  7 years ago 

점심 사진을 올려야 되는데. 제 지갑을 열어 보다가 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 다들 엄청나게 내려갔네요. 그래도 스팀은 선방 중이네요. 존버해야 겠습니다.2018-02-02-12-08-55.jpg2018-02-02-12-08-34.jpg2018-02-02-12-08-00.jpg2018-02-02-12-07-41.jpg2018-02-02-12-07-27.jpg

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저도 보고 깜짝 놀랫네요..
좀 더 기다려봐야죠.ㅠㅎ

당분간은 호재가 잘 없다는 어느분의 분석글을 본적이 있습니다. 저는 관망중이지만.... 언젠가는 호재로 반등의 여지가 있을꺼 같아요.... 성투하시길 바랍니다.


From my understanding its just this time where everything takes a dip. You can look at the last years and its always the same. It will go back up soon

Just got shocked that's all, it will go up definately how are you doing mate?

Good thanks mate, busy with work and life. Im hoping to kick it into gear at the start of next week. At the moment when I have time I just randomly post hahaha. How are you? You going to come to the next meetup?

When is next meet up dude?