in kr-writing •  8 years ago 

A writer is someone who writes as a profession and enjoys writing. This writing could be books or articles, specific text or documents. A successful writer is a writer with record of significant achievement especially wealth, fame and power. Writing dates back to Egypt which was the world learning centre. In a bid to communicate to people not present and to put down information, ideas, teachings that one needed to remember writing came into existence. A writer will always study the things happening around him/her, an ardent observer who pays attention to those details missed by others. He will communicate his ideas and observation for others to read and see it through his/her lens. These ranged from story telling, creative writing, educational writing to writing a report about an incidence or event. In times past, writers were highly respected individuals who through their writing shaped their societies and the world at large. Writing was done because the writer had a purpose which could be to pass an information, correct a misconception, reiterate an event occurrence and spur the enthusiasm and passion of budding writers.
Writers through their writings which could be articles, presented their write-ups as a mirror by which we could take a glance to see ourselves, behaviour and conduct. A successful writer had the interest of his reader at heart and tried to satisfy that interest. These interest ranged from sport, fashion, entertainment, politics, education which is tenable in today's society. He/she would have the attention of his/her readers from the opening page, sustains that attention to the end and make the reader yearn for more write-ups. These writers were not only successful in their profession but also made successful readers who turn out to become successful leaders. The principles of writing was followed to the later.
Time, events, societal laws have so much influence on writers today that it becomes difficult to distinguish a successful writer from a non successful writer. Nowadays, writers are said to be successful if they churn out so much money through the sales of their write-ups. These write-ups may not be in rich in content but their ability to get professional marketers who preach the gospel of their write-ups to convince the general public places them in the league of successful writer. Little wonder that the reading skills and abilities declines drastically in the modern society. Readers these days read with a purpose in mind which is not far fetched from what was obtainable decades ago and these purpose could be to pass an exam, keep themselves busy while waiting for a friend or to keep from getting bored. Their minds may not be to learn or assimilate these books but to pass time and the effect is seen in poor reading culture. A writer that is successful nowadays is often seen authoring book branded as best seller and most writers has books with these labels even when it is not justifiable. A successful should have a great command of english and good sentence construction with logical arrangement. These write-up must edify the reader to be classified as a good write up.

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