The Kundali Bhagya actress shared pictures in a polka-dotted little black dress. Shraddha Arya's bold look left many gasping for breath.
New Delhi: Television's famous face Shraddha Arya, who is known for playing Preeta in Ekta Kapoor's daily soap 'Kundali Bhagya' by Balaji Telefilms stunned her fans recently. The pretty face ditched her desi avatar to go all glam!
The Kundali Bhagya actress shared pictures in a polka-dotted little black dress. Shraddha Arya's bold look left many gasping for breath. Many of her TV celeb friends such as Anita Hassanandani, Sara Khan, Abhishek Kapur, and others dropped comments too. Take a look at her glamourous pictures: