장애는 나를 막을 수 없다 / My disability does not stop me.

in kr •  8 years ago  (edited)

제목 그대로 였습니다. 

오늘 오전 제25회 서울국제휠체어마라톤 대회가 있었습니다. 

아들이 번역 자원봉사로 행사에 나가게 되어 저 또한 아들과 함께 자전거로 따라 나섰습니다. 

It was just the title.

Today was the 25th Seoul International Wheelchair Marathon.

My son went out to volunteer translation service for foreigners and I followed up with my son on bicycle.

참여하는 행사에 별다른 의미를 두지 않고 그저 따라 나섰던지라 

기대도 없었고 의미도 두지 않았었습니다. 

I did not mean anything and just followed it.

I had no expectations and no meaning.

그러나 행사장에서 자신의 장애를 극복하며 온 힘을 다해 

휠체어마라톤을 완주하는 분들의 모습에 감동했습니다. 

But at the event, I overcome my obstacles and do my best

I was impressed by the people who complete the wheelchair marathon.

비록 행사의 참여인원은 초라했지만 

그들의 모습은 그 어느 멋진 프로선수 보다 멋있었습니다. 

Although the number of attendees at the event was small

Their appearance was cooler than any other great professional player.

순위에 연연하지 않고 끝까지 최선을 다했던 

오늘의 그들에게 큰 박수를 보내고 싶었습니다. 

I wanted to give a big applause to today's people who did their best to the end rather than stick to their rankings.

그들의 장애는 결코 그들의 의지를 막을 수 없을거라 생각합니다. 

I think their disability will never stop their will.

아들의 사진을 한 장도 찍지 못했네요

아마도 저 어딘가에서 번역봉사를 하고 있었을 겁니다. 

아들에게도 오늘 봉사하느라 수고했다는 말을 전하고 싶네요.

I did not even take a picture of my son.

Maybe he was translating from somewhere.

I would like to say to my son that I did my best to serve today.

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very inspiring sotries..followed upvoted

Thank you @iamkunaning nim.
You've seen my posting well.
And besides, I am getting to force you to follow me. ^^

no prob..anyways your post are very inspiring for us others..to thank the lord for evertyhing we have..thanks

same here , true inspiration , breath taking , AMAZING , these people really deserve oscar not for acting like the actors that lie on tv and cinema to get paid , they deserve an oscar for been such an inspiration for the HUMAN RACE AS A WHOLE , teaching others that no matter what if you putt you mind to something you will achieve it PERIOD POINT BLANK

Thank you @ road2success nim.
Yes I also think like you.
They were true heroes.
It was enough for Oscar.
I respect them.

wow , what a talent! I greatly admire these people these kind of people. They need to be rewarded! What a talent! ;-)) Thank you for sharing @sochul

@fernwehninja nim thanks for your comment.
I pay homage to them.
They are people who challenge and accomplish.
So I think I should also learn from them.

I agree with you @sochul, people should learn from them , the never-give-up attitude :-D
Whenever I saw disabled people who works hard , I usually give small token or reward , because it's not easy inspite of their problem . Big respect for the! ;-))

@fernwehninja nim ^^
You are a really good person.
I think that people who ignore people with disabilities are not personally personable.
We can be disabled to any degree.
The person who can share their pain is a real person.

I greatly appreciate your kindness @sochul. I can sense you do have a lovely heart ;-)
I agree with you, people discriminate others , we are just human and we are not perfect. The world could be a better place if a lot of people are like you . Sharing, caring, loving and giving without asking anything in return . ;-))

Amazing determination to push through any disability and succeed to the top. Great event @sochul.

@sandstorm nim thanks.
Yes, I respect them.
Today they were true heroes to me.

Yes, I know what you mean @sochul, true heroes indeed :)

Great post @sochul .

@reenamathew nim thanks for your comment.
Today, I got strength from them.

You are welcome.

감동입니다. 멋진 사진 감사합니다.

@cnstlf60 님 감사합니다.
저의 포스팅을 감동으로 받아들여 주시니 제가 감사드립니다.
그러나 오늘 제가 본 그들은 진정한 영웅같은 모습이었습니다.

It is amazing that your son volunteered to work at this event! You should be very proud. You raised a very good son.

The pictures are excellent. Your words are very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this!!!

@hanshotfirst nim!
Thank you for giving me my posting.
Today I am very proud of my son's service.
Also, it was best to see them who overcame their obstacles today and marathoned.

I am a teacher of children with disabilities. I am lucky that I get to see people overcoming their obstacles every day. I love the Special Olympics! I am so glad you shared this inspirational post!

Oh, you did.
You are doing a great job.
I'm really respectful.
I just participated in the ceremony and I saw these wonderful people and put them in pictures.

No limitations to success,thanks for this.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@oluwoleolaide nim very grateful to have commented on my article.
You are right.
Constraints of the body are not an essential element for us to go to success.
It is the spirit that matters.
I have seen such a spirit in them today.

Very much true

This is really inspiring @sochul! Really nice pictures. All of them are winners. You and your son would be proud of each other to have witnessed it first hand. Great share!

@isteemit nim
Thank you for your wonderful comment on my article.
Through this event, I and my son could learn a lot.
It was their spirit.