저번 포스팅의 테스트 정답을 먼저 보시고 시작하겠습니다.
이전 단어 포스팅
- e 2) c 3) a 4) d 5) b
- a 2) e 3) c 4) b 5) d
- F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) T 6) F 7) F 8) T 9) T 10) T
- T 12) F 13) F
- orthodontist 2) neuralgia 3) orthopedics 4) psychiatry 5) neuritis 6) neurosis
- psychotic 8) cardiac 9) geriatrics 10) cardiograph 11) cardiogram
자 그럼 이번 포스팅에서 어원 공부를 좀더 해 봅시다.
-internus (안쪽)
Internist – internus (안쪽) + ist(하는사람) -> 내과 전문의
Intern – internus(안쪽) -> 수련의
Gynecology – gyne(여성) + logos(학문) -> 부인과 의학
Gynecological -> 부인과의
Gynecologist -> 부인과 의사
-obstetrix(산파 혹은 동사로 서다)
Obstetrics – obstetrix(산파로 서다) -> 산파학
Obstetric – 산파학의
Obstetrician – obstetrix(산파) + -ician(전문가) -> 산파전문의
Obstetrical – 산파학의
Pediatrics – paidos(어린아이) + iatrea(병원적 치료) -> 소아과
Pediatrician -> 소아과 의사
Pediatric -> 소아과의
Pedagogy – paidos(어린아이) + agogos(인도) -> 어린아이들을 인도 즉 교육학
Pedagogical – 교육학의
Pedagogue – 교육학에 정통한 사람 (경멸의 뜻)
Demagogue – dema(민중) + gogos(이끌다) -> 선동 정치가
Demagoguery – 선동
Demagogic – 선동적인
Dermatology – derma(피부) + logos(학문) -> 피부과
Dermatologist – 피부과 의사
Dermatological – 피부과의
Hypodermic – hypo(아래) + derma(피부) -> 피하아래의 주사
Epidermis – epi(위에) + derma(피부) -> 표피
Taxidermy – taxis(조직) + derma(피부) -> 박제
Taxidermist – 박제 제작자
Pachyderm – pachy(두꺼운) derm(피부) -> 후피동물(피부가 두꺼운 동물)
Dermatitis – derma(피부) + -it is(염증) -> 피부염
Pedestal – pedis(발) + stello(발) -> 발을 지지하는 발판 즉 받침대
Pedal – pedis(발) -> 발판
Pedestrian – pedis(발) + -an(사람) -> 발을 이용해서 걷는 사람 즉 보행자
Ophthalmology – ophthalmos(눈) + logos(학문) -> 안과학
Ophthalmologist – 안과의사
Ophthalmological – 안과의사의
Oculist – oculus(눈) + -ist(전문가) – oculist
Ocular – 눈의
Monocle – mono(하나) + oculus(눈) -> 외알안경
Binoculars – bi(둘) + oculus(눈) -> 쌍안경
Inoculate – in(안) + oculus(눈) -> 안에 눈을 만들다. 접종하다.
-opsis, optikos(눈)
Optics – opsis(눈) + -ics(ikos) 관련된 -> 광학
Optometry – opsis(눈) + metron(측정) -> 시력검사
Optometrical – 검안사의
Optical – 광학의
Optometrist – 검안사
Optician – 안경사
1. 다음 단어와 연관되는 내용을 보기에서 고르세요
a. principles of teaching
b. stuffing of skins of animals
c. specialty dealing with the delivery of newborn infants
d. stirring up discontent among the masses
e. treatment of skin diseases
f. specialty dealing with women’s diseases
g. specialty dealing with the treatment of children.
- gynecology
- obstetrics
- pediatrics
- pedagogy
- demagoguery
- dermatology
- taxidermy
2. 다음 단어와 연관된 내용을 보기에서 고르세요
a. elephant
b. eye doctor
c. under the skin
d. one who measures vision
e. lens grinder
f. outer layer of skin
g. inflammation of the skin
- hypodermic
- epidermis
- pachyderm
- dermatitis
- ophthalmologist
- optometrist
- optician
3. 다음 질문을 듣고 yes/no로 대답하세요
- Does a treatise on obstetrics deal with childbirth?
- Does gynecology deal with the female reproductive organs?
- Is pediatrics concerned with the diseases of old age?
- Does pedagogy refer to teaching?
- Is a pedagogue an expert teacher?
- Is a demagogue interested in the welfare of the people?
- Is a lion a pachyderm?
- Is the epidermis one of the layers of the skin?
- Is dermatitis an inflammation of one of the limbs?
- is a taxidermist a medical practitioner?
- Is an ophthalmologist a medical doctor?
- Is an optometrist a doctor?
- Does an optician prescribe glasses?
4. 다음 설명을 보고 생각나는 단어를 쓰세요
- specialty of child delivery O______________________
- outer layer of skin E_______________________
- principles of teaching P_______________________
- thick-skinned animal P_______________________
- skin inflammation D_______________________
- one who foments political discontent D_______________________
- one who sells optical equipment O_______________________
- medical graduate serving his apprenticeship I________________________
- treatment of childhood diseases P_______________________
- practice of stirring up political dissatisfaction for purely personal gain
D_______________________ - one who stuffs the skins of animals T________________________
- another title for ophthalmologist O________________________
- treatment of female ailments G________________________
- medical specialty relating to diseases of the eye O________________________
- one-lens eyeglass M________________________
- pertaining to the eye O________________________
- one who measures vision O________________________