Apartment Gardening in Korea

in kr •  7 years ago  (edited)

Let's Take a Walk Through This Apt. Garden

This apartment complex has a garden area right out in front.
Would you join me and take a look at what there is in the Korean garden?


Let’s see what we have...

In the Garden.jpg

There are all sorts of greens here in the garden!
lettuce (상추)
perilla leaves (깻잎)
green onions (파)
iceberg lettuce (아이스버그 레터스)
parsley (파슬리)


There is also a little strawberry patch (딸기밭) with strawberries trying to grow; however, there are not ripe yet.


I wonder if they will be able to turn plump and red before the bugs or birds eat them....

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If you are living in a city, it feels heaven to have a garden to go to and to unwind a bit from the busy city.,

Yes, you are right. Living in the city is not very easy because I grew up in the countryside. I was lucky in finding this nice garden to take a relaxing rest.

아파트 조경에 굉장히 신경을 잘썼군요..
그리고 아파트안에 정원이나 농작물 기를 수 있는 곳도 있고 좋습니다.

신축이다보니 그런가봐요.

딸기가 인상적이네요. 저게 빨갛게 익을때까지 남아있으려나..

What a beautiful garden. Thank you so much for sharing. I love to see how other cultures do things.

Yes. In Korea, there isn't a lot of space like there is in the States. So, apartments sometimes have a little garden that the residents can use to grow things. People even grow things on the roof of their house due to lack of space! How unthinkable in America!

Yes most in the west wouldn't think about growing gardens on their houses. There is way too much space here even in the cities. Very cleaver for those over there. An excellent way to use all the available space.