RE: 바나나를 오래오래 보관하는 법/How to Keep Bananas Long

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바나나를 오래오래 보관하는 법/How to Keep Bananas Long

in kr •  8 years ago 

My friend, a kind reminder here.
#cn tag is stand for chinese.
However, no chinese was detected in this article.
Please use wisely for your tag,thank you.

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Is cn tag only for Chinese Language?
Can't it be for Chinese People?
I think Chinese People can understand simple English sentences like "how to keep bananas long" or "after 4 days" as well as simple pics.
I just wanted to share this useful info with many people. That's why I added 'cn tag' and I don't think using cn tag here is unwise.
Everyone has a right to use any tag in reasonable boundaries here.
And Saying "use wisely" is not kind because it means "You were not wise this time".